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Acecombat BBS / AC5台詞

MISSION 06 白い鳥I Part2

前スレッド No.61
20 MAGNUM 2006/02/11 Sat 16:18:19
Osean G: 同士討ちは避けろよ。
Osean G: 宙吊りとは敵ながら同情するな。
Osean G: こっちに落ちてくるぞ!退避! They're descending over here! Retreat!
Osean G: 地上に辿り着く前に破壊しろ。 Destroy them before they hit the ground.
Osean G: 機銃程度じゃ威力が足りない。 These machine guns don't even make a dent on those tanks.
Osean G: 車体の下は装甲が薄いぞ。
Osean G: SSTOは無事か?
Osean G: どんどん降りてくる!
Osean G: 見てないでさっさと撃て! Well don't just stand there, start shooting!
┌Osean G: 敵戦車、多数降下中。 Enemy tanks parachuting down in large numbers.
└Osean G: まさか、ここを占領するつもりなのか? You're kidding--they're trying to capture this place?
┌Osean G: くそ、降下作戦だと? Damn, I can't believe they're doing an air drop.
└Osean G: 俺達だけで防げるのか?
┌Osean G: 輸送機から戦車が投下されている。
└Osean G: 地上に辿り着かれるとやっかいだ。
┌Osean G: パラシュートだ。穴をあけるんだ。 Go for the parachutes. Shoot the parachutes!
└Osean G: やったぞ、当たった。 Yes! I got him.

Yuke G: 本当に無事降下出来るんだろうな?
Yuke G: 現在降下中。異常なし。 Now descending. All systems go.
Yuke G: ひどい衝撃だ。 That was a nasty shock wave.
Yuke G: 8号車が直撃を食らって爆発した! Number 8 just took a direct hit and exploded!
┌Yuke G: ミサイルがこっちに来る!
└Yuke G: 当たるなよ。 無事に降下させてくれよ。
┌Yuke G: 戦車砲で敵機を撃つのか? What are we supposed to do, shoot at planes with our cannons?
└Yuke G: 空中では丸腰だ。 祈るしかないな。 We're defenseless in the air. Guess we better start praying.
┌Yuke G: くそ、下からも撃ってきたぞ。 Dammit, we're caught in a crossfire. They're firing at us from below, too.
└Yuke G: 人用のパラシュートはあるんだろうな? We do have parachutes for our tank crews, right?
┌Yuke G: おい、敵機がいるぞ! Hey, those are enemy planes!
├Yuke G: このままでは格好の的じゃないか。 We're sitting ducks here!
└Yuke G: 護衛機に任せるしかないだろう。 We'll just have to rely on our escort fighters.
┌Yuke G: 12号車が落下していく! Number 12's parachute was shot away! It's in free fall!
├Yuke G: いつまで射的をやらせておくつもりだ! We need some help here! How much longer are you gonna let 'em play target practice with us?!
└Yuke G: 冗談じゃない。 本当に鉄の棺桶になるぞ! This isn't funny! These tanks are gonna turn into our coffins soon!

Yuke Squadron: Don't let them get the airborne forces!
Yuke Squadron: Don't allow the enemy near our force.
Yuke Squadron: You want me to dive into all that enemy fire?
Yuke Squadron: Are those our guys running on the ground?
Yuke Squadron: The tanks don't have any air defense weapons.
Yuke Squadron: Support the ground forces while they break through.
Yuke Squadron: 戦車部隊が攻撃を受けている! The tank force is under attack!
┌Yuke Squadron: Dammit, we lost another one!
└Yuke Squadron: There's too many! We can't protect them all!
┌Yuke Squadron: Where's our air support?!
└Yuke Squadron: Support the ground forces while they break through.
21 MAGNUM 2006/02/11 Sat 16:23:33
Space Center Staff: 味方機へ、近づく戦車を 片っ端から攻撃してくれ! Attention allied planes! Destroy all approaching enemy tanks!
Space Center Staff: 上空にも敵機多数! こっちに来るぞ! Multiple enemy aircraft overhead! They're coming this way!
Space Center Staff: 打ち上げ再開の要請が各班より来ています! We're getting requests from every team to restart the launch!
Space Center Staff: 火炎瓶を投げろ! Throw the Molotov cocktails!
Space Center Staff: 撃ってきたぞ! ここが狙われてる!
Space Center Staff: トレーラーをバリケードにするんだ! Use the trailers to form a barricade!
Space Center Staff: ここからも戦車が見えるくらい 近づいてきている! The tanks are getting close! I can see them from here!
Space Center Staff: 命中!被害を報告しろ! Direct hit! Damage report!
Space Center Staff: あんなに敵が襲ってきたら 打ち上げもあったもんじゃない。 He's right, it'd be crazy to try to launch in the middle of all that enemy fire.
Space Center Staff: ここは俺たちだけで十分だ。 お前らは脱出しろ! We can handle this. Rest of you, get out of here now!
Space Center Staff: 目標はここだ!早く離れろ! They're targeting us! Go on, get outta here!
Space Center Staff: 打ち上げ再開をもう一度 上と掛け合ってみる。 I'll try one more time to convince the higher-ups to launch.
┌Space Center Staff: ここまで来て秒読み中止だと? They're halting the countdown after all this?
└Space Center Staff: これじゃ今までの苦労が水の泡だ。 All that hard work, just down the drain!
┌Space Center Staff: 班長、自分は納得行きません! 打ち上げ再開を要請します! Chief, this is unacceptable! Please, restart the countdown!
└Space Center Staff: 防空指揮所からのお達しだ。 覆すことは出来ん。 I'm on orders from our air defense commander. We have to comply.