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前スレッド No.53
33 MAGNUM 2005/07/26 Tue 23:24:50

Local Newscaster: セルゲイ・コスロフ、 こちらは共同放送です。 This is Sergei Koslov, reporting for Community Broadcast News.


Friend Osean Squadron: 攻撃は奴任せだ。 こっちは支援に回る。 Leave the attack to them. We'll concentrate on support roles.
Friend Osean Squadron: 男一人で飛ぶには 勿体無い夜景だと思わないか? It's a shame we can't share this night view with someone special.
Friend Yuke Squadron: あいつらに頼りっぱなしな気がするよ。 I feel like we've been relying on them all through this war.
Friend Yuke Squadron: あの飛び方見れば生きていたのも頷ける。 Seeing the way they fly, I can see how they've survived this long.
Friend Osean G: 戦争はもうご免だ。 軍人の言うことじゃないがな! I know soldiers aren't supposed to say this, but I am sick of fighting!
Friend Yuke G: 最後に見たときは3機だったぞ、 今は4機いる! There were three planes the last time I saw them. Now there's four!
┌Friend Osean Squadron: 引き金を間違って引かないでくれよ。 Don't be too trigger-happy, okay?
└Friend Yuke Squadron: 分かってる、でも念の為に あまり前は飛ばないでくれ。 I know. But try not to fly out in front of me, just to be safe.
┌Friend Osean Squadron: やったぞ、一機撃墜だ! All right, one down!
└Friend Yuke Squadron: そっちの援護あっての戦果だ、 共同撃墜だよ。 Couldn't do it without your support. Call it a team effort.
┌Friend Osean Squadron: 大丈夫か?後ろの奴は追い払ったぞ。 Are you all right? I drove off the bandit at your 6.
└Friend Yuke Squadron: 助かった!有難う、兄弟! You saved my neck! Thanks, brother!
┌Friend Osean Squadron: 隊形はどうする?お互いバラバラだ。 What formation should we fly? We're all over the sky.
└Friend Yuke Squadron: しばらく飛んで馴染んだら決めよう。 Let's get used to flying with each other first before we decide.
┌Friend Osean G: 熱源反応あり。方位040、距離400。 Heat source detected. Bearing 040, range 400.
└Friend Osean G: 待て!それは「戦友」だ。射撃中止! Wait! That's a friendly. Hold your fire!
┌Friend Osean G: やるじゃないか。 敵じゃなくて助かったぜ! Hey, you're good. I'm glad we're on the same side!
└Friend Yuke G: こちらこそ。味方が増えて 心強いかぎりだ。 So am I. I feel a lot better with more allies around.

Hamilton: ラーズグリーズ!ウォードッグ! お前たちのせいなのだ! Razgriz! Wardog! This is all your fault!
Hamilton: 逃がすな!彼らを! どこまでも追え! Don't let them escape! Chase them to the ends of the earth!
Hamilton: 我に続け!亡霊どもを 地獄に追い返せ! Follow me! Drive those ghosts back to hell!
Hamilton: 追い詰めろ!二度と 我々を愚弄させるな! Run them down! Don't let them deceive us again!
┌Hamilton: 災禍の元を断て! そして最終兵器を手に入れろ! Destroy the source of this disaster, and take control of the ultimate weapon!
└Hamilton: 核の力は、この下らぬ戦争から わが国を救い出す最後の手段なのだ! This nuke is the only way to save our homeland from this pointless war!

┌Hamilton: ここで何をしている、 ウォードッグ?裏切り者! What are you doing here, Wardog? You traitors!
└Grimm: チョッパー大尉が言っていた。 「隊長なら最後まで信じていい」と。 Captain Chopper said that we can trust our lead no matter what happens.

34 まばろはーれい 2005/09/01 Thu 20:21:55
   Nagase:あと8マイル。 8 miles to go.
   Nagase:駄目!破壊に失敗してしまった! No! You didn't destroy it!
Grimm:速い!速すぎるよ! It's too fast! We're going too fast!
Snow:落ち着いて一つ一つかわせ。 Calm down and dodge the obstacles one at a time.
   >町を行く兵士たちは口々に「ラーズグリーズ」と唱和しています 。
35 黄色の26 2005/10/07 Fri 20:11:27
This is probably the last time this ship launches an aircraft. So, go ahaed and pick the best plane we've got in here.
Pick out any plane you want. We'll catapult you into the sky. We're gonna get you up there no matter what. All right?
36 黄色の26 2005/10/09 Sun 21:02:58
訂正させてください○| ̄|_
Pick out any plane you want. We'll catapult you into the sky. We're gonna get you up there no matter what. All right?

Pick out a plane you want. We'll catapult you into the sky. We're gonna get you up there no matter what. All right?
37 黄色の26 2005/10/19 Wed 14:48:09
【ブリーフィング】訂正させてください○| ̄|_
The president of Grunder has sworned a league into Osea

The president of Grunder has sworn allegiance to Osea