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MISSION 01 極西の飛行隊 Part 2

前スレッド No.49
26 MAGNUM 2005/06/13 Mon 13:33:36

Bartlett: 喋ってねえで降りかかる火の粉を払え。 Shut your mouth and fire back!
AWACS Thunderhead: こちらサンダーヘッド。 バートレット大尉、それは命令違反だ! Captain Bartlett, this is Thunderhead. You are violating direct orders!
Bartlett: 阿呆!これ以上部下を殺せねえんだよ。 Shove it! I'm not gonna watch any more of my pilots die!
Nagase: エッジ、交戦! Edge, engaging!
Bartlett: ブービー、全部墜とすぞ! We're gonna shoot them all down, Booby.
Chopper: 戦果ってあげていいのか? やっちゃうぞ、オレ。 You mind if I grab this kill? I will, you know.
Bartlett: やってみな。 Go ahead.
AWACS Thunderhead: 命令あるまで発砲は禁ずる! Wardog Squadron, weapons safe! Hold your fire until further orders!
Nagase: 応戦します。 Turning to engage bandits.
Chopper: ヒューッ。 Whew!

Bartlett: 逃がすな、良く狙え! Don't let him get away. Aim straight!
AWACS Thunderhead: 射撃中止! Hold your fire.
Chopper: 思い残すことがあるとすれば… My only regret...
Chopper: 俺はもっとやさしい隊長の下で 飛びたかったよ。 is not being able to fly with a captain with a sunnier disposition.
AWACS Thunderhead: ウォードッグ、発砲は禁ずると命令した。 命令を守れ。 Wardog, I ordered weapons safe for all aircraft. Follow orders and hold your fire.

AWACS Thunderhead: 敵偵察機墜落! Enemy recon plane down!
Bartlett: 残念だな。力尽きたか。 Aww, what a shame. Too tired to party?
Chopper: うわっ!奴らますますムキになりやがった! Whoa! Those guys are really mad now!

AWACS Thunderhead: 全ての国籍不明機の撃墜を確認。 All unknown bogey aircraft destroyed.
Ask→Bartlett: こちら隊長機、 俺の声が聞こえるか? This is your captain. Can you hear my voice?
Yes→Bartlett: よし、全機よく聞こえる。 Good, looks like we can all hear each other.
No→Bartlett: ブービー、聞こえてるじゃねえか。 Hey, Booby, that means you can hear me!
Mute→Bartlett: ブービーどうした? Booby, what's wrong?
Bartlett: みんな生きてるな。 よーし、いい子ちゃんたちだ。 You all alive? All right. Nice work, nuggets.
Bartlett: 4番機、ちゃんとついて来てるか? よし、全員生還の今日の良き日の記念に、 今後、編隊内のどこにいてもお前のことは ブービーと呼ぶ。いいな。わかったな。 Wardog 4, you still following us? Well, to commemorate the fact that we all made it out of that battle alive, from now on, regardless of your position in the formation, we're gonna call you “Booby.” Got it? Good.
Chopper: やれやれだぜ。 Man, I swear...

27 通りすがりの名無しD 2005/10/02 Sun 14:21:50
28 じおぺりあ 2006/06/19 Mon 21:13:27
AWACS Thunderhead: 発砲は禁ずる。繰り返す。発砲は禁ずる。 Do not fire at the target. Repeat, do not fire at the target.
(時間の経過で必ず発生する固定台詞のようですので、【MISSION UPDATE】の項目内への移動をお願いします)

<Ask> Bartlett: ハートブレイク・ワンから各機へ。 異常ないか? Heartbreak One to all planes. Is everything functioning normally?
<Yes> Bartlett: よし。このままいくぞ。 Good. Let's go.
<No> Bartlett: もう一度、チェックしてみろ。 All right, perform another check.
<Mute> Bartlett: ブービー、応答しろ。 Booby, respond.

<Ask> Chopper: ブレイズ、こちらチョッパーだ。 ビビってんじゃねえぞ。大丈夫か? Blaze, this is Chopper. Don't be gettin' nervous now. You gonna be okay?
<Yes> Chopper: はいはい、分かったよ。 All right, all right. I hear ya.
<No> Chopper: いつもの訓練通りにいこうぜ。 Let's do it just like in training, all right?
<Mute> Chopper: 口を利く余裕もないか。 Too nervous to answer, huh?

<Ask> Bartlett: ブービー!飛び方考えろ。 Booby! Heads up over there. Watch your flying.
<Ask> AWACS Thunderhead: ブービーだか何だか知らんが、 こっちからは規定どおりブレイズと呼ぶ。 I don't know what this "Booby" thing is about, but I'm going to call you Blaze, according to regulations.
<Yes> AWACS Thunderhead: そうだ。規定には従ってもらう。 That's right. You will follow regulations.
<No> AWACS Thunder head: 駄目だ。例外は許可できん。 Negative. We can not allow any exceptions.
<Mute> AWACS Thunderhead: どうやら異論はないようだな。 I'll take that to mean you have no objections.

<Ask> Chopper: 隊長、こいつ大丈夫ですかねぇ? Captain, you think this guy's really going to be okay?
<Yes> Chopper: 俺は隊長に聞いてるんだ。 I'm asking the Captain.
<No> Chopper: 冗談のつもりだったんだが… マジか? Hey, I was just kidding...Are you serious?
<Mute> Bartlett: …ビビってるようだな。 ...I guess he's too scared to speak.

Bartlett: なんだ?編隊長を代わってやってもいいが、 今の行動には部下として不平を唱えるぞ。 What? Hey, maintain radio silence. Everybody wants to be a flight lead, but you gotta earn it.
Bartlett: ブービー、命令を下したいなら、 俺より出世してからもう一度来い。 Look, Booby. You can't start barking orders until you have the rank.

29 じおぺりあ 2006/06/19 Mon 21:19:27
Bartlett: そこは自分で何とかしろ。それ、やってみろ。 Take care of that one yourself. Come on, give it your best shot.

30 Tyr 2007/03/19 Mon 21:38:50 GEmw..mYY.gxLH
Bartlett: Watch your six.Remember the fundamentals and don't get too creative out there.
Bartlett: If you need help,ask for it sooner than later.
Bartlett: Good,good.Nicely done,Chopper.We're still in this.You might get another serving soon.
Bartlett: I'll show'em who's in command of this outfit.Just leave it to me.
Bartlett: Booby.Heads up over there.Watch your flying.
Bartlett: Don't get too cocky, or you're a dead man. Stick with me,I'll take care of you.
Bartlett: Nagase,Nagase.Didn't anyone ever teach you not to get strung out so far pursuing the enemy?
Bartlett: Looks like we can hold our own out here.You guys fly better than I thought.

Chopper: Gaaaaaaaaahhhh!!
Chopper: Whoa!Those guys are really mad now!
Chopper: Damn...Dogfighting sucks,man...
Chopper: My senses are all numb.I don't even have time to be afraid.
Chopper: What's he flying around here for?Trying to start a war or something?

Bartlett: Wardog 3,you're staggering around like a drunk.
Chopper: Dammit...

Chopper: I feel like I'm only one being in target.
Bartlett: You talk too much,that's why.You're the only one they hear.

Enemy Squadron: We're in enemy territory.Be careful.
Enemy Squadron: Flight of four fighters inbound.Eliminate them at once.
Enemy Squadron: You may fire at your own discretion.
Enemy Squadron: Turning to evade.
Enemy Squadron: Request clearance to engage.
31 Tyr 2007/03/19 Mon 21:42:47 GEmw..mYY.gxLH
Bartlett: That's another good shot.
Bartlett: Nice.I guess you're somewhat usuful after all.
Bartlett: Enemy kill confirmed.I gotta say,that was impressive.
Bartlett: Nice.
32 Tyr 2007/03/21 Wed 21:32:57 GEmw..mYY.gxLH
30のChopperの台詞でWhoa!・・・really mad now!は間違って書き加えていました。
33 Tyr 2007/03/21 Wed 21:53:12 GEmw..mYY.gxLH
Booby.Heads・・・your flying.のところもでした。訂正します。