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MISSION 11A 報復の連鎖 Part 2

前スレッド No.46
10 じおぺりあ 2005/02/21 Mon 20:19:46

Yuke Assault Force 思う存分やれ。倍にして返せ。 Fire at will. It’s payback time.
Yuke Assault Force あの中には民間人が…本当に、本当に良いんですか!? There are civilians in there…do we really have to do this?!
Yuke Assault Force ゲネディー、忘れるな!奴らに殺された人々を! Gennedy, don’t forget about the people they killed!
Airport Personnel 畜生!鬼畜ユークめ! Dammit! The Yuke pigs!

Nagase 憎しみは憎しみしか生まない。どんどん増幅してゆく。 Hatred only breeds more hatred. It all just feeds on itself.
<Ask> Nagase よほどの憎しみがなければここまでは出来ない。 Only a deep hatred could drive them to do something like this.
<Yes> Nagase ブレイズ、この作戦の根底にあるのは憎しみそのものよ。 Blaze, what lies at the root of this attack is hatred itself.
<No> Nagase 民間空港を襲ったって、軍事的な意味はないわ。これは…ただの報復だ。 There’s no military advantage in attacking a civilian airport. This is nothing more than retribution.
<Mute> (なし)

Airport PA お子様連れのお客様は手を離さないで! Parents, please stay with your children!
Airport PA 放送及び係員の誘導に従ってください! Please follow all announcements and verbal directions!
Airport Personnel 何が起こってるんだ!? What’s the hell is going on here?!
Airport Personnel デマが飛び始めている! Rumors are starting to spread!


Airport PA 押さないで下さい!大変危険です! Please do not crowd the exits! It is extremely dangerous!
Airport Personnel 非常口に乗客が詰めかけている! Passengers are stampeding for the emergency exits!
Airport Personnel 多すぎるぞ、乗客を分散させろ! There’s too many of them! Split everyone up!
Airport Personnel 人の波だ。とても制止出来ない! It’s a sea of people. I can’t control them!

Airport Personnel 畜生…もう手遅れだ…。 Dammit…We’re too late…
Airport Personnel 何でこの場所で起こるんだよ! Why did this have to happen here?!

Airport Personnel 終わりだ!何もかもおしまいだ! It’s over! It’s all over!
Grimm クールに行こうと思うんですが…駄目だな。 I thought I’d be able to keep my cool here, but…no way.

Airport Personnel 542便より管制塔へ!次の指示はまだなのか!? Flight 542 to control tower! Where’s our next instruction?!
Control Tower 残念だがまだだ。もう少し待ってくれ。 I’m sorry, not yet. Just hold on a little longer!

<単体、Airport Personnel>
Airport Personnel 焼け死ぬぞ!消火なんかや止めちまえ! Forget about putting out fires! You’ll be burned to death!
Airport Personnel 警備部隊は何やってんだ! Why isn’t the security team doing something?!

<単体、Airport PA>
Airport PA 業務連絡!スタッフは連絡を!放送室は… Attention all personnel! Get everyone outside! The PA room is…

Chopper 「泥試合」という言葉を辞書で引いてみろ。今のこの状況が出てくるはずだ。 Hey, you know what the word “quagmire” means? You’re lookin’ at it.

<単体、ABS 417>
ABS 417高度を下げすぎるな! Don’t lose too much altitude!
11 じおぺりあ 2005/02/21 Mon 20:20:26

Airport Personnel 航空支援で敵の勢いが弱まったぞ! The enemy’s faltering under our air support!
Airport Personnel 今の内に負傷者の収拾を行う! C’mon, let’s gather up the wounded while we can!


Airport Personnel また敵の飛行機が現れたぞ! Here come more enemy planes!
Airport Personnel よく見ろ!オーシア空軍だ! No, look! It’s the Osean Air Force!
Airport Personnel 助かった、これで大丈夫だよな? Thank goodness! We’re safe now, right?
Airport Personnel 上から支援されてるからって油断するなよ! We’ve got air support now, but don’t let your guard down!

Airport Personnel こっちから出る必要は無い。持ち場を維持しろ! We don’t need to leave here. Just maintain your current positions!
Airport Personnel 上から支援されてるからって油断するなよ! We’ve got air support now, but don’t let your guard down!

Airport Personnel 見ろ!味方機だぞ! Look! Those planes are on our side!
Airport Personnel 頼むぞ、やっつけてくれ! Come on, blow ‘em all away!

Airport Personnel リチャード、お前も早く退避しろ! Richard, you have to evacuate, too!
Airport personnel いや、俺は警備部隊に加勢してくる! No, I’m going to help the security team!

Airport Personnel まだ残ってるぞ、全部やっちまえ! There’s still some left! Take ‘em all down!
Airport Personnel 見とれてないで誘導を続けろ! Don’t just share at the sky, keep moving the crowd along!

<単体、Airport Personnel>
Airport Personnel 俺たちじゃないぞ、狙うのはあっちだからな! Don’t shoot at us, all right? Shoot over there!
Airport Personnel 警備の応援も間もなく駆けつけるはずだ! Backup security units should be coming your way soon!
Airport Personnel あいつらの戦車も一撃だぞ! They took out that tank in one hit!

<単体、Yuke Assault Force>
Yuke Assault Force 上から狙われては前進できない。 We can’t advance if we’re getting shot at from the air.
Yuke Assault Force 上だ、上を押さえておいてくれればいい! Just get control of the airspace above us!
Yuke Assault Force 暗くなれば敵の攻撃も弱まるはずだ。 The enemy’s attack should weaken once it gets darker.
Yuke Assault Force 敵の首都防空部隊だ。手強いぞ。 That’s the enemy’s capital air defense force. They’re pretty tough.
Yuke Assault Force 兵力が減少している。何とかしろ! We’re losing combat strength here. Do something!
Yuke Assault Force 散開して伏せろ! Spread out and take cover!
Yuke Assault Force 早く片付けろ。作戦に支障をきたすぞ。 Hurry up to get rid of them. They’ll jeopardize our operation.
Yuke Assault Force 対空車両は何をしている! What happened to our mobile AAA?!


Capital Air Command 敵部隊の壊滅をこちらで確認。空港管制塔、そちらの様子はどうだ? Enemy forces annihilated. Airport control tower, what do you say?
Control Tower こちらでも確認している。 Affirmative. Enemy defeat confirmed.
Control Tower …おたくらの腕っこきに感謝すると伝えてくれ。 Give our thanks to your aces up there.
Capital Air Command …了解。作戦を終了する。 Roger. Operation complete.
12 じおぺりあ 2005/02/21 Mon 20:21:12

Control Tower 空港の被害がでかすぎる!空軍は何をやってんだ! The airport’s taken too much damage! What’s the matter with the Air Force?!
Capital Air Command 空港への被害寛大、一旦作戦を中止する。 Severe damage to airport. Operation aborted.


The enemy forces tried that tried to capture Apito International Airport have been destroyed.
Hopefully, we’ll find out how they managed to import into the airport, after we’ll complete it on the investigation.
Additionally, the effects of chemical attack on a college town of Bana are currently subsided, thanks to the neutralizing agent was spread.
The group that carried out the chemical attack are about confirmed Yuktobanian special forces commando unit.
They were planning to link up with the main forces of the airport, but they aborted their plan and split away on hearing of the main force was defeated.
The Yuktobanians had fired our soil. Worse, they tried to destroy a civilian airport. We’ve got to defeat them no matter the cost.
We’ll resend you back to the frontline in the Yuktobanian mainland.
If you all really are innocent, and I hope you can prove them out of there battlefield.

13 じおぺりあ 2005/02/21 Mon 20:26:57

14 じおぺりあ 2005/02/22 Tue 19:14:08

Control Tower 輸送機から戦車が!発砲している!敵だ!空港内に敵軍がいる! Tanks coming out of transport planes! They’re firing! It’s the enemy! Enemy forces inside the airport!

誤 The enemy forces tried that tried to capture Apito International Airport have been destroyed.
正 The enemy forces that tried to capture Apito International Airport have been destroyed.

誤 I hope you can prove them out of there battlefield.
正 I hope you can prove it out on the battlefield.
15 黄色の26 2005/05/09 Mon 23:39:42


The enemy forces that tried to capture Apito International Airport have been destroyed.Hopefully, we'll find out how they managed to infiltrate the airport, after we complete our investigation. Additionally, the effects of chemical attack on a college town of Bana are currently subsided thanks to the neutralizing agent that was spread. The group that carried out the chemical attack are all but confirmed Yuktobanian special force's commando unit.They were planning to link up with the main force at the airport, but they aborted their plan and split away upon hearing that their main force was defeated. The Yuktobanians have defiled our soil. Worse, they tried to destroy a civilian airport. We've got to defeat them, no matter the cost.
We'll be sending you back to the front line of the Yuktobanian mainland.
If you all really are innocent, and I hope you can prove it out there on the battlefield.
16 黄色の26 2005/05/15 Sun 21:05:38
has punched the airport into → has plunged the airport into
17 じおぺりあ 2005/05/16 Mon 06:31:15

18 じおぺりあ 2006/01/18 Wed 00:17:39
AC04台詞「ESCORT(エスコート) 台詞情報」の黄色の26さんの指摘から気づきました。


誤 Air Ixion 31: This is Air Ixion Flight 31. A high-speed aircraft just passed by us 600 yards away!
正 Air Ixiom 31: This is Air Ixiom Flight 31. A high-speed aircraft just passed by us 600 yards away!

誤 Air Ixion 31: 戦闘機?戦争は西海岸の話じゃなかったのか?
正 Air Ixiom 31:(省略)

誤 Air Ixion 665: くそ、空港上空は過密状態だ!
正 Air Ixiom 665:(省略)



Airport Personnel: Ambulances are at the front gate.
Airport Personnel: All right! We're transporting all the injured over there!