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MISSION 13 ラーズグリーズの悪魔 Part3

前スレッド No.43
21 SwordGuest 2005/01/10 Mon 22:01:09
Chopper たまには精神論も必要だろう。ガッツだ! I guess mental toughness plays a big part in battles like these. It's all about guts, you know?
ー連続、M13内共通 Grimm リムファクシを沈めれば 散弾ミサイル攻撃もなくなる。 Sink the Hrimfaxi and those burst missiles will go away, too.
連続、M13内共通 Nagase ええ、そして鉄の雨の脅威がなくなれば、戦争の早期終結も。 Yeah. And if remove the threat of that metal rain. the war could end early.
連続、M13内共通 Chopper そして俺たちには休暇だ。いいこと尽くめだ! And then we can go on leave. It's perfect!
ー連続 Hrimfaxi どうした!?最強艦隊の名は飾りか? What the matter?! I thought this was the world's best fleet!
連続 Hrimfaxi 分かっている、いつまでも飛ばせておくか! I know, I know! I'm not gonna let them fly up there for long!
Nagase 少しでも油断すれば、あの鉄の雨を浴びてしまう。 Let up for even a second. and we'll get showered by that metal rain.
Hrimfaxi この艦も失えば制海権は 敵に移るぞ! If we lose this sub, the enemy will have sea superiority!
ー連続 Hrimfaxi 居住区画まで海水が 流れ込んできました! Water's coming into the crew's quarters!
連続 Hrimfaxi そこはもういい!お前たちは甲板に上がれ! Forget about it! You guys go up on deck!
Hrimfaxi くそ、戦局があの4機に 変えられるというのか!? Dommit, how can four planes change the tide of a war?!
Hrimfaxi 船体が悲鳴を上げている! The hull is creaking!
Yuke Submarine リムファクシの奴、近距離で ミサイルを撃っているぞ! The Hrimfaxi's firing missiles at close range!
Chopper 畜生が!いい加減に沈めよ! Dammit! Just sink already!
Nagase リムファクシも相当 ダメージを受けている! The Hrimfaxi's taken a fair amount of damage, too!
Hrimfaxi この場所で何という偶然だ…。 Is it really coincidence that all this happened at this very spot?...
ー連続 Yuke Submarine 死を降り注ぐ悪魔…冗談じゃない! Demons that rain death from above... This is nuts!
連続 Yuke Submarine 俺たちの運命を悪魔なんぞに 決められてたまるか! I'm not about to let some demons decide our fate!
ー連続 Yuke Submarine 見ろよ!やっぱりラーズグリーズは 本当だったんだ! Look! The Razgriz story was true!
連続 Yuke Submarine お前まだあの話を信じているのか?あんなのは作り話だ! Geez, you guys still believe in that? That's just a tall tale!
連続 Yuke Submarine じゃあこの損害をどう説明する!?悪魔の所業そのものだぞ! Well, how do you explain all this damage?! I tell you, they're demons!
Yuke Submarine 艦を盾にしても リムファクシを護りきる! Protect the Hrimfaxi! Use your ships as shields if you have to!
ー連続 Yuke Submarine くそ、味方まで巻き添えにしちまう! Dammit, friendlies are getting caught in the explosions!
連続 Chopper で、それでもミサイルか。勘弁してくれよ! Geez, will you just stop with the missile already?!
ー連続 Hrimfaxi ラーズグリーズ相手じゃ リムファクシの攻撃も無意味だ! The Hrimfaxi's attacks are useless against the Razgriz!
連続 Hrimfaxi あれはただの飛行機だ!撃てば落ちる戦闘機だ! They're just airplanes! Shoot them, and they crash!
ー連続 Yuke Submarine こちらクルベナ8、浸水甚大!退避する! This is Kulbena 8. Flooding severe! Abandoning ship!
Yuke Submarine 海に飛び込むな!30分と生きられないぞ! Don't dive into the ocean! You won't last half an hour!
Yuke Submarine 最後まで通信を続ける!こちらゾーヤ5… We will continue transmitting until the end! This is Zoya 5...
ー連続 Hrimfaxi 奴らこそラーズグリーズだ…本物の悪魔だ…。 They've got to be the Razgriz... They're the real demons...
連続 Hrimfaxi 最後まで努力しろ!まだ敗北すると決まったわけじゃない! Keep trying to the very end! We haven't lost yet!
Hrimfaxi 俺たちのツキもここで 止まっちまうんじゃないのか? I guess this is where our luck runs out, huh?
ー連続 Yuke Submarine なんて奴らだ。こいつらオーシアのエースか? Who are these guys? Are these the Osean aces?
連続 Yuke Submarine 落ち着け、エースだとしてもそれが何だ! Calm down. So what if they're aces?
22 SwordGuest 2005/01/10 Mon 22:01:35
ー連続 Chopper こんなものがラーズグリーズのわけはねえ。こいつは人間の作ったフネだ。撃沈可能なんだ! This can't be the Razgriz. It's a man-made ship. And that means we can sink it!
連続 Grimm そんなこといっても状況は変わりませんよ! Maybe, but just saying that isn't gonna help anything!
連続 Nagase リムファクシに攻撃を集中! Focus your attack on the Hrimfaxi!
Nagase 目標の損害大!あと少し! Target heavily damaged! Just a little more!
ー連続 Hrimfaxi 信じられん。相手は戦闘機だぞ! I can't believe this, They're just fighter jets!
連続 Yuke Submarine リムファクシまで失うことはできん! We can't afford to lose the Hrimfaxi too!
Hrimfaxi 実に不吉だ。よくない、実によくない! This is a bad sign...Not good, not good at all!
Yuke Submarine レオニード10からの通信が途絶えた! Lost radio contact with Leonid 10!
ー連続 Hrimfaxi おとぎ話の中の悪魔が人を殺すか?馬鹿を言え。 You mean to say some demons from a fairy tale are killing us all? Don't be an idiot.
連続 Hrimfaxi この艦隊の威力を知れば、悪魔も逃げ出すさ。 If the demons saw the power of our fleet. even they'd run away.
連続 Hrimfaxi いい加減に空想は止めろ!営倉にぶち込むぞ! Enough with the demon stories! I'm gonna throw you all in the brig!
ー連続 Hrimfaxi 撃っても当たらない!やっぱり奴らは…。 Nothing's hitting them! They've got to be...
連続 Hrimfaxi 黙れ!そんなはずは…そんなはずがあるか! Shut up! That's...that's just impossible!
ー連続 Yuke Submarine もう駄目だ。我が艦隊は 奴らには勝てない! We're finished. There's no way our fleet can defeat them!
Yuke Submarine 黙れ!そんな調子で奴らに勝てるか! Shut up! We'll never win with an attitude like that!
Yuke Submarine リムファクシの損害大!傾斜している! The Hrimfaxi's taken severe damage! It's listing!
Yuke Submarine こっちは味方だぞ!撃つのを止めるように言え! We're on your side! Tell them to stop firing!
ー連続 Hrimfaxi 駄目です、タンク修理に 2時間はかかります! We can't! We need two hours to repair the fuel tank!
連続 Hrimfaxi それだけあれば10回は沈められるぞ!何とかしろ! We'll get sunk ten times over by then! Just hurry up!
連続? Hrimfaxi これ以上は無理です!離脱を! We can't go on! We need to leave this area, Sir!
連続? Hrimfaxi 無理だろうとやれ!それが命令だ! Keep trying! That's an order!
Hrimfaxi 畜生が!現実にある作り話なんて 聞いたことがないぞ! I've never seen a stupid fairy tale come true like this!
Nagase 敵ミサイルを警戒しつつ、再度攻撃をかけます。 Attack again. Heads up for enemy missiles.
M13内共通 Nagase 随伴艦からの脅威も排除します! I'll take care of the threat from the escort subs, too!
Yuke Submarine 司令部の奴ら、お使いみたいに 簡単に言いやがって…! I can't stand how HQ treats us like errand boys!
Hrimfaxi 船体下部の浸水、更に増大しています! Lower hull flood spreading!
Hrimfaxi 駄目です、もう手の施しようがありません。 It's finished. We can't save this boat.
Hrimfaxi リムファクシが沈むだと!? They've sunk the Hrimfaxi?!
Chopper 往生際の悪い奴だ!まだ撃ってきやがる! This thing just won't die! It's still firing!
Hrimfaxi 艦長はまだ発令所から離れないのか? Hasn't the Captain left the control room yet?
Hrimfaxi 最後の命令だ、全員脱出しろ! This is my last order. All hands, abandon ship!
23 SwordGuest 2005/01/10 Mon 22:03:47
Chopper どうするんだ。潜航しちゃったぞ。 What do we do? It's underwater!
Hrimfaxi リムファクシより潜水艦隊司令部。敵襲のため 緊急潜航。ミサイルの支援発射は継続可能。 Hrimfaxi to submarine Force Command. Emergency dive due to enemy attack. We are still able to launch our missiles.
Mitchell ミッチェル中佐よりウォードッグ。作戦失敗だ。帰投せよ。 Lieutenant Colonel Michell to Wardog. Mission failed. Return to base.
Mitchell 地上軍はほぼ壊滅。リムファクシへの攻撃も もはや不可能だ。 Our ground forces are nearly destroyed. Attacking the Hrimfaxi is now impossible as well.
Yuke Command リムファクシ、君らが相手にしているのは、「ラーズグリーズ」のようだ。 Hrimfaxi, appears you're up against Razgriz itself there.
Hrimfaxi ラーズグリーズは我々ではなく、奴らのことだったのか… Looks like they ware the real Razgriz, not us...
Hrimfaxi 我々の時代は、もう 終わってしまったのかもしれないな…。 Maybe someone's trying to tell us that our time is up...
リムファクシへの奇襲攻撃は成功し、撃破されたリムファクシ はラーズグリーズ海峡の海の藻屑と消え去った。
北洋の脅威は消滅し、ユークトバニアに展開するオーシア軍は 一大攻勢に出た。
24 SwordGuest 2005/01/10 Mon 22:05:59
25 まばろはーれい 2005/04/21 Thu 17:23:34
26 黄色の26 2005/05/12 Thu 18:39:59



Ugh um um. Gentlemen...



Lieutenant Colonel Michell

Excuse me, Colonel. This is an absolutely vital mission to us, as the staff adviser sent from Central HQ for this effort, I'd like to explain it myself. The Osean army is planning a vast offensive with the ultimate objective of occupying the capital of Yuktobania. If this operation succeeds, it'll end the war in a very short order. However, Yuktobania has attacked our beachhead with ballistic missiles from the Hrimfaxi, a Scinfaxi class submersible carrier stationed in the icy waters of Razgriz Straits. Fortunately, our ground force had already completed the attack preparations, so, despite missile attack, the offensive began as planned. Nevertheless, we must neutralize the threat of another Hrimfaxi missile attack on our ground forces.


We have a single chance to stage a successful air attack on the underwater carrier Hrimfaxi. Our passive sonar has detected a transport submarine that we believe is headed for the Hrimfaxi. We believe the transport sub's mission is to supply the Hrimfaxi with missiles. Based on its course and speed, we've calculated its rendezvous time with the Hrimfaxi. By amazing coincidence,
it is precisely the same time as the Zero Hour of our ground attack. At this time, the Hrimfaxi will have to surface to restock its missiles. At that exact moment, ingress at low altitude to avoid detection, launch a surprise attack and sink the Hrimfaxi. Once surfaced, it only takes the Hrimfaxi one minute to rig for an emergency dive. If your approach is detected, you will only have one minute to complete your attack on the Hrimfaxi.



Lieutenant Colonel Michell

Now keep in mind it won't be any support from Arkbird this time around. This mission rests solely on your shoulders. The entire ground offensive is relying on this first surprise attack, so don't disappoint us. I want you to turn the icy Razgriz Straits into the enemy's graveyard.
27 黄色の26 2005/05/12 Thu 18:40:24


The surprise attack on the Hrimfaxi was a success and the carrier has sunk to the bottom of the Razgriz Straits. The threat from the nothern sea has disappeared and the Osean forces are on the offensive against Yuktobania.
28 黄色の26 2005/05/14 Sat 11:36:32
despite missile attack → despite the missile attack
29 黄色の26 2005/08/07 Sun 13:36:06
AWACS Thunderhead 高度1000フィート(300メートル)以上の 上昇は禁止。奇襲に気付かれるおそれがある。
You are restricted from flying above 1,000 feet. We can't risk making our surprise attack detected.

AWACS Thunderhead 高度1000フィート(300メートル)以上の 上昇は禁止。奇襲に気付かれるおそれがある。
You are restricted from flying above 1,000 feet. We can't risk having our surprise attack detected.
30 ベルツ中尉 2006/02/04 Sat 13:03:51
× 作戦前(ムービー)Part2
○ 作戦後(ムービー)Part2 (がんしっぷ殿の発見です)

×Me? Heavens. The ace pilots who suck the enemy submarines are right over there, and I'm the person you want to interview now?
○Me? Heavens. The ace pilots who sunk the enemy submarines are right over there, and I'm the person you want to interview now?

"suck" ...タイプミスですよね?それとも、本当に "suck" って言っています?

suck のまま機械翻訳させると、

31 じおぺりあ 2006/02/04 Sat 17:54:52


Yuke Submarine: こちらクルベナ8、浸水甚大!退避する! Don't dive into the ocean! You won't last half an hour!
Yuke Submarine: 海に飛び込むな!30分と生きられないぞ! This is Kulbena 8. Flooding severe! Abandoning ship!

Yuke Submarine: こちらクルベナ8、浸水甚大!退避する! This is Kulbena 8. Flooding severe! Abandoning ship!
Yuke Submarine: 海に飛び込むな!30分と生きられないぞ! Don't dive into the ocean! You won't last half an hour!
32 じおぺりあ 2006/02/05 Sun 23:22:50

Yuke Command: Hrimfaxi, appears you're up against Razgriz itself there.
Hrimfaxi: Looks like they ware the real Razgriz, not us...

Yuke Command: Hrimfaxi, it appears you're up against Razgriz itself out there.
Hrimfaxi: Looks like they were the real Razgriz, not us...