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Acecombat BBS / AC5台詞

MISSION 05 第三艦隊集結

1 みぃとろ 2004/11/23 Tue 01:52:15
MISSION 05の台詞情報をこのスレッドで募集いたします。
2 XMAA 2004/11/26 Fri 05:50:58
2010/09/30 0930HRS EAGLIN STRAIN
16゚11'36"N 167゚08'56"E        [WHALE BIRD]
3 小沢 公成 2005/03/30 Wed 03:49:25

なんてことはねえ ちょろいもんだったさ


AWACS Thunderhead 弾道ミサイル接近!
Grimm 弾道ミサイルって…
Grimm いったいどこから発射したんだ
4 小沢 公成 2005/04/01 Fri 22:33:53

Grimm 空母が2隻も
Grimm あんなにいた味方がこれしかいない
AWACS Thunderhead サンド島隊 空中給油機を回せない
AWACS Thunderhead そのまま北東に進みハイエルラーク基地へ向かえ
AWACS Thunderhead 地上で給油を受けよ
Chopper ブービー!やい!
Grimm 隊長って呼ばなきゃ
Chopper 違うんだ
     隊長なら隊長らしく 俺たちのことをボロクソに言って欲しい
     あの声がねえと 寂しくて駄目なんだ
Grimm 今日も僕らを無事に連れ帰ってくれたんだよ
    今では彼が 僕らの隊長なんだ
Nagase その通り
5 黄色の26 2005/05/02 Mon 01:21:00


Attention. Listen up.
The biggest mistake Yuktobania has made in their britz attack is that they failed to sink any of our aircraft carriers. We'll evacuate all intact carriers to our inland sea and use them as a base fleet to build our counter-strike force. You've been called to service at a very important operation, people. Keep that in mind out there.


Today at 1500 hours, three carriers from the Third Osean Naval Fleet will rendezvous at Eaglin Straits. These carriers are the Vulture, the Buzzard and the Kestrel, which has successfully escaped from Port St. Hewlett thanks to your help. Your mission is to coordinate with the Kestrel and provide top cover for all carriers during the rendezvous. Should you encounter enemy attack, defend the three carriers at all costs. The situation is fluid, so be sure to choose an aircraft with good defensive capability against both air and ground-based threats.
6 黄色の26 2005/05/02 Mon 01:42:08




The enemy attack squadron has withdrawn from the area. The aircraft carriers, the Vulture and the Buzzard were sunk by a powerful burst missile attack. According to hydrophone data analysis, we have determined that the attack was carried out by the Scinfaxi, a Yuktobanian underwater attack carrier. The specs of the ship are unknown, but its existence confirms that the advanced ship building efforts of the Yuktobanians have been going on unevaded since the previous war. Ths Scinfaxi is a serious threat to our objectives.

Emergency transmission from Central

Our army has decided to deploy the military power of "the Arkbird" to neutralize the grave threat posed by this new enemy submarine.
7 MAGNUM 2005/05/09 Mon 21:12:25

It was nothing.
Easiest mission in the world.
That's what it was supposed to be.
It wasn't just us, but everyone they could get their hands on.
General mobilization.
Our planes filled the sky like a huge aluminum cloud.
There was no way the enemy could attack.
The queens of the ocean made it to the inland sea.
We've got it made in the shade now.


AWACS Thunderhead:
Ballistic missile incoming!
A ballistic missile?...
Where'd they launch that from?
8 MAGNUM 2005/05/09 Mon 21:14:10

Two aircraft carriers lost...
I can't believe this is all that's left of our force.
We don't have enough fuel to get back to base, either.
AWACS Thunderhead:
Wardog Squadron, we can't get a tanker aircraft over to you.
Proceed northeast to Heierlark Base, land and refuel.
Hey! Booby!
You really should start calling him “Captain.”
Forget it.
If he's a Captain, then I want him to start trash-talkin' like a Captain.
Man, I'm missing that voice real bad now...
He's got us back alive from battle for the second time.
As far as I'm concerned, he's our Captain now.
That's right.
And I'll never lose my lead plane again.
No matter what.
9 MAGNUM 2005/05/24 Tue 12:35:55

誤:「ここまで来りゃもう中庭だ」→正:「ここまで来りゃ もう裏庭だ」

誤:「寂しくて駄目なんだ」→正:「さびしくって だめなんだ」
誤:「今では彼が 僕らの隊長なんだ」→正:「今では 彼が僕らの隊長なんだ」
Chopper: 基地へ帰る燃料もねえ We don't have enough fuel to get back to base, either.
10 MAGNUM 2005/05/26 Thu 21:24:48

AWACS Thunderhead: こちらサンダーヘッド。 敵の航空攻撃可能圏外に到達した。 This is Thunderhead. We've arrived outside the range of enemy air attack.
AWACS Thunderhead: 順次所属基地への帰還を許可する。 Permission granted to return to your assigned bases in sequence.
AWACS Thunderhead: 遠方より飛来の隊には基地までの 帰投用燃料を与える。空母上空で待て。 Aircraft may refuel for the return trip if required. Hold above the carrier for the tanker aircraft.
Chopper: 周りは帰り始めてるぜ。 俺たちはまだかよ。 Everyone's starting to leave. Can we go yet?
AWACS Thunderhead: ウォードッグ隊。 空母上空で給油機を待てといっている。 Wardog Squadron, I told you to wait for the tanker plane above the carrier.
Chopper: やれやれだぜ。 I swear, man...
Chopper: おい。なんだこりゃ。 レーダーの故障か? Hey...what is that? Is my radar on the fritz?
Grimm: こっちにも出てます。 It's showing up on mine, too.
Chopper: どっから出て来たんだ? Where'd it come from?
Chopper: サンダー・石頭・ヘッド野郎は気づいて ねえのか?おい、ブービー。 How come the morons at Thunder-Blockhead didn't notice it? Yo, Booby!
Grimm: 隊長って呼ばなきゃ。 You have to call him “Captain” now.
Chopper: 細かいこというな。 おい、こりゃ通報した方がよかあねえか。 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, you think we oughta report this?
AWACS Thunderhead: て、敵接近!各隊戻れ! 空母を護れ! Enemy approaching! All units, return to your Combat Air Patrol stations! Protect the carriers!

AWACS Thunderhead: 空母は全部で3隻。 1隻たりとも沈めさせるな! We have three carriers. Don't let them sink even one!
11 黄色の26 2005/06/13 Mon 01:46:46


The enemy attack squadron has withdrawn from the area. The aircraft carriers, Vulture and Buzzard were sunk by a powerful burst missile attack. According to hydrophone data analysis, we have determined that the attack was carried out by the Scinfaxi, a Yuktobanian underwater attack carrier. The specs of the ship are unknown, but its existence confirms that the advanced shipbuilding efforts of the Yuktobanians have been going on unabated since the previous war. Ths Scinfaxi is a serious threat to our objectives.

--Emergency transmission from Central

Our army has decided to deploy the military power of the "Arkbird" to neutralize the grave threat posed by this new enemy submarine.
12 黄色の26 2005/06/13 Mon 01:53:03


Today at 1500 hours, three carriers from the Third Osean Naval Fleet will rendezvous at Eaglin Straits. These carriers are the Vulture, Buzzard and, the Kestrel, which has successfully escaped from Port St. Hewlett thanks to your help. Your mission is to coordinate with the Kestrel and provide top cover for all carriers during the rendezvous. Should you encounter enemy attack, defend the three carriers at all costs. The situation is fluid, so be sure to choose an aircraft with good defensive capability against both air and ground-based threats.
13 MAGNUM 2005/06/13 Mon 10:56:30

Osean Fleet: おい…何だよあれは? Hey...what's that?
Osean Squadron: 味方の編隊が消えた! Allied squadron wiped out! What happened?!
Osean Squadron: 空母が、空母が被弾した! 傾斜してゆく! The carrier, the carrier's hit! It's tipping!
Nagase: 誰か!いったい何が? Someone! Anyone! What's happening?
Snow: 分からん、とにかく高度5000フィート (1500メートル)以下のものは全滅した! I don't know! Everything below 5,000 feet was just annihilated!
AWACS Thunderhead: ミサイル第二弾飛来! Second missile incoming!
Snow: くそうっ!生き残りたければ、弾着までに高度 5000フィート(1500メートル)以上に上昇しろ。 Dammit! Listen up, if you wanna survive, then climb above 5,000 feet before that thing hits!
Snow: 各機急げ!ケストレル、避退しろ! All units, move it! Kestrel, evasive action!
Chopper: どうするんだ、ブービー。 俺はお前についてゆく。 What're we gonna do, Booby? I'll follow you.

Ask→Grimm: 5000フィート(1500メートル) ってのは確かなんですか? Are they sure it's 5,000 feet?
Yes→Grimm: こちらアーチャー、了解です。 隊長についてゆきます。 This is Archer. Roger. I'll follow you, Captain.
No→Grimm: でも今はそれを信じるしかないのですね。 But I guess all we can do now is trust that information.
Mute→Grimm: とにかく上昇します。 At any rate, I'm going to climb.

Nagase: 甲板から人がこぼれ落ちている! People are spilling off the decks!
Chopper: また一隻沈むぞ! There goes another ship!

AWACS Thunderhead: 着弾まであと10秒、8、7… 10 seconds to next impact. 8, 7...
AWACS Thunderhead: 5、4、3、2、弾着、今! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, impact!
Osean Squadron: ああっ、また! Oh no, another one!
Osean Squadron: ヴァルチャーが直撃を食らった! 轟沈する! The Vulture took a direct hit! She's sinking!
Snow: なんてことなんだ。 俺たちの艦隊が…くそっ。 could this happen to our fleet?
Osean Fleet: 損害甚大!総員退艦! Heavy damage! All hands, abandon ship!
Osean Fleet: あの攻撃は一体なんだ? 鉄の雨が降ってきたみたいだ! What the hell was that attack? It was like molten steel raining down on us!
Osean Fleet: どうなってる?誰か教えてくれ! What's going on? Somebody tell me!
Osean Squadron: 畜生、何でこんなことに…。 How did we come to this?
Kestrel: …こちらケストレル。生き残った機は報告せよ。 This is the Kestrel. All surviving aircraft, respond.
Snow: こちらソーズマン、何とか生き残った…。 ウォードッグ隊も生き延びたようだな。 This is Swordsman. I managed to stay alive...Looks like the Wardog squad made it, too.
14 MAGNUM 2005/06/30 Thu 09:23:14

●MISSION START内のチョッパーの台詞「どっから出て来たんだ?」の重複
●会話パート「弾道ミサイルが飛来」と「作戦中(ムービー)part 2」の前後関係が逆です。正しくは、ムービーが終了してから「弾道ミサイルが飛来」の会話パートが続きます。
15 黄色の26 2005/07/26 Tue 20:54:11
Attention. Listen up.
The biggest mistake Yuktobania has made in their britz attack is that they failed to sink any of our aircraft carriers. We'll evacuate all intact carriers to our inland sea and use them as a base fleet to build our counter-strike force. You've been called to service on a very important operation, people. Keep that in mind out there.
16 MAGNUM 2005/07/27 Wed 19:27:56
Chopper: チョッパー、交戦。 Chopper, engaging.
Grimm: アーチャー、交戦。 Archer, engaging.
Nagase: エッジ、交戦。 Edge, engaging.
Grimm: アーチャー、交戦! Archer, engaging!

Osean Squadron: このままじゃ上がれない。 上の敵を落としてくれ! I can't take off. Shoot down those enemy planes for me!
Chopper: わかった。今、助けてやる。 待ってろ。 Okay. I'm coming. Hold on.

Osean Fleet: 艦載機の発進を急がせろ。 Hurry and launch the carrier jets.

Ask→Nagase: 視界が悪い。奇襲には 絶好の場所とタイミングだ。 Visibility is poor. It's the perfect time and place for a surprise attack.
Yes→Nagase: ええ、全てが裏目に 出ているとしか思えない。 Yeah, I can't help but feel like everything's working against us.
No→Nagase: しかし、タイミングが余りにも良すぎます。 But the timing is too perfect.
Grimm: 落ち着け、実戦は 一度経験しているんだ。 C'mon, I can do this. I've been through a real battle before.

Nagase: なぜこのタイミングで敵機が? How did the enemy know when to attack?
Grimm: よくわかんないけど、何かが変だ。 …敵襲ってこういうものなんでしょうか? Something's strange here, but I'm not sure what. Is that what an enemy attack is usually like?

Ask→Nagase: 数が多い。隊長、各機の 分散行動を提案します。 There's a lot of them. Captain, I suggest we disperse.
Yes→Nagase: 了解、一旦編隊を解きます。 エッジ、散開! Roger. Breaking formation for now. Edge, splitting off!
No→Nagase: エッジ、了解。このまま続けます。 Roger. Maintaining current formation.
Mute→Nagase: ブレイズ、こちらエッジ。指示を。 Blaze, this is Edge. Please advise.

Kestrel: 全速前進。 急ぎ残り二空母と合流せよ。 Full speed ahead. Rendezvous with the remaining two carriers ASAP.

Chopper: 艦載機が上がって来た! The carrier aircraft are airborne!
Snow: よし、発艦したぞ。 来るなら来い。 All right, I'm airborne. Come up and get me.
Chopper: おー、やっと上がってきてくれたぞ。 待ってたぜ! Oh, they're finally here. What took you guys so long?

Osean Fleet: 総員戦闘配置完了! All personnel to battle stations!
Andersen: スノー大尉、防空戦闘を任せる。 Captain Snow, you're responsible for the air defense effort.
Snow: 了解です、艦長。任務に就きます。 Roger, Captain. I won't let you down.
Snow: よし、わが隊はこれより 敵の掃討に向かう! All right, gentlemen, it's time to clean house!

Osean Squadron: こちらヘイロー2、 三空母の合流はまだか? This is Halo 2. Have the three carriers met up yet?
Kestrel: こちら空母ケストレル。 合流までにはまだ少し時間がかかる。 This is the Kestrel. It'll be a little longer before we meet.
Osean Squadron: 了解。なるべく急いでくれ。 Roger. Don't take too long.
17 MAGNUM 2005/07/27 Wed 20:23:00
AWACS Thunderhead: レーダーにさらなる戦闘攻撃機確認。 長距離対艦攻撃を行う腹積もりらしい。 Multiple bandits on radar. Heads up, they're carrying long-range anti-ship missiles.
AWACS Thunderhead: やつらの接近を許すな。 こちらから迎撃せよ。 Do not allow them to get in range. Fly out to intercept.

Ask→Chopper: ブービー、敵の中に対艦ミサイルを ぶらさげてるのがいるらしい。分かるか? Booby, it seems some of these guys are packing anti-ship missiles. Can you see any?
Yes→Chopper: 船に近づけると厄介だ。 見つけ次第追い返す。 We can't let them get near the ships. If we find any, we'll go after it.
No→Chopper: そうか。こっちも確認できていない。だが、 いたら面倒だ。船に近づかれる前に墜とすぞ。 Me neither, but it'll be trouble if they are out there. We'll take 'em before they can approach the ships.

AWACS Thunderhead: 敵機、空母への距離を詰めている。 Enemy fighters closing in on carrier.

AWACS Thunderhead: 警報!敵攻撃機、 対艦ミサイル発射点に接近中!防御急げ! Warning! Enemy fighters within range to fire anti-ship missile! Defend the carrier!


Kestrel: 三空母合流まで後少し。 We're almost at the rendezvous point.

AWACS Thunderhead: 敵戦闘攻撃機の全滅を確認。 All enemy attack planes confirmed destroyed. Area sanitized.
Snow: やるじゃないか、ウォードッグ。 Nice work, Wardog.
AWACS Thunderhead: ウォードッグ隊、防空任務を解く。 改めて空母ケストレル上空で給油機を待て。 Wardog, your air-defense mission is complete. Hold for the tanker aircraft above the Kestrel.
18 MAGNUM 2005/07/27 Wed 20:37:22
Vulture: こちら空母ヴァルチャー、 前方にミサイル着弾。相当な揺れだ。 This is the aircraft carrier Vulture. Missile strike off our bow. Severe shockwaves.

Vulture: こちら空母ヴァルチャー。 ミサイルをくらったが被害は軽微。 This is the aircraft carrier Vulture. Light damage taken from missile hit.

Buzzard: こちら空母バザード、 前方にミサイル着弾。相当な揺れだ。 This is the aircraft carrier Buzzard. Missile strike off our bow. Severe shockwaves.

Buzzard: こちら空母バザード。 ミサイルをくらったが被害は軽微。 This is the aircraft carrier Buzzard. Light damage taken from missile hit.

19 MAGNUM 2005/07/27 Wed 20:52:00
Nagase: 空母は1隻たりとも沈めさせない。 I won't let them sink a single carrier.
Nagase: また回り込んでくる、そうはさせない! They're circling in again. Not this time!
Nagase: 私があいだに入る! I'll move in between them to block their approach!
Nagase: また来た。残燃料に注意して! Here they come again. Keep an eye on your fuel gauge!
Nagase: 絶対に艦には近づけさせないで! Don't let them get near the vessels!

Chopper: 俺はしつこいのと、 くどいのは嫌いなんだ。 These guys don't know when to quit. It's really starting to tick me off.
Chopper: 燃料系が故障してないことを祈るぜ。 いいか、この俺様が祈ってやったんだぜ。 I'm praying the fuel pumps hold out. You hear that? I'm actually praying.
Chopper: 敵第二波接近。応戦するぞ。 Second enemy attack wave approaching. Let's engage them.
Chopper: 大嫌いだ、こんな敵! Man, I hate these guys. I really do.

Grimm: どこから現れたんだろう。 Where could they have flown from?
Grimm: 目が回ってます! I'm a little dizzy...Sir!
Grimm: 燃料残量チェック…まだ、大丈夫。 Checking fuel...still good to go.
Grimm: 敵が対艦ミサイル抱えてたら まずいです。 We're in trouble if the enemy has anti-ship missiles.
Grimm: 射弾が横にずれる! 敵はどんな機動してるんだ?! My fire's missing to the side! What kind of maneuver is that?!

Snow: そんな簡単にやらせてたまるか! You're not gettin' off that easy!
Snow: 距離を稼げ。 防衛ラインを崩すな。 Engage the enemy out at range. Keep our defensive line intact.
Snow: これ以上やつらを艦に近づけるな。 Don't let them get any closer to the fleet.
┌Snow: あっちは空軍に任せておけ。 Let the Air Force defend that area.
└Snow: 俺たちは俺たちの仕事をする。 We've got our own work to do.

Osean Squadron: 準備急げ!早く上げてくれ! Come on, hurry! Get me up there!
Osean Squadron: くそ、発艦せずにやられるのかよ! Dammit, I'm gonna be shot down before I even take off!
Osean Squadron: 航続圏外なのにどうやって来たんだ? This is out of their flight range. How did they get here?
Osean Squadron: 撃墜!初戦果だ! Bagged one! My first kill!
Osean Squadron: 俺は空母を守る。 お前達は敵機を! I'll protect the carrier. You deal with the enemy planes!

Osean Fleet: よし!命中だ! All right! Direct hit!
Osean Fleet: こんな所で襲われたら ひとたまりもないぞ! If we're attacked here, we're toast!
Osean Fleet: 何としても空母を守るんだ。 We have to protect the carrier, no matter what.
Osean Fleet: 暗礁に注意して進め。 Watch out for the reefs.
Osean Fleet: おい!やっつけてくれよ! Hey, come on! We need some air support here!
Osean Fleet: 敵が射程圏に入るまで待て。 Hold your fire until the enemy's within range.
Osean Fleet: この前の様にはなるなよ。 Don't repeat the mistakes we made last time.
Osean Fleet: 狭い海峡だ。直進する以外ないぞ。 This is a narrow channel. We can only move straight ahead.
Osean Fleet: 援軍を要請しろ! Call for reinforcements!
Osean Fleet: こんな所まで飛んでくるのか。 They flew all the way here?
Osean Fleet: 艦長がやられた! 救護班どこにいる! The Captain's hurt! Where are the medics?!
Osean Fleet: よし!当たったぞ! Yes! Got 'em!
Osean Fleet: 遠すぎる、間に合わない! They're too far! We can't make it!
Osean Fleet: 避けるんだ!早く! Evade! Move it!
Osean Fleet: ミサイルを発射する前に落とせ。 Shoot them down before they launch any missiles.
Osean Fleet: 隊形をそのまま維持。 Maintain current formation.
Osean Fleet: 被弾により機関停止! Ship damaged! Engine shutdown!
Osean Fleet: 全速前進!この海域から離脱せよ。 Full speed ahead! Leave the area at once.
20 MAGNUM 2005/07/27 Wed 20:54:19
┌Osean Fleet: 警戒しつつ、高度を取れ! Be on the lookout and climb to higher altitude!
└Osean Squadron: 分かった。 何かあったら知らせてくれ。 Roger. Let me know if you see anything.
┌Osean Fleet: 南からも接近している。 They're approaching from the south too.
└Osean Squadron: 見えた、撃墜する。 I see them. Moving to intercept.
┌Osean Squadron: フィンチ、敵の位置と数を報告してくれ! Finch, give me the enemy's position and their number!
└Osean Fleet: 不明だ。こちらも把握出来ていない。 Unknown. We're not sure of the situation ourselves.

Yuke Squadron: あの封鎖網を抜けたのが この艦隊か。 So that's the fleet that made it through our blockade...
Yuke Squadron: 全弾発射したら、 ただちに帰投するぞ。 Fire everything you've got and return to base immediately.
Yuke Squadron: 最後まで任務を遂行しろ。 Carry out your mission to the end.
Yuke Squadron: 複雑に考えるな。当てればいい。 Don't think, react. Just shoot them.
Yuke Squadron: 損害に構うな。進路そのまま。 Don't worry about battle damage. Stay on course and stick with the mission.
Yuke Squadron: タイミングを逃すな。 敵は待ってくれんぞ。 Make sure you get the timing right. The enemy won't wait around to get hit.
Yuke Squadron: この海域で避けるのは無理だろうな。 It's impossible for them to evade us out here.
Yuke Squadron: 敵の護衛機は少数。攻撃に支障なし。 Small number of enemy escort planes. They should not disrupt our attack.
Yuke Squadron: 我々だけでカタをつける。 We'll take care of them ourselves.
Yuke Squadron: 直線で航行している。 撃てば当たるぞ。 They're moving in a straight line. Just shoot and you'll hit them.
Yuke Squadron: 全機散開して目標を目指せ。 All aircraft, disperse and proceed to your targets.
Yuke Squadron: 目標はいまだ残存。 Target is still intact.
Yuke Squadron: 高度に注意して、作戦を遂行せよ。 Watch your altitude while executing your mission.
Yuke Squadron: 目標確認。突撃する。 Target confirmed. I'm going in.
Yuke Squadron: 一撃離脱だ。正確に狙え。 We're making one pass at a time. Fly hard, shoot straight.
Yuke Squadron: 味方機が落とされたぞ。 One of our planes just went down.
┌Yuke Squadron: 対艦ミサイルを破棄して 応戦してもいいか? Can we jettison our anti-ship missiles to turn and burn with the enemy escort fighters?
└Yuke Squadron: 駄目だ。対艦攻撃を優先する。 Negative. The attack on the fleet takes top priority.

21 黄色の26 2005/12/21 Wed 19:53:29
字幕が用意されていない、あるいは滅多に表示されないThe Unsubtitled Voicesです。


Omega One, engage.
Omega Nine, engage.
Omega Eleven, engage.
Rapier Eight, engage.
Rapier Twelve, engage.
Viper Three, engage.
Viper Nine, engage.
Halo Two, engage.
Halo Nine, engage.


Second enemy attack wave! I bet they are coming after this ship.
Don't get shot down during the takeoff.
I'm hit! I'm going down!
I'm hit! Can't maintain altitude! Ejecting!
Say your prayers.
He's all mine!
Hit confirmed.
No good, it's a miss.
I've got a lock on!
Bandit down.
Woo eee! Bandit down!
It's no good!
Blaze shot one down. (自機が敵機を撃墜した時にランダムに発生。スノーの部隊との距離が関係?)
The missile didn't hit.
This is Halo Six. Bandit is down. (スノーが残り3機のうちの1機を撃墜した際に発生。???)
This is Rapier Six, my engine's been hit.
Rapier Six has been shot down!
Mayday, mayday, mayday! Halo Nine here, I've been hit! I'm out of control!
Halo Nine's been shot down!
This is Halo Seven. Bandit shot down.
Viper Ten, *********.
Kill confirmed. **************. (自機が敵機を撃墜したとき?)




Agh, I've been hit! I'm out of control!
It's no good. It's listing too much.
I'm blind on the guy on my six!
Did the sun just explode?
What an impact! That was incredible!
Our planes are all going down.
Is that all that remains?
The jets on the carrier are plunging off the flight deck.
Did we shoot down the enemy planes?
I can't gain altitude. Hey guys, I need a little help here.
No! The carrier's sinking!
Climb, climb!
Quit your chatter and just climb.
Oh, look out! They are back. Emergency climb.
Almost there. I'm almost at 5,000 feet.
I can't! There's no way I can make 5,000 feet.
Full power! I can't get any more out of my engines!
Currently at 3,000 feet!
Emergency climb!
Just climb!
How do you know we're safe if we're at 5,000 feet?
Hurry up and climb!
Climb! We're still at 3000 feet!
Omega Nine, climb quickly!
We have to climb!
How do you know we're safe even if we climb?



I'm hit! I'm... I'm losing altitude!
That steel rain again!
Halo Ten, can you hear me? Get out of there!
Lost contact with the flight deck. It's destroyed.
It's a trap. Those bastards were waiting for us to arrive!
How could we come to this?
No! They've sunk the Buzzard?
How can one missile do this much damage?
Our planes are all ****** up in the metal rain!
******************, it's all over, man.

私見ですが、このミッションにおけるThe Unsubtitled Voicesは


I missed. 《はずしたか。》
