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Acecombat BBS / AC04台詞


1 かいしょー 02/03/30 土 03:07:35

2 かいしょー 02/03/30 土 03:08:06



3 かいしょー 02/03/30 土 03:08:33


4 かいしょー 02/03/30 土 03:09:00


5 かいしょー 02/03/30 土 03:09:30

6 かいしょー 02/03/30 土 03:10:01


7 かいしょー 02/03/30 土 03:10:28


8 Omega118 02/05/08 水 02:21:19
The troops are regrouped and ready to reclaim lost territory from the Erusians in the
Amphibious, Operation Bunker Shot.
The plan requires our forces to follow an extremely narrow and vulnerable path
from the landing site to the inland objective.
This path allows the enemy to concentrate their fire and provides them with
a distinctive advantage.
However, this route lies out of Stonehenge's effective range.
Your mission is to reduce troop casualties at the beach landing sites.
9 Omega118 02/05/08 水 02:22:01
Friend_G: Headquarters, this is Lieutenant Beltz, commander of Unit-B at Crowne Beach!
We do not have air superiority over the beach. This isn't as promised.
HQ: This is uh, HQ. Friendly fighters are inbound. Continue efforts to secure the beach.
Friend_G: All right. We'll do our best, but tell them I'll be seeing them once we land! Over!

AWACS: Crowne Beach, at vector 3-2-0, 4 miles.
AWACS: Caranda Beach, at vector 0-4-0, 8 miles.
AWACS: Crowne Beach at vector 2-5-0, on the nose.
AWACS: Halle Beach, at vector 2-3-0, on the nose. <<ヘイルビーチは方位230(南西)、
10 Omega118 02/05/08 水 02:22:48
Friend_G: Enemy coastal artilleries are engaging our ships!
Friend: Cover the landing party! <<上陸部隊をまもれ!>>
Friend: That fighter is mine! <<敵の攻撃機をやる!>>
Friend_G: Artillery fire into the enemy rear formation is ineffective.
Friend: Watch the???? side. <<味方を巻き込むなよ。>>
Friend: We're in enemy air space. There's minimal chance of rescue if you go down.
Friend: Moving to contact with enemy troops inland.
Friend: They'll be hard to provide supporting fire with this low visibility.
Friend: We've feet wet for a long time.
Friend: I see scattered lights, here and there.
11 Omega118 02/05/08 水 02:23:26
Friend_G: Taking control of coastal positions and enemy artillery. <<湾岸線陣地ならびに
Friend_G: Assemble in the left slope. <<全員、左側の斜面に集合しろ。>>
Friend_G: Third squad, forward! <<3班、前へ!>>
Friend_G: Close in on those bunkers. <<トーチカまで近づけ!>>
Friend_G: Attention all air craft, concentrate all your fire power, here!
Friend_G: All landed units, hurry to the assembly point.
Friend_G: Unit-B, circle around from the right and proceed forward.
Friend_G: Support fleet, this is Unit-Y. We need some back up!
Friend_G: Stop shooting, 2nd squad! You hit our guys! <2班、射撃を中止しろ!
Friend_G: Headquarters! Instruct the aircraft to fire on the bunkers.
Friend_G: Fix bayonets! <<全員着剣しろ!>>
Friend_G: Fix bayonets now while you can! <<今のうちに着剣しろ!>>
12 Omega118 02/05/08 水 02:24:21
Enemy: Target enemy landing craft. <<目標、敵上陸用舟艇。>>
Enemy: No need to annihilate, just pin 'em (=them) down.
Enemy_G: Victory here will come in high price! <<ここの通行料は高いぞ!>>
Enemy_G: Send them to their manger (?) with some artillery fire. <<支援砲火でとどめを刺せ。>>
Enemy_G: Heads up! We're taking fire from enemy air. <<上から来るぞ、
Friend_G: Air support requested. The artillery fires coming from the North.

Enemy_G: (They're) Now engaging us. Return fire! <<撃ってきたぞ。応戦しろ。>>
Enemy_G: Let the missile sanitize the air space above us.
Friend_G: Enemy tanks destroyed! <<敵戦車撃破!>>
Friend_G: The second landing party is coming! Move forward. Clear the beach.
13 Omega118 02/05/08 水 02:25:07
Friend_G: This is Unit-S, were on the beach. <<こちらS部隊、ビーチに到達>>
Friend_G: Do something about that Hind. It has us pinned down.
Friend_G: This is Unit-T we are on the beach. <<T部隊、上陸地点に到達!>>
Friend_G: This is Unit-B, we're pin downed behind the helicopters.
Friend_G: This is Unit-R, we're on the beach. <<こちらR部隊、上陸成功!>>
Friend_G: We need backup! Where's the backup! <<増援を要請する!増援まだか!>>
Friend_G: Eleven o'clock, Distance 200 and closing in! <<11時方向、距離200!>>
Friend_G: There's only 2 stingers! <<スティンガーが2つしかないのか!>>
Friend_G: Seven Squad, don't stop there! You'll be caught the crossfire.
Friend_G: Chopper closing in on your left, 4th squad!
Friend_G: Crowne Beach under chopper fire. Our equipment sank.
We aren't able to return fire!
Friend_G: Don't give up! I can see our planes coming! <<あきらめるな、
Friend_G: We need air support. Get your best pilot out here, and don't hit us!
Friend_G: This is Crowne Beach. All enemy choppers have been shot down!
Friend_G: Enemy forces on the beach have been neutralized. Advance now!
14 Omega118 02/05/08 水 02:25:51
Friend_G: This is Unit-A, were on the beach. <<A部隊、ビーチに到達!>>
Friend_G: This is Unit-D, were on the beach. <<こちらD部隊、ビーチに到達。>>
Friend_G: The enemy special unit is beyond that mountain. Can we engage, HQ?
Friend_G: Remove obstacles from the beach.
Friend_G: Caranda Beach is taking, a, heavy artillery fire!
Friend_G: Move forward during the break in the artillery fire!
Friend_G: Do something about the bunker. We can't move forward until it's neutralized!
Friend_G: It's no good! They're still in the water! <<だめだ、まだ水の中だ!>>
Friend_G: We've landed, but we're far from the proposed landing site.
Friend_G: We'll continue engaging enemy forces on the beach.
Friend_G: Where are the combat engineers?! <<工兵部隊はいないのか!>>
Friend_G: Stall them until the defense lines are complete!

Friend_G: Enemy bombardment has ceased. We can move now!
Friend_G: This is Caranda Beach. Position is secured. Get those troops landed.
Friend_G: Caranda Beach here. Enemy coastal positions and cannons now under control!
15 Omega118 02/05/08 水 02:26:38
Friend_G: This is Unit-P. We're on the beach! <<P部隊、上陸に成功!>>
Friend_G: This is Unit-Q. We're on the beach! <<Q部隊、ビーチに到達した!>>
Friend_G: Don't stop! Keep moving forward! <<止まるな、進め!>>
Friend_G: Tanks, at two O'clock! <<二時方向に戦車多数!!>>
Friend_G: Unit-Y here. Attack their re-enforcement from the North.
We'll be goners if they land. <<こちらY部隊、北から接近中の
Friend_G: Heavy sea (state ?) is interfering with navigation. Landing time may be delayed.
Friend_G: We need more fire power support!

Friend_G: Unit-O at Halle Beach. We xxx beach is xxx secured.
Friend_G: Air superiority achieved. Unit-C and O, forward!

(Mission Update)
Friend_G: Beltz from Unit-B here! We've got enemy A-10s closing in on Crowne Beach!
We can't hold them back with our forces!
AWACS: All aircraft to the central beach, now. Shoot down all incoming enemy aircraft.
16 Omega118 02/05/08 水 02:27:48
Friend_G: Is that one of ours?! <<上を飛んでいるのは味方機なのか?!>>
Friend_G: Eight squad, retreating to the rear slope.
Friend_G: Take shelter! <<退避!退避!>>
Friend_G: We're ???? from below. <<下からじゃ全く手が出ない!>>
Friend_G: Enemy fire is too heavy. Forward movement impossible!
Enemy: Push them back towards the ocean! <<海に追いおとせ!>>
Enemy_G: Step on them. <<上空からの接近を許すな。>>
Enemy: Bombs away! <<投下!>>
Enemy: The enemy troops are pinned to the beach. <<敵はビーチに釘付けになっている。>>
Enemy: Attack the ones closing in on beach. <<ビーチに近づく敵機を攻撃しろ。>>
Enemy: There're confused. <<敵は混乱している。>>
Friend_G: That's one of ours. Oh, all right let them have it! <<味方機だ。いいぞ、

(A-10 撃墜)
Friend: Target is neutralized! <<ターゲット沈黙!>>
AWACS: A-10, shot down! <<A-10を撃墜>>
Enemy: Splash one! He's going down! <<命中した!海に落ちたぞ>>
Enemy: Damn! It's no use! I'm hit! <<ちくしょう!食らった!だめだ!>>
AWACS: Bandit, shot down! <<敵機を撃墜!>>

(最後の A-10 撃墜直後)
AWACS: Mobius-1, shot down one target. <<目標を撃墜。>>
Friend : Good job, Mobius-1. <<いいぞ、メビウス1。>>

AWACS: Confirmed splash on all A-10s. Unit-B appears to have secured Crowne Beach.
HQ: Ten-four, Good job. The mission is a success.
HQ: Unit-B commander, didn't you have some message for the pilots?
Friend_G: This is Sergeant Collins. I've taken over command of Unit-B.
Tell them thanks for the supporting fire.
HQ: Roger … This is headquarters. Mission complete.

A beachhead was established through a fierce fighting at each of the landing sites, but
this is only the first step towards regaining the mainland.
17 Omega118 02/05/08 水 02:30:03
Friend: Viper-9, engage! <<ヴァイパー9、交戦>>
Friend: Omega-1, engage! <<オメガ1、交戦!>>
Friend: Rapier-8, engage! <<レイピア8、交戦>>
Friend: Halo-10, engage! <<ヘイロー10、交戦!>>
Friend: Halo-2, engage! <<ヘイロー2、交戦!>>
Friend: Watch me earn my ace-wings today. <<今日のエースは俺がもらう。>>
Friend: Not yet… There! <<まだだ…、いた。>>
Friend: Yee hoo! <<イヤッホー!>>
Friend: Radio failure. <<通信不調。>>
Friend: Missile! Hard left! <<ミサイルだ!急旋回しろ!>>
Friend: Got him! <<捕まえた。>>
Friend: Kick right. <<右を蹴れ。>>
Friend: It's no good! <<まずいぞ!>>
Friend: Pull up! Pull up! <<スティック引け!>>
Friend: Keep going straight. <<そのまま、まっすぐ真正面。>>
Friend: Damn! (There!) There is a whole in my plane!
Friend: Don't fly in a straight line. <<真っ直ぐ飛ぶな!>>
Friend: Can't shake him! <<ちくしょう、振り切れない!>>
18 Omega118 02/05/08 水 02:30:39
Friend: Keep your eyes on the radar. <<レーダーから目をそらすな。>>
Friend: Keep an eye on those bandits. <<敵機に注意しろ。>>
Friend: Turn hard right! <<右へターンしろ!>>
Friend: Don't let your flying get sloppy! <<雑な飛行は命取りだぞ!>>
Friend: Don't lose sight of your wingman! <<僚機を見失うなよ。>>
Friend: Don't let the enemy spook you.
Friend: Don't worry. Just remember all you've learned during training.
Friend: Stay cool when they close in. <<敵が近づいてもあわてるな。>>
Friend: I've still no joy. <<まだ見えん。>>
Friend: Be calm and give at your best shot when the enemy arrives.
Friend: Enemy resistance is tougher than we expected.
Friend: Fox 2, fox 2.
Friend: Got plenty of ammo. <<弾はまだ十分ある。>>
Friend: Decrease your throttle. <<スロットル下げろ。>>
Friend: Fast drop! <<急降下!>>
Friend: I'm flowing towards the next beach. <<隣のビーチに向かう>>
19 Omega118 02/05/08 水 02:32:05
Friend: There's fighters above the beach. <<ビーチ上空にも戦闘機がいるぞ。>>
Friend: Hard left, hard left! <<旋回しろ、旋回!>>
Friend: It's still okay. <<まだ大丈夫。>>
Friend: Don't be predictable at heading or altitude when they close in.
Friend: Missile! Hard left! <<ミサイルだ!急旋回しろ!>>
Friend: Hard right, now! <<右によけろ、早く!>>
Friend: Mobius-1, bandit behind you! <<メビウス1、敵機だ、すぐうしろ!!>>
Friend: Evade, Mobius-1! <<回避しろメビウス1!>>
Friend: Evade, Evade! <<回避、回避!>>
Friend: Missile! Missile! <<ミサイル!ミサイル!>>
Friend: Mobius-1 shot one down. <<メビウス1が敵機撃墜!>>
Friend: This is bad. We're surrounded. <<まずいぞ、敵だらけだ!>>
Friend: Mobius-1, get out of there! <<メビウス1、逃げろ!>>
Friend: Mobius-1, bandit at six o'clock. <<メビウス1、6時に敵機。>>
Friend: Woo-eee! <<イヤッホー!>>
Friend: Strip off. <<二手にわかれる。>>
Friend: Damn! <<くそ!>>
Friend: Bandit secured. (日本語無し)
Friend: Brake! Missile. <<ブレイクだ、ミサイル!>>
Friend: High, high! <<上だ、上!>>
20 Omega118 02/05/08 水 02:33:26
AWACS: Cleared to engage. <<交戦を許可する。>>
AWACS: Mobius-1, engage! <<メビウス1、交戦>>
AWACS: Bandit confirmed at vector 3-2-0.
AWACS: Bandit confirmed at vector 2-5-0.
AWACS: Bandit confirmed at vector 2-9-0.
AWACS: Missile! Break! <<ミサイル!ブレイク!>>
AWACS: Brake! Missile! <<ブレイクだ、ミサイル!>>
AWACS: Mobius-1, pickle! <<メビウス1、投下!>>
AWACS: Pickle! Pickle! <<投下!投下!>>
AWACS: Bombs away! <<投下!>>
AWACS: Chopper shot down! <<ヘリを撃墜!>>
21 Omega118 02/05/08 水 02:34:02
AWACS: AA Guns, destroyed. <<対空機銃を破壊!>
AWACS: SAM, destroyed. <<SAMを破壊!>>
AWACS: Tank, destroyed. <<戦車を破壊。>>
AWACS: Enemy vehicle destroyed. <<敵車両を破壊>>
AWACS: Enemy facility, destroyed. <<敵施設を破壊!>>
AWACS: Surface target, destroyed. <<地上ターゲットを破壊。>>
AWACS: Locked on. <<ロックオン。>>
AWACS: Nice kill! <<ナイスキル!>>
AWACS: Check six! <<後方に注意!>>
AWACS: Hard enemy radar spike. <<注意、ロックオンされた!>>
AWACS: Missile hit! <<ミサイル命中!>>
AWACS: Mobius-1, hit! <<メビウス1、被弾。>>
AWACS: Mobius-1, fox 2. <<メビウス1、フォックス2。>>
AWACS: Missile shot trashed! <<命中せず!>>
AWACS: Radar lock! <<レーダーロックオン。>>
AWACS: Locked on! <<ロックオン!>>
AWACS: Missed <<ミス!>>
AWACS: You're in gun range. <<ガンの射程内。>>
22 Omega118 02/05/08 水 02:35:45
Enemy: Right behind you! Heads up! <<すぐうしろだ、うしろを見ろ!>>
Enemy: I'm on him. <<よし、敵のケツにつけた。>>
Enemy: It's not working! I can't shake it! Eject! <<無理だ!よけきれない!脱出する!>>
Enemy: A missile! I'm evading! <<くそ!ミサイルだ!回避する!>>
Enemy: He's behind me! <<うしろにいやがる!>>
Enemy: Bandit at 6 o'clock. Shake him off. <<6時方向敵機だ。はやくかわせ。>>
Enemy: He's on me. (日本語無し)
Enemy: Bandits right on me! <<敵がぴったりついてくる!>>
Enemy: Red-10, fox 2! <<赤10、ミサイル発射。>>
Enemy: Mayday, mayday, mayday. This is Red-9! I've got no control. Ejecting!
<<メイデイ メイデイ メイデイ、こちら赤9!操作不能、脱出する!>>
Enemy: It's not working. Get out of there!
Enemy: This is Blue-1, plane is inoperable! Ejecting!
Enemy: Don't let them get the shot. <<やらせるな!>>
Enemy: Bandit on your tail! Evade! <<うしろに敵だぞ!回避しろ!>>
Enemy: Almost locked on. <<もうすぐロックできる。>>
Enemy: Fox 2! Fox 2! <<発射!発射!>>
Enemy: Fox 2. <<フォックス2。>>
Enemy: Got him! On my nose! <<もらった、目の前だ。>>
Enemy: White-4, fox 2! <<白4、フォックス2!>>
Enemy: Come on! Just a bit more! <<くそ、捕まえろ、もう少し!>>
Enemy: Damn it! I'm hit! Can't see with smoke. <<ちくしょう!やられた!
23 Omega118 02/05/08 水 02:36:29
Enemy: Attack enemy landing units! <<敵の上陸部隊を攻撃する。>>
Enemy: Red-8, bandit behind you! Turn and evade! <<赤8、後ろに敵機だ。
Enemy: I'm supporting. <<敵機を捕らえた。>>
Enemy: White-7 here. I can't control it! <<こちら白7、操作不能!>>
Enemy: One of ours got hit! <<味方が1機食われた!>>
Enemy: We're hit! Eject! Eject! <<食らった!脱出する!>>
Enemy: He's at my six! <<背中を取られた!>>
Enemy: Damn it! He's engaging me! <<くそ、敵に狙われてる!>>
Enemy: This is Black 8, my aircraft is damaged. <<こちら黒8、機体損傷!機体損傷!>>
Enemy: I'm hit! I see flames! Eject! <<食らった!ダメだ、火だ!脱出する!>>
Enemy: Pick up the weak ones first! <<弱いやつから狙え!>>
Enemy: I've got bulls-eye! <<当たった!>>
Enemy: Unbelievable. <<なんてやつらだ。>>
Enemy: White-2 shot down by a bandit! <<白2が敵機に撃墜された!>>
Enemy: I'm out of ammo (=ammunition). Winchester! <<弾が切れた!>>
Enemy: He's shooting! <<撃ってきた!>>
Enemy: Pursuing bandit! <<敵を追尾中!>>
Enemy: I got ya! You ain't getting no way! <<捕まえた、逃がさんぞ!>>
Enemy: They're desperate. <<敵も必死だな。>>
Enemy: He's mine! <<いただきだ! >>
Enemy: One of ours went down! <<味方がやられたぞ!>>
Enemy: Damn! That was one of ours! <<くそ!味方がおとされた!>>
Enemy: I'm hit. Eject Eje… <<やられた!脱出する!脱出する!>>
Enemy: Copy that. <<…了解した。>>
Enemy: I've taken damage! Can't maintain course! <<機体損傷!まっすぐ飛べない!>>
Enemy: Oh no! There's not enough time! <<だめだ!間に合わん!>>

24 Omega118 02/05/08 水 02:40:56

その1〜その6は その他・ミッション中適宜発生のもの。

