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Mission 27

めかにかる様  ノース・K様  じおぺりあ様  Crimson様  やまぶ様  SOLG様  MAGNUM様  黄色の26様  小沢 公成様  まばろはーれい様
ブリーフィング part 1
そこに隠されていたのは、核兵器の設計資料・・・ 前2発が小型の戦術核、ベルカが前大戦で使ったものだったのに対し、より以上の兵器「大量報復兵器『V2』」の設計資料であった。 前の戦争当時は開発未了だったが、戦後ひそかに完成されていたらしい。
V2はMIRVだ。オーシアかユークトバニア、どちらかの大都市の半数を消滅させられる。それを仕込むとすれば… いつのまにか稼動していたSOLGに違いない。 あれはそのための軌道上プラットフォームだったからな。
その管制システムについてだが、 アンドロメダが、アークバードに指令を送っていた「シャンツェ」の発信場所を特定した。
オーシア信託統治領である旧・南ベルカ… ノースオーシア州にそれがある。
We've decoded the disc that the Major brought back with her.
It contained the blueprints for mass retaliation weapon, codename V2. A far more powerful weapon than the two tactical nukes that the Belkan used in the last war. It was never fully developed at that time, but it appears that they have secretly completed its construction in the 15 years since the war. V2 is a MIRV missile.
It can wipe out half of all the large cities in either Osea or Yuktobania. So where was it deployed? It had to be in the SOLG, which was also secretly completed and it's now operational. After all, it was built to function as an orbital platform for such weapons in the first place. The SOLG itself is unmanned and that's controlled from the ground, but we didn't know where.
Then, the intelligence vessel Andromeda tracked down the origin of "Schenze"'s transmissions to the Arkbird. It's in the former South Belka, the state entrusted to Osean rule and now called North Osea. To be more precise, the transmissions originated from an experimantal facility owned by Grunder Industries, a manufacturer of the weapons we use. The president of Grunder has sworn allegiance to Osea, but in truth, he was a secret member of the "Gray Men". Under the guise of their experimental facility, they are actually taking a gigantic tunnel under the mountain range that runs along the border dividing North and South Belka. Their ultimate goal is to reunite the two Belkas. And in that tunnel...


ケストレル、ミサイル被弾! 敵の実体は不明、解析が間に合わない!


The Kestrel just took a missile hit!
Enemy unknown. We can't identify it in time.
Additional missile approaching!
Razgriz, launch immediately and gain altitude to escape!
(Kestrel Crew)対艦ミサイル第二波接近 弾着まで10秒!
Second wave of missiles inbound! 10 seconds to impact!
(Kestrel Crew)弾幕を展開しろ!
Counter with artillery barrage!
(Kestrel Crew)駄目です 対応しきれません 衝撃に備えてください! ※駄目です 衝撃に備えてください!
We can't hit all of them! Brace for impact!
(Kestrel Crew)右舷に浸水!ダメコン急げ!
Starboard side flood! Damage control!
(Kestrel Crew)敵潜水艦からのミサイル 2発命中! 艦が傾斜します!
We've been hit by two sub-launched missiles! The ship's listing!
Launch them out.
(Kestrel Crew)駄目です
傾斜してゆきます! 艦が沈みます!
We can't.
The ship’s listing heavily to starboard! The ship's listing heavily to starboard!
Continue with the launch.
(Kestrel Crew)でも…
(Andersen)彼らを打ち出せ 射出急げ 発艦だけは まっとうしろ
射出要員以外は退艦急げ ※射出要員を除く乗組員は退艦急げ
Take them up. Hurry up with the catapult. Just concentrate on launching them.
All hands not conducting aircraft launch, abandon ship immediately.
This is probably the last time this ship launches an aircraft. So, go ahaed and pick the best plane we've got in here.
Pick out a plane you want. We'll catapult you into the sky. We're gonna get you up there no matter what. All right?
Carrier Controller何が何でも君たちを打ち出すぞ カタパルトがいかれても構うもんか。
We're getting you guys into the air no matter what. I don't care what happens to the catapult!
Carrier Controllerフルスロットルだ! 今ならまだ間に合う!
Full throttle! You can still make it if you take off now!
Carrier Controller一刻の猶予もない! 早く発艦するんだ!
There's no time! You have to take off now!
Carrier Controllerもう艦が持たない!急げ!
We can't keep this ship afloat any longer! Hurry!
Carrier Controller発艦を確認した、 これより射出要員は退艦します!
Aircraft launch confirmed. Catapult crew will now evacuate the ship!
発艦後(ムービー) part 1
(Kestrel Crew)敵潜水艦 撃沈!
Enemy submarine sunk!
(Kestrel Crew)沈む 艦が沈む ※沈む 艦が沈むぞ
She's sinking. The ship’s sinking.
The gone.
(Andersen)負け続けの私だが… 今度は私の勝ちだ
I've lost time and time again… but now I've finally won.
(Andersen)「見たまえ 彼らは無事に飛び立った それが私の勝利だ
彼らが空中にある限り 私の負けはない そして 彼らなら やってのけるだろう
Look! We launched them off safely. There's my victory.
As long as they're in the air, I haven't lost. And I know they'll succeed.
艦長は 鼻歌を歌いだす
海戦のさなかに レコードを かけていたのは この人だった
The Captain was humming a tune.
The same song I heard from the anti-war audience in the stadium.
He was the one playing that record in the middle of a sea battle.
発艦後(ムービー) part 2
(caption) [大統領官邸ブライトヒル/オーレッド 12月30日 22時00分]
Bright Hill, Oured 2200hrs. Dec 30, 2010
Harling私はオーシア大統領 ハーリングです ※私はオーシア大統領ハーリングです
戦場にいる― ※戦場にいる
オーシア・ユークトバニア 両軍将兵の皆さん
銃を置いて塹壕を あとにしましょう
私の不在を利用して 専断していた者たちから
自由と正しいことを行う権限を 奪われていた私は
今こうして 黄金色の太陽の下に復帰し
ニカノール首相閣下と ともにあります
This is President Harling of the Osean Federation.
Attention, all Osean and Yuktobanian officers and soldiers currently on the battlefield. Let us put down our guns and come out of the trenches. The Osean capital of Oured has been freed of the people who took advantage of my absence to usurp control of the country.
Once robbed of my freedom and of my ability to do the right thing. I now stand again under the light of the golden sun, and I do so with the honorable Yuktobanian Prime Minister Nikanor by my side.
We have resolved our terrible and unfortunate misunderstandings, and the war is now over.
Nikanor私はユークトバニア元首にして 政府首相ニカノールです
戦場にいる ユークトバニア オーシア 両軍将兵の皆さん
肩を並べ 手を取り合う姿を ご覧いただきたい
戦争は終わったが 我々にはまだ なさなければならない戦いがある
This is Prime Minister Nikanor, head of government for the Union of Yuktobanian Republics.
Attention, all officers and soldiers of Osea and Yuktobania currently on the battlefield.
Please watch as President Harling and I stand shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand. President Harling’s words are true.
The war is over, but there is one more battle that still needs to be fought.
我々の間に 憎しみを 駆り立てた者たちは
我々のどちらかの国 そこにある 大都市の半数を破壊できる兵器を
しかし 我々の友人たちが 今 飛行機を飛ばし ※しかし 我々の友人たちが
その企みを阻止するための 行動を始めています ※今 その企みを阻止するための 行動を始めています
破壊されようとしているのは 二つの国のどちらなのか
We believe that those who have tired to stir hatred between us are now preparing a weapon that could wipe out half of all metropolitan areas in either one of our counties.
Our comrades are in flight as I speak, determined to stop this plan dead in its tracks.
Which country is under the threat of mass destruction? That, we do not know.
Nikanorしかし それは重要ではない
どちらの国が被る被害も 共通の大きな痛手です
However, that is no longer important. No matter which country is hit, it would be a severe blow to all of us.
あなたがたの 持てる道具を持って
どうか彼らを手助けしてやって欲しい ※彼らを手助けしてやって欲しい
So now I ask you, members of the military. If you see it in your hearts, please utilize the resources available to you and help out our brave pilots.
Right now they are flying east to meet the enemy.
Nikanorなおも まがまがしい武器の力を 使おうとする者たちよ
平和と融和の光の下に ひれ伏したまえ
To those who still dare to hide behind the power of their hateful weapons.
Bring yourself before the light of peace and harmony.
Those are Yuke fighters.
Friend Yuke Squadronこちらはユーク第703飛行隊だ。大統領たちの演説を聞いた。君たちにつく。
This is the Yuktobanian 703rd Squadron. We heard the President's speech. We will fight with you.
Friend Oaean Squadron我々にもその歌を歌わせてくれ。一緒に行くよ。
Let us sing that song, too. We're going with you.
Friend Oaean Squadron我々もだ。
So are we.

Friend Osean Helicopterこちらはオーシア空挺旅団第一大隊。旅団長を殴ってきた。手を貸させてくれ。
This is the Osean First Fighter Wing. I just knocked out the Brigade Commander. We'd also like to help.

Friend Yuke Squadronユーク第172爆撃中隊だ。その歌は我々も大好きだ。
This is the Yuktobanian 172nd Fighter-Bomber Squadron. We love that song, too.

AWACS Oka Nieba♪ララーラ ラ〜〜 我々の美声を聞きたまえ
君たちのボスから通信が入ってるよ 中継しよう
La la la... Listen to our beautiful voice. This is AWACS Oka Nieba. That would mean "Sky Eye" in your language. I'll patch it in.We got a message from your boss. I'll patch it in.
The SOLG just docked with the last cargo shipment from the mass driver. It may be fully operational soon. The Andromeda has tracked down its transmission link. It's still coming from Schenze. I'll be briefing you, so pay attention.
ブリーフィング part 2
We will attack the SOLG control system located in the giant tunnel under the Waldreich mountains.
The tunnel entrance is located at the foot of the mountains and the entire area is covered by mountains and waterways. First, an armored force will try to move in from the town to infiltrate the wharf where the entrance to the control system is located. There are several enemy defense positions built along the path that the armored force will take, so air support will be vital for their invasion. Meanwhile, a helicopter formation will attack the control system entrance and capture the nearby area. We're also expecting the helicopters to face anti-air resistance, so we'll need to support to put down enemy fire around the entrance.
Your squadron's mission is to protect the armored force and clear out a landing area for the heliborne fleet.
Once both units capture the facility entrance, a special force's team will open up the shutter blocking the way inside. Go through the open entrance and destroy the SOLG control system from the inside.
君たちの接近を感知したグランダー社は、 オーシア・ユークトバニア両国の 好戦派の軍人たちに助けを求めた。
見返りに3発目の小型戦術核V1を、 助けてくれた側の陣営に渡すといってね。
より強力なV2のことは隠したままだよ。 いいか、彼らは戦闘機すら繰り出して来るぞ。
Grunder Industries has detected your approach and they're asking for help from the warmongers still left in both Osea and Yuktobania. Said they'd hand over the third V1 tactical nuke in exchange. They're hiding the more powerful V2 from them. Now listen, they're gonna be sending out fighter jets.
This is the sky that will determine our fate.
We've got to win this battle and bring back peace!
Harlingオーシア軍の最高権限を有するものとして 命令します。
オーシアの全軍は直ちに全ての武器を格納し、 戦闘を停止して下さい。
As the commander-in-chief of the Osean Army, I hereby order all units to lower their weapons and cease fighting.
Hamiltonユーク軍機に構うな! ウォードッグの幽霊をしとめろ。私に続け!
Don't worry about the Yuke fighters! Get the Wardog ghosts. Follow me! We're going to put an end to all wars once and for all!
Whoa, Hamilton's here, too.
Nagase気をつけて。彼はグラーバクの アグレッサーに鍛えられたのよ。
Be careful. He was trained by the Grabacr aggressors.
Local Newscaster工業地帯に進攻したオーシア・ユーク軍が 集結しています。
この地域が再び戦渦に巻き込まれる という残念な結果に…
The advancing Osean and Yuktobanian forces have gathered in the industrial sector. It seems that once again, this area is caught up in the flames of war...
Friend Osean Gこちらは第112歩兵大隊だ。 ユークへの進発準備中だったが、 大統領の言葉で戦いの目的が 変わったことを知った。
This is the 112th Infantry Battalion. We were preparing to launch into Yuktobania, but the President's words convinced us to change our battle mission.
Friend Osean Gこれより、敵施設を攻撃する。
Now commencing attack on the enemy facility.
Friend Osean Helicopter空挺旅団第一大隊全員聞け! よし、ヘリボーンだ!俺たちも行くぞ!
All First Fighter Wing units, listen up! There go the air assault choppers! We're going in too!
Enemy Yuke Squadronええい!あの先頭のヤツ墜とせば 終わるはずだ!
Ah, just shoot down that lead plane, and this will be all over!
Grimmウチのエースは墜とせない。 敵もすぐに分かる。
They'll learn soon enough. Our ace can't be shot down.
Friend Osean Helicopter
降下ポイントに対空火器が見える。 航空機部隊、施設付近を掃除してくれ!
We can see AA weapons at the drop point. Air units, sweep up the area around the facility for us!
Friend Osean Helicopter
よし、任せたぞ。新たに配備されているようだ。 聞いていたより多い。
Okay, we're leaving it to you. It looks like they were deployed recently. A lot more than we heard.
Friend Osean Helicopter
だめだ、このままでは 格好の的になるだけだ。
You've got to do it. Otherwise we'll just be target practice.
Friend Osean Helicopter
航空機部隊へ!聞こえていないのか? このままでは近づけない!下の対空兵器だ!
Air units! Can you hear me? We can't approach the drop point! Take out the AA weapons down there!!

Enemy Yuke Squadron核兵器は我々のものだ。 オーシアのカラスどもめ。
That nuke is ours, you dirty Osean vultures.
Enemy Osean Squadronここは、今はオーシアの領土なのだ。 ユーク軍機の好きにさせるか。
This is Osean territory now. We're not letting the Yukes have their way.
AWACS Oka Nieba悪人に味方するもの同士で噛み合ってるよ。 まるで地獄の犬どもみたいだ。
The guys that allied with the villains are bitting at each other. Look at 'em like a bunch of dogs from hell.
Hamiltonくそっ。まるで本当の地獄が 開いたようだ。醜い。
Dammit. Looks like we really did open the gates of hell.
Hamilton我々をこんなところに 追い込んだのは彼らだ。
How could we have come to this? It's them...They've dragged us all into this
Hamiltonウォードッグの幽霊、 ラーズグリーズの亡霊なのだ。
--the Wardog ghosts, the Ghosts of Razgriz.
Enemy Yuke Squadronラーズグリーズの亡霊…。
The Ghosts of Razgriz...
Enemy Osean Squadronそうだ、彼らをしとめろ。
Yeah. Let's get 'em.
Enemy Yuke Squadron奴らをだ。
Get those bastards.
AWACS Oka Niebaこちらオーカ・ニエーバ。 歌声で集った諸君。
This is Oka Nieba. Listen up, everyone in the choir.
AWACS Oka Nieba二つの敵が一斉に ラーズグリーズを狙い始めた。
The enemies are all going after Razgriz at once.
Friend Osean Squadron彼らを守る。
We'll protect them.
Friend Yuke Squadron俺たちもだ。
We're with you.

Friend Osean G
上からのSOLGの攻撃に増援ラインを遮断された! コントロール施設はまだ陥ちないのか?
Our reinforcement has been cut off by the SOLG's attacks! Is the control facility destroyed?
Friend Osean G
了解。こっちはあっちの光の弾にやられっぱなしで 防ぎようが無い。頼む。
Roger. We're helpless against those bullets of light over here. We're counting on you.
Friend Osean G
急いでくれ、このままで はわが部隊が全滅してしまう!
Please hurry. At this rate, we're not gonna be here much longer!
Nicanor両国将兵は陣地を出で、 向かい側に立つ他国の同僚と握手してください。
Soldiers and officers on both sides, please emerge from your positions, and shake hands with your foreign comrades on the other side...
Just as President Harling and I are doing right now.
Local Newscasterなぜ彼らが「ラーズグリーズ」と 呼ばれているか、詳細は不明です。
「ラーズグリーズ」はおとぎ話に 登場する悪魔とも英雄とも言われ…
It's still unclear why they're being referred to as the "Razgriz".
The Razgriz is a storybook character who is called both a demon and a hero...
Friend Yuke Gラーズグリーズ、か…。 伝説の通りになったな。
Razgriz...the legend's come true.
Friend Yuke Gラーズグリーズがサンド島の奴らってのは 本当か?
Is it true that the Razgriz are really the guys from Sand Island?
Friend Yuke G俺たちにはラーズグリーズがいる。 躊躇わずに進め。
We've got the Razgriz on our side. Don't falter an go forward.
Osean Press大統領筋によりますと、 「ラーズグリーズ」は四名の…
内一人は女性パイロットとのことですが、 詳しい確認は取れていません…
According to sources close to the President, the "Razgriz" consists of four...
One of the pilots is reportedly a female, but we haven't been able to confirm this yet...
Snow「…英雄として現れる」…か。 あながち作り話ではないかもな。
"The demon returns as a great hero..." Huh, maybe it's not a fairy tale after all.
Friend Osean Squadronこちらヴァイパー1、 ユーク空軍の腕前を見学させてもらうよ。 
This is Viper 1. I'll sit back and let the Yuke Air Force show their stuff.
Friend Osean Squadron了解ヴァイパー1。しばしの間ご一緒させてもらうよ。
Roger, Viper 1. Allow us to join you in flight for a while.
Friend Osean Gよろしく頼む、そちらのコールは…
Nice working with you. Your callsign?
Friend Yuke Gゼニート1だ、詳しい紹介は後回しだ。 まずは任務を果たそう。
Zenit 1. We'll save the introductions for later. Let's finish the mission first.
Grimm周りを見て下さい! 味方ばっかりだ!
Look around us! Nothing but allies!
Grimm信じてれば…味方って増えるんだ。 本当なんだ。
It's true. If we believe in ourselves, people will believe in us.
AWACS Oka Nieba我々全員が英雄となろう。 平和のための英雄だ。
We are all heroes now...heroes for peace.
Yuke Press今や両国で交わされるのは砲火ではなく 友情となりました!
Now the two countries are freely exchanging goodwill, not gunfire.
Yuke Press両国の代表の発言が多くの人々を 動かしたのです…
The words from the leaders of both countries have moved the masses...
Friend Osean G大統領の演説の通りになったな。 仲良くやるのが一番だ。
Guess the President was right, huh? No sense in bickering with each other.
Friend Yuke Gいや、大統領の演説が無くったって そうしただろうよ。
I think this would've happened even without the President's speech.
Friend Yuke G一緒に戦って、一緒に生還するんだ。 忘れるな!
We're gonna fight together, and we're gonna come home together. Don't you forget that!
Frined Osean G今歴史がまた変わろうとしている。 作っているのは俺たちだ。
This is history in the making...and we're making it.
Friend Osean Squadron
こっちはオーシア第502戦術航空中隊だ。 やっと到着した。援護させてもらうからな!
This is the Osean 502nd Tactical Fighter Wing. We finally made it. We'd like to lend our support!
Friend Osean Squadron
SOLGにいくらかやられてしまった。 待たせて悪かった。
We lost several planes to the SOLG. Sorry to keep you waiting.
Friend Osean Squadron
遠慮する必要はない。 我が隊の士気は十分高い。やらせてくれ。
Don't worry, we insist. Our morale is high, and we'd love to help.
Local Newscaster町を往く兵士たちは口々に「ラーズグリーズ」と唱和しています。
The soldiers in town are all cheering the "Razgriz" in unison.
Friend Yuke Squadronラーズグリーズと一緒に飛べるなんて 思ってもみなかった。
I never thought I'd be flying with the Razgriz.
Friend Osean G俺は迷信ってのは信じないんだが…。 今回ばかりは信じるよ。
I never was superstitious...but I think this time, I'll believe.
Osean Pressレポートしている私も 信じられません!
Even as I report this, I cannot believe what I am seeing!
Osean Pressこの光景まるで… 言葉が見当たりません。 (※誤植?)
This scene is just...I am just speechless.
Osean Press兵士たちがこちらへ手を振っているのが 見えます。
You can see the soldiers waving to us.
Yuke Pressサユース通信のミカイル・ジロフが ノースオーシア州よりお伝えします。
Reporting from Osea, this is Mikhail Zirov, Soyuz Broadcast News.
Yuke Press軍だけでなく、我々報道機関も オーシアと連携し…
Following the military, the news media here will join forces with Osea to...
Osean Pressサユース通信と共同で お送りしております…
We are broadcasting in tandem with the Soyuz Broadcast News in Yuktobania...
Yuke Pressこの夜は間違いなく歴史のページに 大きな記録を残すでしょう。
Tonight will mark a great moment in the annals of history!
Osean Press歴史が変わる、変えようという意思が ここまで伝わってくるようです!
There is almost a palpable sense of the people's will to shape history!
Osean Press新たな局面を迎えています。 歴史の転換点です!
We are witnessing a change of an era. This is a turning point in our history!
Yuke Pressこれほどまでに自分が記者であることを 誇りに思ったことはありません!
I've never felt more proud and privileged to be a journalist than at this very moment!
Yuke Press一瞬も逃さず、この光景を 記憶に刻みましょう!
Let us etch in our minds this scene, and remember every single moment!
Local Newscaster市民の皆さんは指定の避難場所への 移動をお願いします。
All citizens are asked to please proceed to your designated shelters.
Osean Press市民の避難誘導は混乱なく 順調に進んでいる模様です。
Evacuation of the city appears to be proceeding smoothly and without any turmoil.
Local Newscaster戦闘地域は大変危険です。 近づかないよう…
Please do not approach the combat zone as it is extremely dangerous...
Local Newscaster戦闘員と誤認されないよう、 白い布か旗を…
Bring a white cloth or flag along, so that you're not mistaken for a combatant...
Local Newscasterオーシア・ユーク軍は上空からの 支援の下、進撃を続けており…
The Osean and Yuktobanian armies are continuing their advance under air support...
Local Newscaster共同放送 のスーデントール支局ビルからも 戦闘の様子を伺うことが… (※誤植?)
The battle can be seen from the Community Broadcast building here in Sudentor...
Osean Press上を低空で戦闘機が 通過していきました。
Fighter jets are passing over us at low altitude.
Local Newscasterセルゲイ・コスロフ、 こちらは共同放送です。
This is Sergei Koslov, reporting for Community Broadcast News.
Friend Yuke G最後に見たときは3機だったぞ、 今は4機いる!
There were three planes the last time I saw them. Now there's four!
Friend Yuke Squadronあの飛び方見れば生きていたのも頷ける。
Seeing the way they fly, I can see how they've survived this long.
Friend Yuke Squadronあいつらに頼りっぱなしな気がするよ。
I feel like we've been relying on them all through this war.
Friend Osean G戦争はもう御免だ! 軍人の言うことじゃないがな!
I know soldiers aren't supposed to say this, but I am sick of fighting!
Friend Osean Squadron攻撃は奴任せだ。 こっちは支援に回る。
Leave the attack to them. We'll concentrate on support roles.
Friend Osean Squadron男一人で飛ぶには 勿体無い夜景だと思わないか?
It's a shame we can't share this night view with someone special.

Friend Osean Squadron引き金を間違って引かないでくれよ!
Don't be too trigger-happy, okay?
Friend Yuke Squadron分かってる。でも念の為に あまり前は飛ばないでくれ。
I know. But try not to fly out in front of me, just to be safe.

Friend Osean Gやるじゃないか。 敵じゃなくて助かったぜ!
Hey, you're good. I'm glad we're on the same side!
Friend Yuke Gこちらこそ。味方が増えて 心強いかぎりだ。
So am I. I feel a lot better with more allies around.

Friend Osean G熱源反応あり。方位040、距離400。
Heat source detected. Bearing 040, range 400.
Friend Osean G待て!それは「戦友」だ。射撃中止!
Wait! That's a friendly. Hold your fire!

Friend Osean Squadron大丈夫か?後ろの奴は追い払ったぞ。
Are you all right? I drove off the bandit at your 6.
Friend Yuke Squadron助かった!有難う、兄弟!
You saved my neck! Thanks,

Friend Osean Squadron隊形はどうする?お互いバラバラだ。
What formation should we fly? We're all over the sky.
Friend Yuke Squadronしばらく飛んで馴染んだら決めよう。
Let's get used to flying with each other first before we decide.

Friend Osean Squadronやったぞ、一機撃墜だ。
All right, one down!
Friend Yuke Squadronそっちの援護あっての戦果だ、 共同撃墜だよ。
Couldn't do it without your support. Call it a team effort.

Hamilton災禍の元を断て! そして最終兵器を手に入れろ!
Destroy the source of this disaster, and take control of the ultimate weapon!
Hamilton核の力は、この下らぬ戦争から わが国を救い出す最後の手段なのだ!
This nuke is the only way to save our homeland from this pointless war!

Hamilton逃がすな!彼らを! どこまでも追え!
Don't let them escape! Chase them to the ends of the earth!
Hamilton我に続け!亡霊どもを 地獄に追い返せ!
Follow me! Drive those ghosts back to hell!
Hamilton追い詰めろ!二度と 我々を愚弄させるな!
Run them down! Don't let them deceive us again!
Hamiltonラーズグリーズ!ウォードッグ! お前たちのせいなのだ!
Razgriz! Wardog! This is all your fault!
Hamiltonここで何をしている、 ウォードッグ?裏切り者!
What are you doing here, Wardog? You traitors!
Grimmチョッパー大尉が言っていた。 「隊長なら最後まで信じていい」と。
Captain Chopper said that we can trust our lead no matter what happens.
Local Newscaster爆発音が夜の静寂を破って 響いています…
Explosions are echoing throughout the city, shattering the calm of the night...

Osean Press地上軍が市街地に突入した模様です。 はい、中継が入ります。
Ground forces appear to have entered the urban area. Let's go to a reporter on the scene.
Yuke Press現在私の居る通りの向こうで 激しい攻撃が続いています!危ない!
A fierce battle is taking place across the street from where I stand! Look out!
Friend Osean G上空から攻撃!航空機じゃないぞこいつは!
Air attack! It's not from a plane!
AWACS Oka NiebaSOLGが攻撃してきた。
The SOLG is attacking.
Friend Yuke G衛星!?そんな遠くから届くのか?
A satellite?! How can it attack from up there?
(Friend Osean Helicopter)見えたぞ、あれだ。 装填しろ、スタンバイ。
All right, there it is. Lock, load and stand by.
(Friend Yuke Helicopter)ラーズグリーズが 対空火器を掃除してくれた
The Razgriz suppressed the AA guns for us. We're landing!
AWACS Oka Niebaトーチカによる防衛線に 地上部隊が阻まれている。支援爆撃を!
The ground force is being delayed by a defensive line of pillboxes. They need some close air support bombing!
(Friend Osean Helicopter)よおし、着陸態勢に入れ! 施設を屋上から制圧する!
Okay, landing stations! We'll take the facility from the roof!
(Friend Osean Helicopter)コントロール施設屋上は 空挺旅団第一大隊が確保した
The 1st Airborne Battalion has captured the roof of the control facility.
Hamiltonウォードッグの亡霊め。 私はまだあきらめない!
Damn Wardog ghosts. I'm not through yet!
Was that Blaze?!
Grimm本当にすごい!何て言ったらいいんですか!? 信じられない!
Amazing! It's just...I can't even describe it. Just unbelievable!
He's the one, no doubt. The ace of aces!
破壊した敵施設内で何かのパーツを発見。 あとで地上部隊に回収をお願いしよう。
Mechanical parts discovered in destroyed enemy facility. Let's ask the ground forces to retrieve them later.
Friend Osean G敵陣地沈黙。突撃する!
Enemy position silenced. Charge!
Friend Yuke Gよし今だ!行こうぜ!
All right, now! Let's go!
Friend Osean Gこちら第112歩兵大隊。 コントロール施設の入り口に到着した。
This is the 112th Infantry Battalion. We've arrived at the entrance to the control facility.
Friend Osean Gでっけえトンネルを見つけた。
Man, that's a big tunnel.
Friend Osean Gよし、トンネルの入り口を開くぞ!
All right, we're opening the tunnel entrance!
ブリーフィング part 3
We've come across the blueprint of the tunnel facility on the Major's disc.
The SOLG control system is in the deepest part of the tunnel. We can't touch it from the entrance. Fly into the tunnel, attack the control system in the deepest part of the complex and escape out the tunnel exit on the opposite side.
This is extremely dangerous, but there is no other way to do this. There are two central components to the control system. You must destroy them both, but you can only destroy one of them per attack run. Furthermore, the ground forces will not be able to keep the entrance shutters open for very long. There is not enough time for you to go back into the tunnel again after the first run. So, a separate plane will have to go in from the other side at the same time.
We have only one chance. Syncronize your run with the second plane to attack both components simultaneously and destroy the SOLG control system.
Osean Press両軍の地上部隊が共に進んでいます! 今迄からは想像も出来ません!
Ground forces from both armies are advancing together! A scene unimaginable just a while ago!
AWACS Oka Nieba
トンネル入口が開いたのをこちらでも確認した。 準備はいいか?
We've confirmed the opening of the tunnel as well. Are you ready?
AWACS Oka Nieba
全機、作戦開始! トンネルに飛び込め!
All aircraft, begin operation! Fly into the tunnel!
AWACS Oka Nieba
了解した。体勢を立て直し次第、 トンネルに飛び込め!
Roger. Regroup and enter the tunnel as soon you're ready!
We'll just have to stay glued to the Captain.
A separate plane going in from the other side?
Snowこんなことが出来るパイロットが 何人いるというんだ?
How many pilots have we got that can even do something like that?
I know one...
Stay off course, and we're done for.
Nagaseもう引き返せない。 進むしかない。
We can't turn back now. We have to keep moving.
Grimm後方から敵機がトンネルに飛び込みました! ハミルトンだ。奴なら出来る。
Enemy plane flying in from the rear! It's Hamilton. Damn, he is good.
Hamilton逃すか、ウォードッグ! 滅びへの道を飛べ!
You aren't getting away, Wardog! You're going to fly straight to your deaths!
I can't shake these guys. They just won't give up.
Snowかまわん、 このまま引きずって行こう!
All right, then. Let's just drag them right along with us!
You'll get attacked by Hamilton!
Hamilton逃げろ!後戻りできない滑稽を 思い知れ!
Run! And carry with you the disgrace you'll never live down!
Hamilton核兵器は我々のものだ! ユークに勝つのだ!
The nuclear weapon is ours! We're going to beat Yuktobania!
Bartretこちらハートブレイク・ワン。 お前たちの真正面だよ、ブービー。
This is Heartbreak One. I'm right in front of you guys, Booby.
You're alive, Bartlett?
You know, you've always been too damn serious, Hamilton.
Hamiltonベルカの核を手に入れ、その恐怖で 愚かな戦争を終わらせるんだ。邪魔立てするな!
I'm going to take the Belkan nuke and terrify both sides into ending this foolish war. Don't get in my way!
Bartret敵味方の区別が出来なかったのが、 お前の失敗なんだ。恐怖は味方じゃねえ。
The problem with you is that you can't tell the difference between friend and foe. Terror is not your friend.
Snow中枢部の破壊か、ぶつかるのが先か。 二つに一つだ。
Destroy the control system or crash trying. It's one or the other.
Don't try anything risky! Fly straight ahead!
ターゲット コアへ接近
8 miles to go.
4 miles to go.
Approaching target.
Nagase攻撃チャンスは1度だけ。 隊長、あなたを信じています。
You only have one chance to attack. I know you can do it, Captain.
ターゲット コア破壊
Target neutralized!
Bartretこちらハートブレイク・ワン! こちらでも中枢部を破壊。
This is Heartbreak One! I destroyed the system core on my end.
Grimmこちらアーチャー、前方からバートレット機が 急速接近中!ということは…
This is Archer. Captain Bartlett is approaching at high speed from our 12 o'clock! Is he going to...
...We gotta do it.
Bartret真正面から高速ですれ違うぞ。 いいか、1、2の3で右に避けろ。
I'll be passing you by head-on at full speed, all right? Break right on the count of three.
Okay...1, 2, 3!
The shutters are closing!
We gotta hurry, we'll be trapped inside!
Push it up, or we're not gonna make it!
Snowバートレット大尉を追った敵機が トンネル内に。
The enemy planes that came in after Bartlett are still in the tunnel.
Grimm前方からも敵機! 挟み撃ちだ!
Enemy planes dead ahead! We're being attacked from both sides!
It's too fast! We're going too fast!
My threat warning alarms won't stop ringing!
Calm down and dodge the obstacles one at a time.
Grimm最後の最後まで、 無茶苦茶の連続です!
This is just insane, from start to finish!
Yep. But when we do finish this, it's gonna be for good.
MISSION FAILED(コアを破壊せずにシャッターが閉まっている通路に直進)
No! You didn't destroy it!
Where's Hamilton?
He's dead. Hit by a ricocheting plane.
--Emergency transmission from Central.
アラシ 止ミ 雷雲 消ユ
ワレ 星ノ 黙スルヲ 見タリ
( ※デブリーフィング英訳:Game Spot ForumsのAceOfErusiaAC04氏の情報より )