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Mission 20

じおぺりあ様  XMAA様  SwordGuest様  小沢 公成様  MAGNUM様  黄色の26様  まばろはーれい様
(caption) [カーウィン島 12月8日 16時03分]
Kirwin Island 173°12'24"N 52°32'11"E
1603hrs. Dec 8, 2010

OFS Kestrel

歴戦の空母ケストレルを  ここまで生きながらえさせてきた男
Captain Andersen.
The man who commanded the aircraft carrier Kestrel and kept her afloat through countless battles.
(Andersen)いや まったく
自分など 負け戦ばかり 繰り返してきた男です
Nahh...I'm just a guy who's fought one losing battles after another.
(Genette)だが 開戦以来― ※だが― 開戦以来
一弾も被ったことがない この艦なのだ
However, since this war began, this ship hadn't taken a single hit from enemy forces.
艦載機を出すたび  帰って来ない部下の数が増える というのは辛いことです
とうとう 搭乗員は分隊長の スノー大尉ひとりになりました
飛行機のない空母は お役ごめんです
This ship may be unharmed, but it pains me to see fewer and fewer pilots coming back every time we launched them out on combat sorties.
Now the only pilot left is Captain Snow, the squad leader.
Nobody wants an aircraft carrier without aircraft, so we're just sitting idle here.
(Pops)私は 前の戦争の最後のほうで 自国の都市の上に ※私は 前の戦争が終わる頃
核兵器を落とす役を 仰せつかりました ※自国の都市の上に核兵器を 落とす役を仰せつかりました
At the end of the last war, I was assigned the mission of dropping a nuclear weapon on a city in my own country.
(Pops)命令拒否して 脱走した私を 拾ってくれたのが
『ブービー』というのは その当時の彼のあだ名だった
以来15年間 昇進していません
私の国には『灰色の男たち』と 呼ばれる連中がおりました
今でもまだ おるはずです ※今でもいるはずです
彼らにとって裏切り者の私を  15年間 かくまい続けたのが バートレットです ※彼らにとって裏切り者の私を かくまい続けたのが バートレットです
ハーリング大統領の 行方のことですが
When I refused and went AWOL, it was Captain Bartlett who took me in. His nickname was also "Bobby" back then.
He was a strange man... 15 years since the war and he never got promoted once.
In my country, there was a group called the "Gray Men." They're likely to still the around today.
To them, I'm a traitor, and for the past 15 years, Bartlett's protected me from them.
Speaking of which, you don't think the "Gray Men" are involved with the disappearance of President Harling, do you?
(Andersen)うちの艦で一隻 高い傍受能力を誇る 通信情報艦がおります―『アンドロメダ』 ※うちの艦で一隻 高い傍受能力を誇る 通信情報艦がおります 『アンドロメダ』
ベルカ語の秘密通信を 傍受しましてな
そのために 大佐 あなた方に お越しいただいたのです
I've got an intelligence-gathering vessel in my fleet, the Andromeda, that's capable of intercepting all forms of communications. Recently, it picked up a secret message transmitted in Belkan. That, Colonel, is why I called all of you here.
All this intense flying's tough on an old body.
From here on out... It's their time to shine.
(Pops)しかし 機体の方は
But what'll we do about planes?
(Andersen)南ベルカの会社が  ユークに こっそり輸出しようと していたのを拿捕しました
We've captured a ship trying to smuggle aircraft from a South Belkan company into Yuktobania.
Plenty of planes to choose from.
DATE > 2010/12/09
TIME > 0500HRS
LOCATION > 27°01'18"N 230°12'02"E
それでは、異存がなければ、航空作戦の指揮は私が 執らせていただく。

Alright. Aren't there any objections? And I'll take the command of air operations.

通信情報艦アンドロメダが、ハーリング大統領がベルカに 囚われているとの情報を傍受した。 場所はベルカとノースオーシアの国境地帯南端に位置する 古城だ。直接の救出活動はヘリ部隊、シー・ゴブリンが行う。 目標地点の安全確保の後、城にヘリが降下、救出部隊を 降ろす。地上および城内での救出作戦展開中、ヘリは上空で 待機する。
救出作戦を妨害する敵勢力の鎮圧、シー・ゴブリンの 援護が今回の任務である。 空母ケストレル艦載機の中から任務遂行機を選び、 出撃せよ。
We're launching a rescue operaiton for the President of Osea within the Principality of Belka.
The communications intelligence ship Andromeda received information that President Harling is being held in Belka. The location is an old castle, position on the southern edge of the borders on between Belka and North Osea. Sea Goblin, our helicopter squadron, will handle the direct rescue effort. After securing the area, the helicopter will descend on the castle and drop our infiltrating rescue squad. It will stationkeep in the air while the rescue is taking place on the ground and in the castle.
Your mission is to provide air support for the Sea Goblin's rescue operation and destroy any opposing enemy forces. Choose an aircraft for the mission from the Kestrel's carrier jets and prepare to launch.
Kestrel crew…カタパルト圧力上昇。
...raising pressure. 70, 80, 90 (※誤植?)
Point 15, 48, 32, confirm. Roger (※誤植?)
Kestrel crewOKです!
We're good to go, Sir!
Ready to launch anytime!
Kestrel Crew戦闘機発進!
Fighters, launch!
Kestrel Crewフライトデッキから フライトクルーへ。
Flight deck to all flight crews.
Kestrel Crew次来るぞ 急げよ! (※誤植?)
Hurry up, we got more coming!

Kestrel Crewこちらフライトデッキ。
This is the flight deck (※誤植?)
Roger that, Sir.
Kestrel Crew第一発進終わりました。 
Takeoff complete.
Next craft, begin takeoff procedure.

Kestrel Crew第一カタパルト圧力上昇。
Catapult one raising pressure.
80, 90...we're in the green zone.
Kestrel Crew滑走シャトル装着確認!
Check catapults!
Kestrel Crewバリアーあげろ!
Raise the barriers!
(caption) Stier Castle, Belka 1611hrs. Dec 9, 2010
Captain Snow, I'll be at your 6 o'clock, It's good to be flying with you, Sir.
It's been a long time since I've flown in formation…
Back in the first battle after the war began, Chopper…that is, Captain Davenport, told me you yelled at him for getting in your way. I was still sitting reserve back then...
Kestrel (Pops)聞こえるかね?そろそろ古城が見えて来るはずだよ。
Do you read me? You guys should have sight of the castle by now.
Kestrel (Pops)
Sea Goblin's gonna deseed for an insertion, so can you take out the air defense batteries for than?
Kestrel (Pops)
Take your time and be thorough. You don't want to leave any standing.
Kestrel (Pops)
彼らが城に接近できなければ この作戦の意味はない。任せたよ。
If they can't get to the castle, the operation will be pointless. I'm counting on you.
Roger, we'll clear out all the ground AA weapons.
Sea Goblin Helicopterこちらシー・ゴブリン。ナガセ大尉は来てるのか?
This is Sea Goblin. Is Captain Nagase there?
Nagaseええ、吹雪の山から 救助していただきました。
Yeah, your team rescued me from that mountain in the snowstorm.
Sea Goblin Helicopterヘリの乗り心地はなかなかだっただろう?どうだい、こっちに転属してこないか?
The helicopter ride was pretty comfy, eh? Hey, you ever wanna transfer here, lemme know.
Sea Goblin Helicopterそういえばお喋りの旦那はどうしたんだい?静かだな。
Hey, what happened to that motormouth? He's real quiet today.
He... he's...not here.
This is what the end of the world must look like...
Even the air over these lands is heavy from the memories of Belka...

Sea Goblin G大統領とご対面だ。身だしなみ整えとけよ!
We'll be meeting the President himself. Make sure you look sharp!
I hope the President is all right...
It's a dismal castle, standing over a lifeless land.

I can almost see the bad vibes circling around that castle...
I wouldn't be surprised, after witnessing seven nuclear explosions.

Sea Goblin G凄い所だな。ひどく殺風景だ。
Boy, what a dreary place.
Sea Goblin Gまたこんな場所か。いつになったら南国で仕事が出来るんだ?
Man, why can't we deployed to a tropical island for a change?

These are the scars left behind when seven Belkan towns evaporated.
Nothing's moving down there. It's like the earth itself is dead...
All anti-aircraft fire suppressed.
Nagase引き続き、ヘリと潜入部隊の 護衛を続けます。
We'll continue protecting the helicopter and infiltration forces.

Sea Goblin Gニクシー、お前らが先に降りて 周辺警戒だ。
Nixie, you guys drop first and take up an overwatch position of the area.
Sea Goblin Helicopter風が強い。ローターを城に当てるなよ。
The wind's pretty strong. Don't let our rotors hit the castle.
Sea Goblin Gよーし野郎ども!降下だ!
All right, guys! Move out!
Sea Goblin G後がつかえてるんだ、素早く降りろよ!
Hey, we got a line back here, hurry up and jump!
Sea Goblin Helicopter早く突入しないと撃っちまうぞ!
Hurry up and get going before I start shooting somebody!
Sea Goblin Helicopter敵地上部隊が増援中。
An enemy ground force unit is mobilizing reinforcements.
Kestrel (Pops) 了解。敵の増援を防ぐんだ。頼んだよ。
Roger. Intercept the reinforcements and keep them from getting to the fight. I'm counting on you.
Enemy tanks also emerging from the castle! Should we split up?
Roger. Dispersing to eliminate the enemy.
Roger. Proceeding with the mission at hand.
Sea Goblin Gケーブルが引かれてるぞ、これを辿る。
There's a cable running along here. Let's see where it goes.
Sea Goblin Gじゃあな、回収地点で会おう。
Sea Goblin Gよく調べろよ、何も見落とすんじゃないぞ。
Be real careful. I don't want you to miss anything.
Sea Goblin Gくそ、撃っても当たらないか。
Dammit, we can't hit it.
Sea Goblin Gあそこの壁は妙だ。センサーか何かがあるぞ。
Check out that wall. There's a sensor of something on it.
Sea Goblin G石の上は歩くな、音が反響するぞ。
Don't step on the stone floors. Your footsteps will echo all over the place.
Sea Goblin G真っ暗だ、ライトを付けろ。
It's pitch black, Someone turn on a light.
Sea Goblin Gじゃあな、回収地点で会おう。
All right, see you guys at the ectraction point.
Vehicles moving up the highway! It's a full battalion.
Anti-aircraft-fire! They're shooting at us!
Allow me to give them a little taste of my skills.

Belkan G歩兵部隊を城内に突入させる。
We'll have infantry storm the castle.
Belkan Gエンジン始動。シャッターを上げろ!
Start engines. Raise the shutters!
Sea Goblin Helicopterヘリから援護してやる、行け!
We'll cover you from the helicopter. Get moving!
Sea Goblin Helicopter全員無事に帰ってこいよ、待ってるぞ!
All of you come back in one piece, you hear? We'll be waiting!

Sea Goblin Helicopter It's firing at us! Climb!
Sea Goblin G They're shooting at us from upstairs!
Sea Goblin G We gotta deal with them first if we want to get up there!
Sea Goblin G We gotta hurry, the President will be in danger. We're busting through!
Sea Goblin G The enemy will probably detect us soon enough.
Sea Goblin G Coblynau, contain the enemy, but get them to follow you!

Heads up for SAMs. My last wingman took a hit from one of those!
Snow Allow me to give them a little taste of my skills.
Sea Goblin Gこちらコブラナイ、城内への突入開始!
This is Coblynau. Proceed with infiltration at the castle!
I'll support the invasion effort at the castle.
Sea Goblin G内部は石造りの荘厳な建物だ。
The stone structures inside this castle are quite impressive.
Sea Goblin G敵以外に何か出てきそうな雰囲気だな。
It feels like there's more than just our enemies lurking in this place.
Sea Goblin Helicopter 急げよ、敵の増援が移動中だ。
Hurry, enemy reinforcements are en route.
Sea Goblin Helicopter 例の美人が乗ってるのはあの戦闘機か?

Sea Goblin Gああ、高そうな肖像画がボロボロだよ…。

Sea Goblin G部屋だらけだぞ、これを一つずつ調べるのか?
Man, look at all these rooms. Do we have to search every one of them?
Sea Goblin G全部見て回るしかない。骨の折れる作業だ。
Yup, every single one. What a pain in the behind.
Sea Goblin G敵兵捕まえて問い詰める方が 早いんじゃないのか?
Wouldn't it be faster to capture an enemy soldier and grill him?

Sea Goblin Gドワーフ、お前らは 左通路全部の部屋を調べろ。
Dwarf, you guys search all the rooms on the left side of the corridor.
Sea Goblin Gこの先の通路はクリアーだ。
The corridor up ahead is clear.
Sea Goblin Gかくれんぼでもしてるみたいだな。
Feels like we're playing hide-and-seek or something.

Sea Goblin Gこちらニクシー、地下は 薄気味悪い牢屋が続いている。
This is Nixie. The basement's lined with these dark, eerie jail cells.
Sea Goblin G埃だらけだ。使われた形跡はない。
There's dust all over the place. No signs the place is being used.

Belkan G炎上した車両が街道を塞いでいる。
The road's blocked by burning vehicles.
Belkan G城にたどり着く前に全滅する。支援はどうした?
They'll be wiped out before they reach the castle. Where's their support?
Belkan Gあのヘリだ、撃て!
There's that helicopter. Fire!

Sea Goblin G
We're getting an unfriendly welcome from outside the castle, too! Razgriz, can you show them some of the same?!
Sea Goblin G
Thanks. Teach them that it's only polite to respond in kind!
Sea Goblin G
Hey now, come on! It'd be rude to let them take care of us the whole time!
Sea Goblin G
Jeez, you never talk, do you? You're no fun at all.

Snow敵もそろそろ進入に気づいて 反撃をはじめる頃だ。
The enemy's probably detected them by now. They'll begin a counterattack soon.
Sea Goblin G城内で敵と交戦中!機甲部隊もいるぞ!
Engaging enemy in the castle! They've got armored troop, too!
The tanks are firing at the Marines!


Belkan G城内での同士討ちは回避するように…。
Sea Goblin Helicopterあんまり低く飛ぶなよ、狙われてるぞ!
Don't fly too low, they'll be waiting for you!
Nagaseレーダーが敵航空戦力の 増援を捉えました。
I've got multiple hits on my radar. Enemy aircraft inbound.
Kestrel (Pops)戦闘機かね?独自の戦闘機まで持っているのか、彼らは?
Fighter jets? Don't tell me they've got their own fighter jets, too.
That's affirmative. They're definitely fighters.
Kestrel (Pops)オーシアとユークからの金を浮かせて 自分たちのものを揃えていたか。
Guess they used the money from Osea and Yuktobania to supply their own forces. Just protect that helicopter.
Sea Goblin Helicopterおい、戦闘機だぞ!あんなモノも用意してたのか?
Hey, fighter jets! Where were they hiding those?
Sea Goblin Helicopter俺たちじゃ話にならない。頼んだぞ!
We don't stand a chance against them. Hey, time for you guys to step in!
Sea Goblin Helicopterくそ、本当に大丈夫なんだろうな?
Are you sure they're all right?
Sea Goblin Helicopter中の奴らを信じて待つのも任務の内さ。
We just gotta trust them and wait. That's part of the job.

Sea Goblin Helicopter無線聞いてるとかなり苦戦してないか?
From what I'm hearing on the radio, it seems like they're in trouble.
Sea Goblin Helicopter味方の無線だけ聞いてるから そう思うだけだ。
That's because all you're hearing is radio transmissions from our side.

Oh, no, they're targeting the helicopter!
Sea Goblin Helicopterこっちに向かってきてるんだ!早く助けてくれ!
It's coming this way! C'mon, help us!
Hey, over here! We're your targets! Not that helicopter!

Sea Goblin Helicopter窓から発射炎が見えてる。
I can see muzzle flashes from the window.
Sea Goblin Helicopter合図が来たらば いつでも拾えるように準備しとけ。
Make sure we can pick them up the moment we get the signal.
Sea Goblin Helicopterここからじゃどっちが優勢なのか分からない。
I can't tell who's got the upper hand from here.
Sea Goblin Helicopter畜生、ここからでは 何の手助けも出来ない。
Dammit, we can't provide any cover for them from here.

Sea Goblin Gテーブル挟んで敵と撃ち合いだ!
Geez, a gunfight with just a banquet table between us!
Sea Goblin G何だよ、晩餐の用意はしてないのか?
What, they didn't prepare any dinner for us?

Sea Goblin G天井からガラスが降ってくる!
We got glass falling from the ceiling!
Sea Goblin Gくそっ、大統領はまだ無事なのか?
Dammit! Is the President still safe?

Sea Goblin Helicopterくそ!もうだめだ!真後ろに戦闘機!終わりだ!
Dammit! This is it! Fighter on our tail! it's over!
Calm down, man, this one's on your side.

Sea Goblin G弾が弾かれるぞ、壁際は注意しろ!
Be careful, your bullets will ricochet off the walls!
Sea Goblin G上だ、天窓から攻撃されてる!
Look out, we're being attacked through the skylight!
Sea Goblin G撃てリック!いつまで伏せている気だ!
Rick, fire back! You can't stay down forever!
Sea Goblin G静かにしろ、敵だ!この角の向こうだ!
Quiet, Enemies! just around the corner!
Sea Goblin Gこの接近戦じゃ槍でも使ったほうが早いな!
At this close range, we'd do better using spears instead of guns!

Sea Goblin G
ところでうちのヘリは 無事なんだろうな?
By the way, our helicopter's okay, right?
Sea Goblin G
Keep that thing safe until we get back with the President. That's his limousine.
Sea Goblin G
Whoa, hey, are you serious? How are we supposed to bring him back without a lift!?
Sea Goblin Helicopter
How about you just walk back? Sounds like you've got the energy for it.
Sea Goblin Helicopter
安心しろ、お前たちがやられても 全員回収してやるよ。
Don't worry. Even if you get shot down, we'll bring back every single one of you.
Sea Goblin G
Yeah, whatever, man.

Watch your surroundings. Keep an eye on your blind spot!
All we can do is do what we can, with everything we've got.
If we don't defeat the enemy, our forces inside the castle will be in danger.

We have to lure them over here.
We can't let them go after the helicopter!

Captain Snow, requesting support.
Roger. I'm on it.

Grimm, you all right?
I'm fine. I got this area covered!

All right, I got behind 'em!
The enemy planes are all heading for the helicopter!
Enemy fighters acquired! Moving to intercept!
I just looked that enemy pilot in the eye.

These guys aren't like the Yukes. They fly and fight differently.
Well, well, so this is the legendary Belkan Fighter Squadron!

Very nice, Captain Snow!
Well, I can't let you folks have all the glory.

Where did you bastards fly over from?
Snow損害がこれ以上出る前に 何とかしないとな。
We gotta do something before they take any more damage.
They're not gettin' through us today. Let's show them what we've got!
There they are! You're not getting away from me!

Belkan Squadronくそ、回避するのに精一杯だ!
I've got my hands full just trying to get them off my tail!
Belkan Squadron増援を要請しろ、逃げられるぞ!
Call for reinforcements. They're gonna get away!
Belkan Squadronあいつらは何者なんだ?
Who are those pilots?

Belkan Squadron敵機を撃墜しろ、上空に誘い出せ。
Shoot down the enemy fighters. Lure them up to higher altitude.
Sea Goblin G指令所に突入した!敵の中枢だぞ!
We've broken into the command post! This is the enemy's nerve center!
Sea Goblin G大統領を間違えて撃つんじゃないぞ!
Whatever you do, don't shoot the President by accident!
Belkan Gこれ以上は防ぎきれない!指示を乞う!
We can't protect this area any longer! Awaiting orders!
Sea Goblin G急げ!敵が最後の手段に出ちまうぞ!
Hurry! The enemy's gonna to start using desperate measures soon!
Belkan Gウルリッヒ、「ククク」を実行せよ。
Ulrich, carry out Kuckuck.
Belkan Gお前がやるんだ、躊躇うな!
You gotta do it! Don't waver now!
Sea Goblin Gこの壁は手持ちの爆薬じゃ 爆破できない!
We can't blow this wall with the explosives we brought with us!
Sea Goblin Gこちらシー・ゴブリン。城の中で挟撃にあって身動きが取れない。
This is Sea Goblin. We've run into enemy fire from multiple positions in the castle.
We're pinned down over here. Break down part of the wall for us!
Where's the President?
Sea Goblin G無事に。隣にいらっしゃる。
He's right here beside me.
Kestrel (Pops)よし、城壁を破壊して、潜入部隊を脱出させるぞ。
We're going to destroy the wall and get the infiltration team out of there. Got it?
The area to be destroyed is displayed on your HUD. Aim carefully.
Sea Goblin Gこの壁の向こうに ヘリが待ってるってのに!
Dammit, our helicopter's waiting for us just outside this wall!
Sea Goblin G壁を早く壊してくれ、早く!
Destroy that wall for us! Hurry!

Sea Goblin Gまだか?急いでくれ!こっちはとっくに限界だ!
You done yet? Hurry up! We're not gonna last much longer!
Sea Goblin Gおい、壁の破壊はまだか!
Hey, did you tear that wall down yet?!
Sea Goblin G上と下から十字砲火だ!
We're getting crossfire from above and below!
Sea Goblin Gハリソンがやられたぞ、後ろに下げろ!
Harrison's been hit. Get him back to the rear!
Sea Goblin G撃ちまくれ!敵に不利を覚られるな!
Keep firing! Don't give the enemy a sense of advantage!
Sea Goblin G壁に立たされて射殺される気持ちだよ!
I feel like we've been lined up against the wall for our own execution!
Sea Goblin G俺たちはここだぞ!この壁を壊してくれ!
We're in here! Break down this wall!
Sea Goblin G倒れても引き金だけは引き続けろよ!
Even if they take you down, keep pulling that trigger!
Sea Goblin Gああ、危うく下敷きになるところだった!
Whoa, that almost fell on top of me!
Sea Goblin Gこの穴から外に出られる、走れ!
We can get out through that hole. Run!
Belkan G大統領が逃亡した!敵に奪取されたぞ!
The President has escaped! He's been taken by the enemy!
Belkan G敵は城外に脱出しつつあり!
The enemy's escaping out of the castle!
Belkan G残存部隊を全て急行させろ!
Get all our remaining teams over there now!
Belkan G大統領に逃げられては、全ては終わりだ!
If we let the President escape, it's all over!
Sea Goblin G俺たちの名誉にかけて大統領を守り通せ!
We've going to do whatever it takes to protect the President!
Sea Goblin G大統領の周囲を固めろ!走れ、走れ! Surround the President! Run, run!
Sea Goblin G5メートル間隔で配置に付け、このラインを維持しろ!
Position yourselves 20 feet apart from each other. We've got to keep this line!
Sea Goblin G大統領はその柱の向こうに!キーン、お前がつけ!
Mr. President, please get behind this pillar! Keane, stay with him!
Sea Goblin G頼むぞ、無事に逃がしてくれ!
Sea Goblin Gここまで来たんだ、最後まで諦めるな!
We've made it this far, we can't give up that easily!
Hurry! We'll cover you!
Sea Goblin G負傷者を先に乗せてやってくれ!
Get the wounded onboard first!
Sea Goblin G俺たちのことはかまわん。大統領を頼むぞ!
Don't worry about us. Just take care of the President!
Sea Goblin G大統領も乗せた。積み残しはないな?
The President's strapped in. We didn't leave anything behind, right?
Sea Goblin G急いで離脱しろ!敵が直ぐにでも来るぞ!
Hurry up and leave the area! The enemy's gonna be here any moment!
Belkan Squadron逃げられてしまうぞ、急げ!
Hurry, it's getting away!
Belkan Squadron護衛機の妨害で攻撃できない!
I can't attack it! The escorts are in the way!
Belkan Squadron大統領は目の前だ、何とかしろ!
We have the President in our sights! Do something!
Nagaseシー・ゴブリン、敵機は 私たちが引き受けます。
Sea Goblin, we'll take on the enemy planes.
Sea Goblin空戦には無力だ。任せたぜ!
We're defenseless in the air. We're counting on you!
Is that you? The lady with the pretty voice? Are you there too?
Sea Goblin何だこれは!?敵の戦闘機だらけじゃないか!
What the...the sky's swarming with enemy planes!
Sea Goblin敵機は戦闘機に任せてとにかく飛べ!
Leave the bandits to our fighters! Just keep flying!
Harlingでは、アンダーセンも舞台裏の秘密に 気づいたんだね?
So Andersen's realized what's going on behind the scenes too, right?
Sea Goblinもう少しだ、もう少しで抜けられる!
Just a little bit more! We're almost through!
Oh, I'm fine. I at me take a look at that wounded soldier.
I'm all right. Take care of him first!
Come on, get there!
Sea Goblin大丈夫だ、きっと助かる!
We're all right. We're gonna make it!
Belkan Squadronドロセル3、後方に敵機、回避しろ!
Drossel 3, enemy plane at your 6 o'clock! Break!
Belkan Squadronドロセル2、脱出しろ!
Drossel 2, eject!
Belkan Squadronドロセル10、ミサイル、旋回しろ!
Drossel 10 missile! Turn!
Belkan Squadronドロセル10、フォックス2。
Belkan Squadronドロセル10、フォックス2!
Sea Goblin G城内の戦車を何とかしてくれ!潜入部隊に被害が出ている!
Do something about the tanks in the castle! The infiltration force is taking casualties!
Sea Goblin G潜入部隊の被害拡大!城内の機甲部隊をできればナガセ大尉に!
Damage to infiltration force expanding! Get Captain Nagase to try to take on the armored units!
Helicopter (Sea Goblin)こちらクルラコーン。2、3発くらったみたいだがまだ飛べると思う。
This is Cluricaun. We took two or three hits, but I think we're still airworthy.
Helicopter (Sea Goblin)早く助けてくれ!
C'mon, help us!
Sea Goblin Helicopterくそ!もうだめだ!
Dammit! This is it!
Sea Goblin G潜入部隊は壊滅状態、任務遂行は不可能だ。
The infiltration force is destroyed. We can't continue this mission.
MISSION FAILED(シーゴブリン・ヘリコプター撃墜)
Sea Goblin Gおい、ヘリが落ちたぞ!これじゃみんなを連れていけない!
Hey, the helicopter got shot down! Now we can't get everyone out!
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED(シーゴブリン・ヘリコプター脱出成功)
Sea Goblin何とか逃げ切れた、作戦は成功だ!
We managed to make it out of there. Mission accomplished!
Thank you, everyone. I appreciate your efforts.
By the way, your voice sounds familiar. Are you...?
やはりな。また借りが 出来てしまったようだな。
I thought so. Looks like I owe you another one.
No or Mute
It's all right. We can talk more later.
作戦は成功だ。ハーリング大統領は無事に救出された。 大統領には若干の衰弱が見られはするが、健康状態は比較的 良好である。
Mission accomplished. President Harling was safely retrieved. The President is showing some signs of fatigue, but in general his condition is good.
(Genette)私たちが 大統領の到着を聞いて 艦橋に駆け上がったとき
大統領は 艦長や おやじさんと にこやかに談笑していた
今では別々の国となった 南北ベルカを隔てる―
七つの爆心地クレーターを 見て過ごしていたのだという
When we got word of the President's return and ran up to the bridge... He was smiling and chatting with Pops and Captain Andersen.
Apparently he spent his days confined in the old castle, looking at the seven ground zero craters right out his window. which serves as the border between the two countries of North and South Belka.
(Genette)結局― ※結局オーシア軍は―
オーシア軍はユークトバニア首都を 陥落させることが出来ず ※ユークトバニア首都を 陥落させることが出来ず
かつて 世界に向けて戦いを 挑みかけたベルカに ※かつて 世界に向けて戦いを 挑みかけたベルカに鉄槌を食らわせた―
鉄槌を食らわせたオーシアと ユークトバニアへの復讐として ※オーシアとユークトバニアへの 復讐として
これほど ふさわしいことはない
戦争によって 疲弊してゆくことを望む者ども
二つの国の軍人たちは 踊らされるがまま
In the end, the Osean Army couldn't take the Yuktobanian capital, and the war began to bog down.
For Belka, who challenged the world to battle, but were crushed by the twin powers of Osea and Yuktobania, there could be no sweeter revenge. They had created the hatred between the two countries, hoping that the war would eventually exhaust them both.
The military officials in both sides were playing right into their hands.
(Genette)通信艦が傍受し続けている ユーク軍の無線
空軍の航空管制通信の ベースラインに  謎の数列が仕込まれているという
そして もうひとつ何かを表す数字 ※そして もうひとつの何かを表す数字
The intelligence vessel continued to intercept the Yuktobanian Army's communications.
One message, from Air Force Traffic Control, contained a sting of mysterious numbers.
Latitude, longitude, a date and time, and one more set of numbers.
The President had the answer.
この数字は 私の 大統領選挙での得票数だよ
Well, how about that.
These are the numbers of votes I won in my presidential elections.
Huh...this is from the first time I won, and here's the number from the election two years ago.
This message was meant for me.
(Genette)緯度と経度は 北ベルカ領内を指している
サンド島から来た彼らは 大統領直属の航空戦隊となった
公式には 撃墜され 死亡が報告されたまま
The coordinates marked a location within North Belkan territory.
The date was tomorrow.
The squadron from Sand Island became the President's personal airfleet... Even as the official reports continued to state that they were shot down and killed.

This was their new emblem.