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AC5 / 台詞資料

Mission 11B

XMAA様  SwordGuest様  黄色の26様  小沢 公成様
DATE > 2010/11/04
TIME > 1124HRS
LOCATION > 09°05'56"S 126°07'35"W
ユークトバニア軍の特殊コマンド部隊とみられるグループが、 化学兵器を用いたテロを実行した。
攻撃を受けたのは、このオーレッドの南に位置する バーナ学園都市だ。
現在、市街地の数箇所から立ち昇る、混合神経ガスの煙が 確認されている。航空機による中和剤の散布をただちに 行わねばならない。
中和剤の投下が可能な機体を首都管区空軍司令部が 特別に用意する。
上空からガスの煙を視認して中和剤を投下、市街地に広がる ガスを中和せよ。
A group believed to be a Yuktobanian commando unit has carried out a terrorist attack with chemical weapons. The site of the attack is to college town of Bana, located to the south of Oured. Plumes of nerve gas are currently flowing out from several locations around the city. You must neutralize the gas from the air as quickly as possible. Capital District Air Command will provide specialized aircraft equipped to deploy canisters containing neutralizing agent. Drop the neutralizing agent from the air over the smoke from the gas flues. Keep the gas from spreading further around the city.
I can't believe we flipped acoin for this mission. This isn't funny, man.
Capital Air Commandよし、上空へ到達したら、中和弾を投下せよ。効果的に行うように。
Okay. Once you're reached the airspace over the city, drop the neutralizer bombs. Make good use of them.
Roger. Gee, thanks for the step-by-step instruction, there.
Capital Air Commandダヴェンポート中尉か?無線での私語が多いと 前線から報告が入っているぞ。
First Lieutenant Davenport? We've heard from the front lines that you like to shoot your mouth off on the radio.
Uhh, Davenport is too busy carrying out his mission to answer you at this time, Sir.
ブレイズ、特殊兵装に切り替えて しっかり狙って、オーケー?
Blaze, switch to special weapons. Make your shote count, okay?
Roger. Our radar won't help us to target the gas. We'll have to rely on our eyes.
We can't make a single mistake.
I don't know our release point. Where is it?
Radio Broadcastたった今、バーナ学園都市の西岸、東岸で混合神経ガスが発生いたしました。
An unidentified gas has just been detected in districts near the west and east banks of Bana City.
News Helicopterご覧ください!街のあちこちから ガスが立ち上がっています!
As you can see, the gas is drifting up from various locations all over the city!
News Helicopterこの衝撃映像を我が局は独占放送しており…
This shocking footage is being broadcast exclusively here on this news station...
News Helicopter避難する市民の姿が ここからでも良く見えます!
Even from here we can clearly see the stream of people evacuating the area!
News Helicopter普段は活気に満ち溢れている市街は 混乱の坩堝と化しています!
The bustling energy that used to fill these city streets has been replaced by confusion and fear!
I hope the seal on my canopy's all right. Did anyone see the chemical-weapon test results on this thing?
Radiio Broadcast バーナ学園都市全域に 緊急非常事態警報が発令されました!
A state of emergency has been declared throughout the college town of Bana City!
Radiio Broadcast 発生しましたガスは、現在 バーナ学園都市全体に拡散しつつあり…
The poisonous gas seems to be spreading throughout the city of Bana...
Radiio Broadcast 現在、一般市民に多数の中毒者が出たとの情報が入っており…
We have reports that a number of citizens have been afflicted by the gas...
Radiio Broadcast また、空軍の航空機による 中和剤投下が決定された模様です。
Also, authorities have called on the Air Force to spread a neutralizing agent from above.
Radiio Broadcast パニックを起こさず、周辺警察の 避難誘導に従ってください。
Do not panic. Follow the instructions of your local police officers and evacuate the area.
Radiio Broadcast 避難の際には慌てず、車での移動は しないでください。繰り返します…
We ask that you remain calm, and please refrain from driving your cars to evacuate. We repeat...
News Helicopter我々は危険も顧みずに真実をお伝えしています!
We'll continue to bring you the full story, right here, live in the face of danger!
News Helicopter上空では何かを投下している 軍用機の姿が見えます。
We can see military planes dropping something from above our location.
Patrol Car Baker 7チャーリー11,そういや今日は 娘さんの誕生日じゃなかったのか?
Charlie 11, isn't today your daughter's birthday?
Patrol Car Chariie 11じっとしていられなくてな!早く片付けて帰るぞ!
Well, I couldn't just sit and do nothing! Let's take care of this so I can go home, okay?
Patrol Carそのエリアには3分以上留まるなよ!
Don't stay in that area for more than three minutes!
Patrol Carガスは空気より軽いぞ、姿勢を低くしろ!
The gas is lighter than air! Stay low!

Patrol Car体調に異常のある者は申告してくれ。
Anyone feeling ill, report to me.
Patrol Car見えたぞ!空軍機だ!
Look! Air Force planes! I see them!
Patrol Car車は使わせるな。徒歩で避難させろ!
Don't let anyone use their cars. Evacuate them all on foot!
Patrol Carこの患者は危険だ、直ちに搬送を!
This patient's in trouble. Get a transport, quick!
Patrol Carこちらウィリアム5,スミス通りにてガス発生装置を発見!
This is William5. I found a gas-emitting device on Smith Street!
This doesn't look good. Shall we split up and do this separately?
了解しました。ただちに 分散行動に入ります。
Roger. Dispersing now.
Roger. I'll maintain my present position.
隊長、指示は 明確にお願いします。
Captain, please be clear with your orders.
Radiio Broadcastえー、新しい情報が入ってきましたので お伝えいたします…
Well, we've just received some new information...
Radiio Broadcast空軍によるガスの中和作業が 開始されました。
The Air Force has begun spreading a neutralizing agent to counter the poisonous gas.
News Helicopterこれ以上高度を下げるとガスの危険があり…
Unfortunately, we can't get any closer to the ground. Due to the danger posed by the gas...
News Helicopter屋上で助けを求める人が見えますが どうすることもできません!
We can see people on rooftops calling for help, but there's nothing we can do from up here!
News Helicopter凄い…まるで映画を見ているような気分です!
Incredible...this is almost like watching a movie!
Radiio Broadcast呼吸に異常を感じる方は、最寄りの臨時救護所へ申告して下さい。
If you are experiencing problems breathing, please report to the nearest emergency care station immediately.
Radiio Broadcast不審物を発見しましたらば、警戒中の警察官に連絡をお願いします。
If you discover a suspicious object, please notify the police immediately.
Radiio Broadcast不審な人物を見掛けた方は 直ちに通報を…
Likewise, any suspicious persons should be reported immediately to...
Radiio Broadcastガスは順調に中和されていますが、発生地域への立ち入りは禁止…
The gas is being neutralized, but the entrance to affected areas is still prohibited...
News Helicopter ガスが沈静化していますので 我々は更に高度を下げて…
The gas is subsiding, so we should be able to lower our altitude a bit now...
News Helicopter はい、一旦CMです。チャンネルはそのままで!
...All right, it's time for a commercial break. Please stay tuned!
よほどの憎しみがなければ ここまでは出来ない。
Only a great hatred could drive them to do something like this.
ブレイズ、この作戦の根底に あるのは憎しみそのものよ。
Blaze, what lies at the root of this attack is hatred itself.
There's no military advantage to an attack like this. This is...nothing more than retribution.

Patrol Carカールの方も安全になった。空軍の奴ら手際がいいぜ。
Carle's save, too. Those Air Force folks sure know their stuff.
Patrol Car後残っているのはどの地域だ?
So which areas are still dangerous?

Patrol Carガス濃度が急速に低下している。
The gas concentration is decreasing sharply.
Patrol Carこっちの地区もクリアだ。念のため調査してみる。
This area's clear, too. I'll look around to be sure.

What's the status on the ground evacuation?
Patrol Carカール商業地区の避難はまもなく完了します!
Evacuation of the Carle business district almost complete!

Patrol Carこちらナンシー11、解体班をこっちに回せ!
This is nancy 11. Get the chemical disposal team over here!
Patrol Carよし!ガスが消えたぞ!装置を解体しろ!
All right! The gas is gone! Now take apart that device!
Patrol Car爆発の危険はなさそうだな。工具箱を持って来い
It doesn't look like there's any danger of an explosion. Go get me a toolbox.

Patrol Carここも問題なしだ。もうマスクを外してもいいぞ。
All clear over here, too. You can take off your masks now.
Patrol Carまだ終わっていないんだ。気を抜くな!
This isn't over yet. Stay sharp!

Patrol Car避難誘導も大丈夫だ。皆落ち着いてきている。
Evacuation is going fine as well. Everyone's beginning to calm down.
There it goes...Alright, lemme see how it looks down there.
Patrol Car Chariie 11
This is patrol car Charlie 11. The gas over the east bark has subsided! Our thanks go out to the Air Force.
早くガスを全部 消してしまわないと。
We have to neutralize all of the gas, quickly.
Patrol Car Baker 7
こちらパトロールカー・ベーカー7。西岸地区の ガスが消えた!空軍の戦闘機に感謝だ。
This is patrol car Baker 7. The gas over the west bark has subsided! Our thanks go out to the Air Force.
We haven't neutralized all the gas yet. Let's hurry.
Patrol Car Chariie 11
こちらチャーリー11。東岸地区のガスも オーケーだ。こちらも空軍の戦闘機に感謝。
This is Charlie 11. The eas bark's free of gas, too. Way to go, pilots.
Patrol Car Baker 7
This is Baker 7. The west bark's free of gas, too. Way to go, pilots.
City Police HQ市警本部了解。他の地域も全市クリアになった。まったくもって、空軍の戦闘機に感謝だ。
City Police HQ, 10-4. All other districts clear. City is completely clear of gas. We really appreciate the Air Force for doing this.
Mission failed! The gas has benn completely neutralized.
Yuke Helicopterケダール班よりスダエブ班へ、増援のヘリを送る。
Kedar team to Sudayev team. We're sending in a helicopter for support.
Sorry you have to do this.
City Police HQ…ああ、ちょっと待て。BC兵器を用いた テロリストがトラックで逃走している。
Ah, hold it, stand by...The terrorists are escaping with the chemical weapons in a truck.
City Police HQパトロールカーは全車急行せよ。
All units, close on that area.
City Police HQ犯人は22号線を南下中。
Suspect proceeding south on Route 22.
Hey, let's go watch.
Patrol Car Baker 7こちらべーカー7、22号線に出た。
This is Baker 7. Now on Route 22.
City Police HQ了解。あー、空軍の兵隊さん。すまないが、うちの警官は戦争に関しちゃ素人だ。上から手助けしてもらえないだろうか。
10-4. Uh, listen, pilots. Uh, sorry to trouble you, but our patrolmen aren't exactly trained to fight in wars. Do you think you could help them out from the air?
Capital Air Commandこちら管区空軍司令部。それが必要か?
This is Capital District Air Command. Is that really necessary?
City Police HQあんたらさえMPを差し向けてくれりゃ 済むんだが。
Well, if you could dispatch some MPs to the scene, that'd be fine, too.
Patrol Car Baker 7べーカー7。トラックを発見した。
This is Baker7. We've spotted the truck.
Capital Air Command空港が敵コマンドに 攻撃を受けている。
The airport is under attack from enemy commandos.
City Police HQなんてこった!
You're kidding!
Capital Air Commandということでこちらも手いっぱいだ。ウォードッグ。地元警察への協力を命じる。
Yeah, we've got our hands full here, too. Wardog Squadron, you are ordered to assist the local authorities.
City Police HQ感謝する。
We appreciate your help.
Did you hear that?! They said the airport was attacked at the same time!
Patrol Car Chariie 11チャーリー11。こちらもトラックを見つけたが、グレネードを撃ち込まれた。
Charie 11 here. We found the truck, but they launched a grenade at us.
Patrol Car Chariie 11路肩の郵便ポストが大破。負傷者なし。その間に逃げられちまった。
No injuries...just hit a mailbox on the curb. They got away in the confusion.
City Police HQ
了解。空軍の兵隊さん、上からテロリストの トラックを探し出してくれ。逃がさんでくれよ。
Roger. Pilots, see if you can find the terrorists'truck from up there. Don't let them escape.
Yes or Mute
Roger that. We'll take care of it.
We've got no other choice.
City Police HQちょっと待て、戦闘機から銃撃とかは しなくていいからな。
Hold on. I don't need you fighters to fire on them or anything.
Not even just a little?
Capital Air Commandダメ!
Did you hear that, Captain? They say we can't shoot 'on!
I know, I was just kidding.
It seems they want to arrest them no matter what.

We've gotta lighten the load!
Patrol Car Baker 7チャーリー11、ナビからお前の車が 消えたぞ。何かあったのか?
Charlie 11, I don't see your car on the navigator display. What's going on?
Patrol Car Chariie 11ダルム通りの地下駐車場内だ。手前に回りこめると思う!
I'm in the parking garage under Dalem Street. I think I can cut them off!
Patrol Car Baker 7落ち着け、どこ走ってるのか 分かってるのか!?
Geez man, calm down. Do you realize where you're driving?!
Radiio Broadcast新しい情報です!現在アピード国際空港内で ユークトバニア所属と見られる…
This just in! At the Apito International Airport, an armed group, believed to be Yuktobanians, began...
Patrol Car Baker 7チャーリー11、コースを外れてどこにいくんだ!
Charlie 11, you're off the main road! Where are you going?
Patrol Car Chariie 11こちらチャーリー11、近道のハスタール公園内を行く。
This is Charlie 11. I'm taking a shortcut through Hastarl Park.
Patrol Car Baker 7おい!憩いの場を壊すつもりか!?
What?! Hey, isn't that against that law?
Radiio Broadcast現在アピート国際空港からは 激しい爆発音と銃声が轟いています!
We are hearing large explosions and gunfire from Apito International Airport at this very moment!
Radiio Broadcast軍関係者筋によりますと、今回の事態は ユークによるテロの見方が強いと…
According to military sources, this attack is very likely the work of Yuktobanian terrorists...
Patrol Car Chariie 11犯人のトラックを発見!…畜生、撃ってきやがった!
I found the truck!...Dammit, they're shooting at us!
Patrol Car Baker 7チャーリー11、退避しろ!応援を待て!
Charlie 11. fall back! Wait for backup!
Patrol Car Chariie 11安心しなベーカー7、撃ちまくって足止めしてやる!
Don't worry Baker 7, I'll pump enough lead into the truck to stop 'em!
Terroristケダール班へ、アピート国際空港への 合流は可能か?
Kedar team, can we rendezvous at Apito International Airport?
Yuke Helicopter難しい状況だ。空港は敵に包囲されている。
That'll be tough. The airport's surrounded by the enemy.
Yuke Helicopter待ってろ。今そっちに向かってる。
Hold on. We're coming for us
Sudayev team to helicopter. The enemy planes are fighters. Be careful.
Yuke Helicopter了解スダエブ班。低空で接近する。
Roger, Sudayev team. We'll approach from low altitude.
The helicopter's going to cross over us near Marvin Bridge.
Patrol Carくそ、犯人に接近できないぞ!場所はマービン橋だ!
Dammit, I can't get near the truck! I'm at Marvin Bridge!
Patrol Car追跡中の全車両、マービン橋に急行せよ。
All units in pursuit, proceed at once to Marvin Bridge.
Seal off all surrounding areas. Hurry!
Capital Air Command こちら管区空軍司令部。空港を襲撃中の敵が ヘリコプターをそちらに差し向けた。警戒せよ。
This is Capital District Air Command. The enemy forces at the airport have sent a helicopter in your direction. Be careful.
We've got a visual on the helicopter already. Next time, tell us sooner.
Patrol Car Baker 7こちらべーカー7。 周囲を包囲しつつあるが、ヘリコプターだ。
This is Baker 7. We're surrounding the area, but that's a military helicopter.
Patrol Car Baker 7ありゃ戦闘ヘリだぞ。こっちでは手が出ない。
We don't have anything that can go up against it.
City Police HQ戦闘機、ヘリを撃ち落としてくれ。
Fighters, shoot down the helicopter for us.
That's what I've been waiting for. Let's go!
Target acquired...hey, isn't that a Yuktobanian attack helicopter?!
Chopper司令部へ通報!ユークの戦闘ヘリが 国内に持ち込まれている! 繰り返す、ユークの戦闘ヘリが国内に 持ち込まれている!
Report to Command! Yuktobanian helicopters have entered our airspace! Repeat, Yuke copters have breached our airspace!
Be careful. They're fully loaded with missiles.

Patrol Car上を見ろ!軍用ヘリだ!あの型はオーシアのじゃないぞ。
Look! It's a military helicopter! That's not an Osean aircraft.
Yuke Helicopterスダエブ班の連中、すっかり包囲されている!
The Sudayev team is completely surrounded!
Yuke Helicopter戦闘機に見つかったぞ、もっと低く飛べ!
The enemy planes have spotted us! Fly lower!
Yuke Helicopterケダールからスダエブへ。回収予定時刻を変更する。
Kedar to Sudayev. We're changing the planned retrieval time.
Nagase 目標はビルを盾にしている!
The target is using the buildings to shield themselves!
Nagase 犯人の回収を阻止する。
I'll keep them from picking up the suspects.
Nagase 犯人を逃がすわけには行かない。
We can't let those men get away.
Nagase 正面は不利だ。態勢を立て直す。
Attacking them head-on puts us at a disadvantage. Changing position.
Nagase 死角から接近を試みる!
I'll try approaching from their blind spot!

Chopper 戦争の常識ってのも、とっくに過去のものに なっちまいやがった。非常識だ、こんなの。
I guess the "rules of engagement" are a thing of the past. This breaks every rule in the book.

I'll keep the copters from descending!
This must be a remnant of the strike force that attacked the airport.
Those helicopters are pretty good in air-to-air combat. It's pretty nimble so be careful.
They're firing! Evasive maneuvers!

Patrol Car Baker 7やつらあのヘリで 逃げるつもりだぞ。
They're trying to get away on that helicopter.
Patrol Carヘリは空軍に任せろ!
Let the Air force deal with the copter!

Hurry up! We're pinned down!
If they get our helicopter, we're finished!

News Helicopter…爆発です!たった今、ここから東の方角に 爆発と思われる明かりが見えました!
An explosion! We just saw a flash of light, what appears to be an explosion, to the east!
News Helicopter…戦闘機です。ものすごい轟音が 響いています!
...Fighter jets. The engine noise is deafening!
News Helicopter…これは、まさに戦場です!
...The city has turned into a real battlefield!
Patrol Car Chariie 11ヘリの残りは6機だ。
6 helicopters left.
Patrol Car Chariie 11戦闘機ってのもカッコいいな…プレゼントにどうだろう?
Man, fighter jets are really cool... You think that'd make a good present?
Patrol Car Baker 7おいチャーリー11、娘さんにそんなもん渡すのか?
Uh, Charlie 11, I don't think your daughter would appreciate it too much.

Patrol Car Chariie 11ヘリの残りは5機だ。
5 helicopters left.

Patrol Car Chariie 11ヘリの残りは4機だ。
4 helicopters left.
Patrol Car Baker 7こっちでは何も出来ないってのは 歯痒いな…
It's really ticking me off just sitting here doing nothing...

Patrol Car Chariie 11あと3機。
3 more helicopters.
Patrol Car Chariie 11ベーカー7。これから俺は 独自に奴らを攻撃する!
Baker7, I'm going to attack them myself!
Patrol Car Baker 7おいチャーリー11!後部座席に見えるデカブツは何だ?
Hey Charlie 11! What's that thing you got in the back seat?
Patrol Car Chariie 11対戦車ライフルだ!家からの持参品だ!
That's my anti-tank rifle! I brought it with me from home!

Patrol Car Chariie 11あと2機。
2 more helicopters.
Patrol Car Chariie 11あと1機。
Just 1 more helicopter.
Patrol Car Baker 7ヘリが橋の上に降下中だ。持っていかれる!
The helicopter's descending toward the bridge. It's gonna take them away!
MISSION FAILED(テロリストが敵ヘリコプターに搭乗)
Patrol Car Baker 7ヘリが犯人を収容した。くそっ、間に合わん。
The helicopter picked up the suspects. Dammit. We're too late.
This is Edge. All target confirmed destroyed.
Patrol Car Baker 7こちらはベーカー7。敵のトラックが投降した。
This is Baker 7. The enemy truck has surrendered.
Patrol Car Chariie 11へっ、いい気味だぜ。ざまぁ見ろ!
Hah, serves you right. How's it feel now, huh?
Capital Air Commandウォードッグ、任務終了だ。すぐに帰投せよ。
Wardog, mission complete. Return to base immediately.
Chopper ちぇっ。
Patrol Car Baker 7チャーリー11へ、新たな事件発生。誕生日会から行方不明のパパの捜索願だ。
Charlie 11, we need a Code 3 response to find a dad missing from his daughter's birthday party...
Patrol Car Chariie 11……。
Patrol Car Chariie 11了解!直ちに現場へ急行する!
10-4! Proceeding to the scene immediately!
中和剤の散布により、混合神経ガスの被害を最小限に 食い止めることができた。
現在判明しているだけで、死傷者数は300人に上ると報告 されている。
なお、同時刻に発生したアピート国際空港占拠事件に関しては、 一時的に空港施設内までの侵入を許したものの、 継続的支援が絶たれたことにより、24時間後に占拠部隊は 壊滅した。
オーシア首都近辺の平和までも脅かすユークトバニア軍を 是が非でも屈服させなくてはならない。
諸君がその身の潔白を、その闘いぶりを以って示すことを 望む。
Thanks to your efforts in spreading the neutralizing agent, we managed to contain the damage from the nerve gas attack. Still, there have been at least 300 confirmed casualties reported so far. We have a related report on the force that tried to capture Apito International Airport at the exact moment of nerve gas attack again. The force made it into the facility, occupying it for a short period. But a lack of following support enabled us to destroy them within 24 hours. The Yuktobanian army is threatening the security of our very capital. We've got to defeat them at all costs. We'll be sending you back to the front line of the Yuktobanian mainland. If you all really are innocent, and I hope you can prove it out there on the battlefield.