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AC5 / 台詞資料

Mission 11A

XMAA様  じおぺりあ様  黄色の26様
DATE > 2010/11/04
TIME > 2012HRS
LOCATION > 04°16'55"S 138°11'48"W
Yuktobanian aircraft have suddenly been detected on radar at southeast of Oured. They are flying in the direction of Apito International Airport, located in an area between Oured Bay and the capital. Apito International is a civilian airport. The enemy's intentions are unknown. Passengers and personnel are currently being evacuated, but the sudden appearance of enemy has punched the airport intohas plunged the airport into chaos.
Intercept and engage invading enemy formation, and protect Apito International Airport.
I can't believe we flipped a coin for this mission. This isn't funny, man.
Control Towerこちら空港管制塔。緊急!全機離陸中止せよ!
This is the Airport Control Tower. Emergency Alert! All planes, cancel takeoff clearance!
Control Towerアプローチ中の全便は、至急進路を変更せよ。
All approaching flights, change course immediately!
OWA 783針路変更って、どっちへだ?
Change our course? Change it to where?
Air Ixiom 31こちらエア・イクシオン31便。高速機が600ヤードで飛び抜けていった!
Air Ixiom 31: This is Air Ixiom Flight 31. A high-speed aircraft just passed by us 600 yards away!
Control Towerそれは味方戦闘機だ。緊急任務に上がっている。各便、衝突に注意せよ!
They're allied fighters taking off on an emergency mission. All flights, be heads up for mid-air collisions!
Air Ixiom 31戦闘機?戦争は西部海岸の話じゃなかったのか?
A fighter? I thought the war was over the west coast.

Aww, how peaceful this place is. I'm chokin' up here.
Which squadron was that, do you think?
Capital Air Command首都管区の防空飛行隊だ。
It's the Capital District Air Defense Squadron.
Capital Air Command空港から約400マイルの学園都市で、敵兵が化学兵器を撒布している。
The enemy has unleashed chemical weapons in a college town, 400 miles from the airport.
Capital Air Command一個飛行隊が中和剤撒布に向かった。空港は君たちに任せるしかないんだ。
One squadron is on its way there to spread neutralizers. You're the only ones that can defend the airport.
How could they?
It sounds the other side of the coin is bad news, too, huh?
Not that things are any better over here.
I know, I know, Booby. I won't neglect the mission in front of us.
Tossing a coin to assign us a mission was a dumb idea to begin with.
Yuke Squadron全機へ、無線封鎖並びに高度制限を解除する。
All units. Altitude and radio silence restrictions are rescinded.
Yuke Squadron敵戦闘機のスクランブル発進を確認した。
Enemy aircraft scramble confirmed.
Airport Personnelやけに空が騒がしいぞ。どうしたんだ?
Hey, what's all the ruckus outside?
Airport Personnel全空港スタッフへ、緊急事態だ。
Attention, all airport personnel. This is an emergency.
Airport Personnel緊急事態?どういうことだ?
Emergency? What's going on?
Airport Personnel国籍不明機が接近中との情報が入った。
We've just learned that several of unknown origin are inbound.
Airport Personnel何だって!誤報じゃないのか?
What? You sure it's not some false report?
Airport Personnelこちらのレーダーでも捕捉している。間違いない。
We've spotted them on our radar as well. This is for real.
Airport Personnel全ての航空機の搭乗、離陸作業をキャンセルする。
We're going to cancel all boarding and takeoffs.
Airport Personnel乗客にはコンピュータトラブル及び火災と発表する。
We'll tell passengers that our systems went down sue to a fire.
Airport Personnel偽装のため全館の警報装置を作動させる。
I'll set off the alarms airport-wide, to back up our claims.
Airport Personnel情報漏洩は厳禁とする。パニックを発生させるな!
Do not leak any information. We don't want to cause a panic!
Airport Personnel直ちに乗客の避難誘導を開始しろ。
Begin evacuating the passengers immediately.
Control Towerアプローチ中の全機へ、着陸を中断してください。
All inbound aircraft, approach and landing clearances are canceled.
Control Tower接近中の旅客機は方位を040に取り、この空域から離脱して下さい。
Approaching passenger jets, turn to heading 040 and leave the airspace.
Control Tower離陸準備中の各機は離陸を中止してください。
All planes preparing for take off, your takeoff clearance is canceled.
Control Tower乗客への支障の無い程度の説明をお願いいたします。
You are requested to give only limited information to your passengers, so as to avoid distress.
ABS 417こちら417便。緊急事態とは何のことだ?
This is Flight 417. What's the emergency?
Air Erusea 398状況説明を願う。高速で接近中の機体は何なんだ?
Please explain the situation. What are those planes approaching at high speed?
OWA 62この航路で接近する航空機の情報は知らされていないぞ。
Nobody told us about any airliners approaching from that route.
TYA 428どうなってるんだ、説明願います。どうぞ!
What's going on? Please clarify. Over!
Airport Personnel現在のところ目だった混乱は見られません。
We haven't had any serious trouble yet.
Airport Personnel今ここを攻撃されたら大惨事になる!
If this place is attacked right now, it'll be a massacre.
Airport Personnel冷静に対処しろ。気取られるな。
Just stay calm. Don't let anyone get suspicious.
Airport Personnelいつものサービスと同じだ。落ち着いてやれ。
Act like it's just another day. Calm down and get to it.
Airport Personnel乗客から搭乗延期の説明を求められている。
The passengers are demanding to know why all the flights were delayed.
Airport Personnel平謝りに徹しろ。一刻も早い誘導を!
Just apologize and move them out as quickly as possible!
Airport Personnel一部乗客が待合室から離れません!
Some of the passengers still haven't left the waiting area!
Airport Personnel直ぐにでも攻撃をうけるかもしれないんだ、急がせろ!
We could be attacked any minutes now. Hurry them up!
Airport Personnelこちら第8搭乗口、誘導員の増員を頼みます。
This is Gate 8. Requesting additional staff to assist with the evacuation.
This place is a stone's throw away from Oured!
So I guess our anti-air defense system was full of holes, then.
I can't believe they're attacking all the way out here...there's no place to run anymore.

Sure is dark up here.
Watch your fire! Don't shoot any civilian buildings!
Yuke Squadron攻撃位置につけ、幸運を祈る!
Spread out to attack formation. Good luck!
I can't attack! I keep thinking about all the people in those houses down below!
Look at all the enemies on the IFF!
Where? Down below? On the ground?
Control Towerこちら空港管制塔。駐機中の輸送機隊は空軍のどの隊か?至急。
This is Airport Control Tower. Military transport planes parked on the runway, state your squadron number and callsign.
Capital Air Commandこちら首都管区空軍司令部。こちらでは民間空港に輸送機を派出していない。
This is Capital District Air Command. We haven't deployed any allied military transport planes to civilian airports at this time.
Control Tower輸送機から戦車が!発砲している!敵だ!空港内に敵軍がいる!
Tanks coming out of transport planes! They're firing! It's the enemy! Enemy forces inside the airport!
Hey, Booby, did you hear that just now?
This is the middle of Osea. How can they be attacking here?
They say enemy tanks have appeared out of transport planes at the airport. What the hell's going on?
This is Edge, I heard it, too. It appears that the enemy has infiltrated the airport.
Control Towerいつの間に紛れ込んでいたんだ?
How did they sneak in here?
Capital Air Commandともかくその戦車と輸送機も撃破しろ。民間への被害をこれ以上許すな。
Never mind, just destroy the tanks and transport plane. Don't let them cause any more damage here.
It looks we were tricked.
They were really after the airport.
But, this is obviously just a diversion.
There should still be something we can do. It's too soon to give up.
Yuke Assault Force各部隊は攻撃を開始せよ。
All units, commence attack.
Yuke Assault Force目標の完全破壊に全力を尽くせ。
The target must be completely deatroyed. Give it all you've got.
When we passed over the airport just a moment age, everything was fine...
How in the world did they?...
Booby, you noticed something?
Airport PAお客様に申し上げます、館内では走らないよう…
Attention, passengers. Please do not run inside the terminal hallways...
Airport PA慌てずに、落ち着いて避難してください…
We urge you not to panic. Please stay calm and evacuate the area...
Airport Personnel落ち着いて、落ち着いて!くそ、誰も聞いてないぞ!
Calm down, please calm down! Dammit, nobody's listening!
Chopper to Booby. We just need to protect this airport facility, right?
This is Chopper. Roger that. I'll do my best.
But we can't just abandon it. All right, I'll go protect it.

Control TowerまだアプローチをつづけているAER302便、ABS417便、着陸を中止せよ。
AER Flight 302, ABS Flight 417, landing clearance canceled. Abort your landing.
This air's full of civilian planes! We have to be careful using our missiles!
ABS 417こちら417便。長時間の着陸待ちをしている。燃料がない。
his is Flight 417. We've been in holding pattern for hours. We're on emergency fuel.
Control Tower駄目だ、今は許可できない!
It's too dangerous. I can't give you clearance to land right now.
ABS 417このまま待っていても埒が明かない。何とか着陸できないだろうか?
Tell that to my fuel tank. Can't you help us land here?
OWA 783こちらOWA783便、こちらも燃料がない。
This is OWA 783. We're running out of fuel, too.
Control Tower何いってるんだ!戦争だぞ!…こんちくしょう!
Are you listening?! This is war here!
Control Tower貨物ターミナルが発砲を受けている!ここは民間空港なんだぞ!
The freight terminal's getting shot at! Dammit! This is a civilian airport!

Then again, we did sorta do the same thing to them, over in their country.
So this is their retaliation for that? Why do people have to be so stupid?!
Capital Air Command大学都市をガス攻撃した敵の特殊部隊も、空港へ向かっているという情報がある。警戒をさらに厳にせよ。
We got word that the enemy special forces unit that gassed the college town is headed for the airport. Stay heads up.
Control Tower畜生め!ユークの豚野郎め!
Dammit! Damn those dirty Yukes!

Well, if that's what it is, then where did all these fighters come from?
Even if they could refuel in the air, fly all the way here and get thorough our distance to destroy our capital, there's not nearly enough of them to occupy the entire country.
They must nearly hate us, or else they wouldn't have gone this far.
Control Towerくそっ…。
Hey control tower, I feel like crying too, believe me.

Airport Personnel西連絡橋が崩落!非常扉を早く閉めろ!
The western connector bridge has collapsed! Close off the emergency doors!
Airport PA只今、空港ターミナルは大変危険となっております…
All areas within the airport terminal are currently very unsafe...
Airport Personnel第二エントランスで将棋倒し発生!
They're falling like dominos over at Entrance Two!
Airport Personnel直ちに救急車を手配してくれ!
Call an ambulance, now!
Airport PA2階以上に居るお客様は、非常階段をお使い下さい…
Passengers on the second floor and above, please use the emergency stairwell...
Airport Personnelそっちは逆方向だ!連れ戻せ!
That's the wrong way! Get them back here!
Airport PA業務連絡、警備班はGYG体制をとって下さい…
Attention, all security personnel. We have emergency code GYG...
Airport PoliceSMGは武器庫で整備中だ!
Our submachine guns are in the warehouse for maintenance!
Airport Policeこちら第二班、現在武装集団と交戦中…!
This is Unit 2. We're engaged in battle with an armed group!...
Airport Police相当に訓練されている!勝ち目は無いぞ!
These guys are soldiers! We don't stand a chance!
Yuke Assault Force警備部隊からの反撃は軽微。
Resistance from the security forces expected to be minimal.
Airport Personnel貨物ターミナルを臨時の避難経路とする!
We're using the freight terminal as a temporary evacuation route!
Airport Personnel滑走路側には近づけるな!
Don't lead them near the runway!

This is Edge. Enemy forces include anti-aircraft vehicles! Repeat, the enemy has AA vehicles!
Dammit! I wanna nail that guy!

Airport Personnel乗客の中に軍人がいないか探せ。アドバイスをもらえるかもしれない。
Go see if there are any soldiers cupboard. Maybe we can get some advice from them.
Airport Personnel乗客はパニック状態だ!
The passengers are pacicking!
Airport Personnelエレベーター、エスカレーターの使用は禁止だ!
Use of elevators or escalators is prohibited!
Airport Personnel格納庫が攻撃を受けている。火が出てるぞ!
The hanger is under attack. I can see fire!
Airport Personnel落ち着いて、緊急時マニュアルに従って行動を取りなさい。
eryone calm down, and follow your emergency procedure manual.

Airport Police訓練じゃないのか!?一体どうなってるんだ!
This isn't a drill? What's going on here?!
Airport Police緊急事態だ!早く軍に通報しろ!
Emergency! Contact the military, now!
Airport Policeユークが何故こんな所に!
What are the Yukes doing here?!
Airport Police奴ら空港施設を狙ってやがる!
They're shooting at the airport facilities!

Approaching airspace above the airport. It's on fire!
How many civilian planes are in the airport?

Why aren't those commercial planes in the air leaving the airspace?

Yuke Assault Forceよし、パーギン隊は第1滑走路を爆破せよ。
Okay. Pargin team, blow up runway number one.
Yuke Assault Force屋外では夜間の同士討ちに注意しろ。
Watch out for friendly fire outside. It's dark out there.
Yuke Assault Force送電線、通信ケーブル、送信アンテナも破壊だ。
The electric cables, communication wires, and transfer antenna must all be destroyed.
Yuke Assault Force彼らの退路を断て。
Cut off their escape route.
Yuke Assault Force狙撃班、準備完了。
Sniper team ready to go.
Yuke Assault Force対空車両は上空警戒、余力あらば施設の掃討を行え。
Mobile anti-aircraft artillery, watch over the airspace. Any units nor engaged, sweep the area with gunfire.
Yuke Assault Force民間人、空港職員並びに投降者は全て射殺せよ。
Fire upon anyone..civilians, airport personnel..whoever. Take no prisoners.
Yuke Assault ForceBブロックの隔壁を爆破する。
We're blowing the partition wall in front of B Block.
Yuke Assault Forceケダール班は周辺警戒。イジェマ班は避難路の遮断。
Kedar team, guard the area. Ijema team, cut off the evacuation routes.
Yuke Assault Forceキパリス班、ビカール班、行け。
Kipairs team, Bigar team, go.
Yuke Assault Force戦車部隊は前進、ターミナル、周辺施設を攻撃せよ。
Tanks forces, advance and attack the terminal, along with any nearby attacks.

Yuke Squadron敵機に構わず任務を遂行せよ。
Focus on your mission. Don't worry about the enemy planes.

ABS 417敵機だけでなく異常接近にも注意しろ!
Heads up for midair collisions!
ABS 417そんなに旋回するな!あれにぶつかるぞ!
Don't turn so fast! You'll fly right into another jet!

OWA 62乗客を無事に地上まで送り届けるんだ。絶対にだ。
You hear me? We're gonna get these passengers back to the ground safely!

TYA 428暗闇での着陸待ちは心細いな。
Waiting to land in the dark like this is making me nervous.

Air Ixiom 665くそ、空港上空は過密状態だ!
Dammit, there's too many planes in the sky!

Air Erusea 398こちらエア・エルジア398便。ダイバート報告。これより代替飛行場へ向かう。
This is Air Erusea Flight 398. Diverting to alternate airfield.
Airport Personnelあの輸送機の残骸を見ろ!輸送機にはヘリまで積んであったのか?
Look at that transport's wreckage! Did they have helicopters inside that thing, too?
Airport Personnelハンガーに直撃、避難する!
Direct hit on hangar! We're evacuating!
Yuke Assault Force抵抗ラインを突破した。これよりターミナルに突入する。
Defense route penetrated. Now entering terminal.
Enemy attack's getting fierce!
This isn't a random terrorist act...Blaze, we can't lose any time here. We have to hurry!
Right, let's hurry.
But Blaze, this feels like it's all been planned too perfectly.
敵部隊への損害が少ない時 上記台詞発生後(適時、又はランダムで発生)
Yuke Squadron上空の民間機及び空港施設を攻撃せよ。
Attack the airport facilities, as well as any civilian planes in the air.
Airport Personnel上の敵機を早く何とかしてくれ!
Do something about those enemy aircraft overhead!

Our chain of command's falling apart.
Yeah, I know. I'm following Booby.
All right!

Airport Police敵が西ゲートに侵入。そっちを優先的に避難させろ。
Enemy breaking through the western gate. Get everyone evacuated out of there first.
Airport Personnelそうしたいんだがこの状況では無理だ!
We're trying, but it's impossible right now!

ABS 417こちら417便。着陸許可はまだ出ないのか?
This is Flight 417. Can't we get permission to land yet?
Control Tower残念だが無理だ!滑走路は既に穴だらけになっている!
Sorry, no can do! The runway's cratered and unusable from bomb strikes!

Airport Police1班から誘導班へ、乗客の避難状況はどうだ?
Unit 1 to evacuation team. How's the passenger evacuation coming?
Airport Policeまだかかりそうだ。時間を稼いでくれ!
It'll take a while longer. Give us some more time!

Airport Policeこっちに注意を引き付けるぞ。
Divert their attention to us.
Airport Police了解!4班7班は射撃開始!
Roger! Units 4 and 7, commence fire!

Airport Personnel担架を!スミスが流れ弾に当たった!
I need a stretcher! Smith just got hit by a stray bullet!
Airport Personnelこの誘導路は使えない。別の方法を頼む!
We can't use this taxiway. Find some other way around!
Airport Personnelエンジンを緊急停止しろ!安全確保のためだ!
Emergency engine shot down! We've got to secure this place!
Airport Personnel安全な場所なんかあるか!とにかく外へ!
There's no safe place here! Just get outside!
Airport Personnel西待合室に砲弾が命中した!
The west waiting room was just hit by artillery fire!
Airport Personnelガラス破片が飛び散っている!
There's broken glass everywhere!!
Airport Personnelどこの避難が終わっていないんだ!?
Is the evacuation complete?
Airport Personnel各ホールとの連絡不能!
All the terminals are offline!
Airport Personnel逃げ遅れがいないか確認しろ!
Check for any stragglers!
Airport Personnel銃声が聞こえる!近いぞ!
I can hear gunfire! It's close!
Airport Police畜生!弾がもう無い!
Dammit! I'm outta ammo!
Airport Police信じられない、首都のど真ん中だぞ!
I can't believe this. We're right in the middle of the capital!
Airport Police第3班との通信途絶!
We've lost contact with Unit 3!
Airport Police戦車だ!どうやって持ち込んだ!
Tanks! How'd they get those here?!
Airport Police畜生!拳銃程度ではどうにもならない!
Dammit! We can't fend ‘em off with just handguns!
Airport Police包囲された!これが最後の通信だ!
We're surrounded! This is our last report!
Airport Police第1班の後退を支援しろ!
Unit 1 is retreating! Cover them!
Airport Policeまだ連絡橋から逃げられるぞ!
You can still escape through the connector bridge!
Airport Police避難が終わるまで何とか持ちこたえるんだ!
We've got to hold on until the civilians have evacuated!
Airport Police通路を閉鎖しろ!中に入れるな!
Close the passageways! Don't let them get in!

Control TowerOWA318便、ここから引き返すんだ!
OWA Flight 318, turn around and leave this airspace, now!
Control Towerこちら管制塔、敵戦車から攻撃を受けている!
This is the control tower. We're under attack from enemy tanks!
Control Tower装甲車が向かってくるのが見える!
I can see armored vehicles approaching!
Control Tower私はここで最後まで管制指示を取ります!
I'm staying here to direct traffic until this is over!

There's too many of them! Who should I go after first?
I just got shot at from below! Anti aircraft fire...from our own civilian airport.

Yuke Assault Force配置完了。現在負傷者なし。
Positions ready. No casualties yet.
Yuke Assault Forceフェドロ班、通信ケーブルの切断完了。
Fedoro team reporting. Communication cables have been cut.
Yuke Assault Forceケダール班へ、配置よし!
Kedar team, you're in position!
Yuke Assault Force突入する。閃光弾、3、2、1、今だ!
We're going in. Flash grenades ready. 3, 2,!
Yuke Assault Force今のうちに装備の再点検をしておけ。
Check all your equipment again while you have the time.
Yuke Assault Force連絡橋を遮断しろ。砲撃開始。
Take out the connector bridge. Open fire.
Yuke Assault Forceハンガーの制圧完了。これより爆破作業に入る。
Hangar captured. Setting the explosives.
Yuke Assault Force…確認した。攻撃を開始する。
...Affirmative. Commencing attack.
Yuke Assault Force下に三人残せ。他の隊員は作戦を続行しろ。
Leave three men below. The rest of the team will continue the operation.
Yuke Assault Forceキパリス班の突入を待ってビカール班の射撃を開始する。
Bicar team, wait for Kiparis team to move in, then commence firing.
Yuke Assault Forceビカール班、ハンガーへ移動中。
Bicar team moving towards hangar.
Yuke Assault Force思う存分やれ。倍にして返せ。
Fire at will. It's payback time.
Yuke Assault Forceあの中には民間人が…本当に、本当に良いんですか!?
There are civilians in we really have to do this?!
Yuke Assault Forceゲネディー、忘れるな!奴らに殺された人々を!
Gennedy, don't forget about the people they killed!
Airport Personnel畜生!鬼畜ユークめ!
Dammit! The Yuke pigs!

Hatred only breeds more hatred. It all just feeds on itself.
Only a deep hatred could drive them to do something like this.
Blaze, what lies at the root of this attack is hatred itself.
There's no military advantage in attacking a civilian airport. This is nothing more than retribution.

Airport PAお子様連れのお客様は手を離さないで!
Parents, please stay with your children!
Airport PA放送及び係員の誘導に従ってください!
Please follow all announcements and verbal directions!
Airport Personnel何が起こってるんだ!?
What's the hell is going on here?!
Airport Personnelデマが飛び始めている!
Rumors are starting to spread!
敵部隊にある程度の損害 上記台詞発生後(適時、又はランダムで発生)
Airport PA押さないで下さい!大変危険です!
Please do not crowd the exits! It is extremely dangerous!
Airport Personnel非常口に乗客が詰めかけている!
Passengers are stampeding for the emergency exits!
Airport Personnel多すぎるぞ、乗客を分散させろ!
There's too many of them! Split everyone up!
Airport Personnel人の波だ。とても制止出来ない!
It's a sea of people. I can't control them!

Airport Personnel畜生…もう手遅れだ…。
Dammit...We're too late...
Airport Personnel何でこの場所で起こるんだよ!
Why did this have to happen here?!

Airport Personnel終わりだ!何もかもおしまいだ!
It's over! It's all over!
I thought I'd be able to keep my cool here, way.

Airport Personnel542便より管制塔へ!次の指示はまだなのか!?
Flight 542 to control tower! Where's our next instruction?!
Control Tower残念だがまだだ。もう少し待ってくれ。
I'm sorry, not yet. Just hold on a little longer!

Airport Personnel焼け死ぬぞ!消火なんかや止めちまえ!
Forget about putting out fires! You'll be burned to death!
Airport Personnel警備部隊は何やってんだ!
Why isn't the security team doing something?!

Airport PA業務連絡!スタッフは連絡を!放送室は…
Attention all personnel! Get everyone outside! The PA room is...

Hey, you know what the word "quagmire" means? You're lookin' at it.

ABS 417高度を下げすぎるな!
Don't lose too much altitude!
Airport Personnel航空支援で敵の勢いが弱まったぞ!
The enemy's faltering under our air support!
Airport Personnel今の内に負傷者の収拾を行う!
C'mon, let's gather up the wounded while we can!
敵部隊に大きな損害 上記台詞発生後(適時、又はランダムで発生)
Airport Personnelまた敵の飛行機が現れたぞ!
Here come more enemy planes!
Airport Personnelよく見ろ!オーシア空軍だ!
No, look! It's the Osean Air Force!
Airport Personnel助かった、これで大丈夫だよな?
Thank goodness! We're safe now, right?
Airport Personnel上から支援されてるからって油断するなよ!
We've got air support now, but don't let your guard down!

Airport Personnelこっちから出る必要は無い。持ち場を維持しろ!
We don't need to leave here. Just maintain your current positions!
Airport Personnel上から支援されてるからって油断するなよ!
We've got air support now, but don't let your guard down!

Airport Personnel見ろ!味方機だぞ!
Look! Those planes are on our side!
Airport Personnel頼むぞ、やっつけてくれ!
Come on, blow ‘em all away!

Airport Personnelリチャード、お前も早く退避しろ!
Richard, you have to evacuate, too!
Airport Personnelいや、俺は警備部隊に加勢してくる!
No, I'm going to help the security team!

Airport Personnelまだ残ってるぞ、全部やっちまえ!
There's still some left! Take ‘em all down!
Airport Personnel見とれてないで誘導を続けろ!
Don't just share at the sky, keep moving the crowd along!

Airport Personnel俺たちじゃないぞ、狙うのはあっちだからな!
Don't shoot at us, all right? Shoot over there!
Airport Personnel警備の応援も間もなく駆けつけるはずだ!
Backup security units should be coming your way soon!
Airport Personnelあいつらの戦車も一撃だぞ!
They took out that tank in one hit!

Airport Personnel
Ambulances are at the front gate.
Airport Personnel
All right! We're transporting all the injured over there!

Yuke Assault Force上から狙われては前進できない。
We can't advance if we're getting shot at from the air.
Yuke Assault Force上だ、上を押さえておいてくれればいい!
Just get control of the airspace above us!
Yuke Assault Force暗くなれば敵の攻撃も弱まるはずだ。
The enemy's attack should weaken once it gets darker.
Yuke Assault Force敵の首都防空部隊だ。手強いぞ。
That's the enemy's capital air defense force. They're pretty tough.
Yuke Assault Force兵力が減少している。何とかしろ!
We're losing combat strength here. Do something!
Yuke Assault Force散開して伏せろ!
Spread out and take cover!
Yuke Assault Force早く片付けろ。作戦に支障をきたすぞ。
Hurry up to get rid of them. They'll jeopardize our operation.
Yuke Assault Force対空車両は何をしている!
What happened to our mobile AAA?!
Control Tower空港の被害がでかすぎる!空軍は何をやってんだ!
The airport's taken too much damage! What's the matter with the Air Force?!
Capital Air Command空港への被害寛大、一旦作戦を中止する。
Severe damage to airport. Operation aborted.
Capital Air Command敵部隊の壊滅をこちらで確認。空港管制塔、そちらの様子はどうだ?
Enemy forces annihilated. Airport control tower, what do you say?
Control Towerこちらでも確認している。
Affirmative. Enemy defeat confirmed.
Control Tower…おたくらの腕っこきに感謝すると伝えてくれ。
Give our thanks to your aces up there.
Capital Air Command…了解。作戦を終了する。
Roger. Operation complete.
諸君を再びユークトバニア本土攻略の前線へ送り返す。 諸君がその身の潔白を、その闘いぶりを以って示すことを望む。
The enemy forces that tried to capture Apito International Airport have been destroyed. Hopefully, we'll find out how they managed to infiltrate the airport, after we complete our investigation.
Additionally, the effects of chemical attack on a college town of Bana are currently subsided thanks to the neutralizing agent that was spread. The group that carried out the chemical attack are all but confirmed Yuktobanian special force's commando unit. They were planning to link up with the main force at the airport, but they aborted their plan and split away upon hearing that their main force was defeated. The Yuktobanians have defiled our soil. Worse, they tried to destroy a civilian airport. We've got to defeat them, no matter the cost.
We'll be sending you back to the front line of the Yuktobanian mainland. If you all really are innocent, and I hope you can prove it out there on the battlefield.