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AC5 / 台詞資料

Mission 09

XMAA様  MAGNUM様  黄色の26様  まばろはーれい様  小沢 公成様
DATE > 2010/11/01
TIME > 1100HRS
LOCATION > 04°32'42"S 123°29'45"E
(Colonel Perrault)
いよいよ我が軍は敵ユークトバニアに対して、大規模な 反攻作戦を開始する。
この作戦が完遂されれば、二度とユークごときに我が 本土を蹂躙する屈辱を味あわされることはない。
作戦の目的を伝える。 それは、ユークトバニア本土侵攻である。

Our army is finally ready to conduct a large scale counterattack against Yuktobania. If we succeed, we'll never have to face the humiliation of those Yukes trampling on our homeland and yet. The goal of this operation is simple. We invade and occupy the Yuktobanian mainland.

ユークトバニア、バストーク半島への大規模上陸作戦を 開始する。本作戦は以後『フットプリント作戦』と呼称する。
オーシア陸軍第1大隊と第2大隊から選抜された上陸部隊が A・B・C・D、4つの中隊に分散、揚陸艇で海岸へ向かう。
上陸後、各中隊は所々に設けられた拠点を各個撃破、 その後合流し、最終目標である要塞の制圧を目指す。
沿岸部に設置されたユークトバニア軍の防御陣地は非常に 強固であり、航空攻撃のみでの突破は困難であると 分析されている。
従ってこの『フットプリント作戦』では、地上部隊との連携に よる調整攻撃を実施、敵防御陣地の無力化を図る。
地上部隊からの要請に応じ、指示された地点に的確な 航空攻撃を行い、地上部隊の進軍を支援せよ。
悪天候の中、ユークトバニア守備兵力からの激しい応戦が 予想される。
地上部隊を支援し、トーチカと防御壁に守られた要塞に 一人でも多くの兵を到達させよ。
We are going to conduct a large scale amphibious assault against Yuktobania on the Bastoc Peninsula. This mission will be called "Operation Footprint".
The landing force will be selected from the 1st and 2nd Osean army battalions. They will be divided into four companies, A, B, C, and D and transported to the area by our landing craft. Upon landing, each division will fan out and destroy the enemy bases scattered throughout the area, then rendezvous and reform into a single large force unit to assault the final target, the fortress. The Yuktobanian defense positions along the coast are tightly dug in and we have concluded that the air attacks alone will not be enough to destroy them. Therefore, "Operation Footprint" will be a syncronized air and ground attack to neutralize these positions.
It is critical that you follow the specific targeting instructions of the ground commander to maximaize the effects of your attacks. We are expecting poor weather conditions and fierce resistance from the Yuktobanian defense forces. The fortress is protected by pillboxes and a defensive wall. Provide close air support for the ground forces and get as many soldiers as possible inside.

(Colonel Perrault)

I wish you the best of luck in battle.
(Caption)Bastok Peninsula, Yuktobania 1630hrs. Nov 1, 2010
Osean Scoutテリー、お前に話しておくことが…。
Terry. Got something I need to tell you...
Osean Scout敵は目の前だ。 スコット、お喋りは後だ!
The enemy's right in front of us, Scott. Save it for later!
Osean Scout確かに終わってから話したほうが 良さそうだ、じゃあな。
Yeah, I guess you're right. Later, then.
AWACS Thunderheadこれより四つの中隊が各ビーチより上陸する。 上陸支援開始。
The four companies will now land at their designated beach heads. Commence close air support.
Osean G Company DこちらD中隊、ビーチ到達まで後少し。
This is Company D. We're almost at the beach.
Chopper行け、進め!岸はもう少しだ。そうだ! 漕げ!もっとだ!ボートを漕げ!
Go. Move forward! You're almost there. That's it! Row! Keep rowing!
The hell with this war...

Osean G Company AこちらA中隊、上陸に成功! 早く装甲車を発進させろ!
This is Company A. Landing successful! Deploy the armored vehicles, now!

Chopper上がれ上がれ!陸地だ!その砂浜を踏め! 地面にキスなんかしてる時じゃねえ。走れ!
Move, move! Land already! Hit that beach and start running! There's no time to kiss the ground!
AWACS Thunderhead部隊の上陸を確認。支援を継続せよ。 装甲車を援護せよ。
Landing confirmed. Continue your support. Fly top cover for the armored vehicles.

Osean G Company BこちらB中隊。防御陣地からの砲撃が 激しく攻めあぐんでいるところだ。
Osean G Company B上空からの攻撃で彼らの攻撃を止めてくれ。 その間に突撃する!
Halt the enemy fire with an airstrike. We'll charge in at the same time!
AWACS Thunderhead急いで支援要請地点へ向かい調整攻撃を開始せよ。 場所はレーダーマップを作動させ確認しろ。
Hurry to the designated area and provide close air support. Activate your radar map to check location.

攻撃目標は定かか? ブービー。
Is the attack target confirmed, Booby?
了解。地上とのタイミング合わせが 肝心だな。
Roger. The trick will be to match our timing with the ground forces.
Check your radar again.

ブレイズ、防御陣地は航空攻撃では 一時的にしか沈黙させられない。
Blaze, air attacks can only silence the bunkers temporarily.
地上部隊の攻撃があって、 初めて陥落させられるみたいね。
It looks like they can only be destroyed with the aid of the ground forces.
防御陣地は極めて強固です。 我々の兵装だけでは無理です。
The bunkers are extremely tough. Our weapons alone won't suffice.

This operation is pointless...
Chopper連中は馬鹿正直に真正面から突っ込む。 こんなのが戦争のやり方だ。だから嫌いなんだ。
These guys are just gonna storm in, head-on, following orders. That's how war is fought. That's why I hate it.
Chopperなんだって大統領はこんな無謀な戦線拡大を 許可したんだ。これじゃ泥沼だぜ。
How could the President authorize an escalation of the war like this? This is insane. We'll get bogged down in this forever.
Chopper…なあ、あのときのミスター積荷は そうだったんだろう?
Hey, that Mr. Cargo guy was the President, right?
Chopper俺は信じてもいいと思ったんだぜ、 大統領のあの言葉を。
Man...I thought I could believe in him back then.
I had no idea he was such a wuss.
No. He's not.

Osean Scout畜生、銃弾で地面を 耕してるような猛攻だ!
Damn, it's like they're plowing the ground with bullets!
Osean Scout死ぬなよテリー。まだ 伝えてないことがあるんだ!
Don't get hit, Terry. I still got something I gonna tell you!
Osean Scout分かってるよ伝言屋。 そっちこそな!
I know, I know, messenger boy. You hang in there, too!

Osean G上から叩いてくれ!
Chopperわかった。今、助けてやる。 待ってろ。

Osean G
上空の航空機へ。こちら上陸部隊。 俺たちの上には落さないでくれよ!
Attention, overhead aircraft, this is the ground forces. Make sure you don't drop any bombs on us!
Osean G
Roger. We trust you.
Osean G
何とも頼りない空軍の野郎だ。 ついてないぜ。
What? Man, these Air Force guys are pathetic. This is just not our day.
Osean G
上の奴らにはこっちの声が 聞こえていないのか?
Can't they hear us up there?
Osean G Company A
Ask (pattern 1)
こちらA中隊のパワーズ伍長!上から見ても 我が中隊が最強だと分かるだろう!?
This is Corporal Powers of Company A! Even from above, you can tell we're the best unit, right?!
Osean G Company A
よし!みてろよ、まだまだいくぜ! A中隊前へ! 
Yeah! Keep watching, 'cause we're just getting started! Company A, forward!
Osean G Company A
何、さてはB中隊のヤツラか!? やりやがる!負けてられねえ!
What? No? You mean those bastards at Company B are better? We'll show 'em!
Osean G Company A
判断がつかんのか?…みんな 頑張ってやがるな。いいぜ、いけるぜ。
You can't tell, huh? Everyone must be workin' pretty hard, too, then. Good. Real good.

Osean G Company B
Ask (pattern 2)
B中隊のルービン少尉より上空の味方機へ。 隊長の引退仕事に花を添えたい。支援を!
Second Lieutenant Rubin of Company B to our allied planes. Will you help us make our Captain's last job one to remember?
Osean G Company B
こちらルービン、恩に着るぞ。爆撃で 出来た花道か…隊長にふさわしい。
This is Rubin. We owe you one. Marching to the sound of air support bombings...Pretty fitting for the Captain.
Osean G Company B
気にするなこの状況では仕方がない。 …皆、落ち着け。隊長の指示を待とう。
It's all right. I'm sure your hands are full. Everyone, settle down. Let's wait for the Captain's orders.
Osean G Company B
Allied aircraft overhead, please respond!

Osean G Company D
Ask (pattern 3)
こちらD中隊のとある兵士。頼みがあるんだが。 …ウチの鬼隊長を上から爆撃してくれるか?
Uh, this is Company D. I have a favor to ask...could you bomb our monster of a Captain from the air for us?
Osean G Company D
分かった、では今から 爆撃ポイントを…うわっ…!
reat. I'll send you the coordinate...ahh!!
Osean G Company D
いやいや、冗談だよ。…ランス、 作戦失敗。次の手を考えるぞ。
Ah, heh, I was just kidding...Psst, Lance, the plan failed. We gotta think of something else.
Osean G Company D
こんな要望聞いてもらえるはずないか。 B中隊が羨ましいぜ、まったく。
I guess they wouldn't listen to a request like that. Man, I wish I was in Company B.

Did you know? My older brother's down there.
What? You shoulda told me that earlier, you moron! Where is he?
I don't know. They all look the same.
Company A Commanderリー、負傷者が出たら 直ぐに報告しろ。
Lee, report any casualties to me immediately.
Company A Commander行け!行け!遅れるな!
Go! Go! Don't fall behind!
Company A Commanderベストを尽くせ! 大丈夫だ、必ず成功する!
Give it your best! You'll do fine, we will prevail!
Company A Commanderこの場所からでは分からん。 私も前進する!
I can't tell what's going on from here. I'm moving forward with the troops!
Company A Commanderここからなら良く見える。 左翼に応援を出せ。
I can see better from here. Reinforce the left flank.
Company A Commanderやるじゃないか!その調子だ!
Pretty good! Keep it up!
Company A Commander彼らが私を信頼するように、 私も彼らを信じる!
Just as they believe in me, I will believe in them!
Osean G Company Aここを突破すれば勝利は目前だ!
If we can get past here, victory's just a hair away!
Osean G Company A俺たちの強さを教えてやれ!
Show 'em what we're made of!
Osean G Company Aこれならいけるぞ。突っ込め!
We can get through this. Go!
Osean G Company A走れ!敵に逃げられちまうぞ!
Run! The enemy's getting away!
Osean G Company A上手いぞ! もう一発おみまいしてやれ!
Well done! Give 'em one more shot!

Company A Commanderよし、私も前進する。続け!
All right, I'll go first. Follow me!
Osean G Company A前進?この中をですか?
We're advancing? Through that?

Company A Commanderまだ進むぞ。 ここは最前線とは言えん。
We're going to advance further. We haven't reached the front line yet.
Osean G Company Aこれ以上突出するのは 危険過ぎます!
We can't penetrate the enemy lines any deeper! It's too dangerous!

Osean G Company Aジェフ、俺の前150にグレネードだ!
Jeff, launch a grenade in front of my path!
Osean G Company Aよしきた、任しとけ!
You got it!

Osean G Company A俺たちが先行する。 「いつものヤツ」だ。
We'll go out first. Time for "the usual".
Osean G Company Aああ。「いつもの」な。
Yeah, "the usual".

Osean G Company Aほら!せっかく来てくれた隊長を 失望させるなよ!
The Captain's here with us! Don't disappoint him!
Osean G Company Aああ!やってやるぜ!
Right! Let's do it!

Osean G Company A隊長が最前線まで 来ているそうだ!
Their Captain's come all the way to the front!
Osean G Company Aこんな場所に隊長がか!? やられちまうぞ!
The Captain? Here?! He'll get killed!
Osean G Company A同じ地獄でご一緒とは 嬉しい限りだ!
I'm glad he's come to join us in hell!

Company B Commanderこれで退役なんだ、 酷使してくれるなよ。
I'm retiring after this, so you'd better not overwork me.
Company B Commander状況は把握している。 そっちに戦車をまわすぞ。
I'm aware of the situation. I'm sending tanks your way.
Company B Commander各車へ、敵火点へ 制圧射撃を行え。
All vehicles, lay down suppression fire on the enemy's hotspots.
Company B Commander第三小隊を側面より投入しろ。
Deploy the 3rd Platoon. Have them attack the flank.
Company B Commanderポール、作戦の進捗状況はどうだ?
Paul, how's the mission's progress?
Company B Commander側面から回りこめそうだな。 第5小隊を行かせろ。 
Looks like we can flank them from here. Get the 5th Platoon to go.
Company B Commander航空写真とは少し地形が違うな。 作戦変更だ。
The terrain's a little different from the aerial photos. Better adjust our strategy.
Company B Commanderこちら指揮所、兵を200進めろ。
This is Command HQ. Move the soldiers forward 200.
Company B Commander中央から攻撃する。 長年の勘だよ。
Attack from the it an old man's intuition.
Osean G Company B隊長の引退仕事を飾ってやろうぜ!
This is the Captain's last campaign before he retires. Let's make it a good one!
Osean G Company Bそこから11時の方向だ。 狙えるか?
They're at your 11 o'clock. Can you hit them from there?
Osean G Company Bよし、打ち合わせどおりだ。 これならいけるぞ!
Things are going down exactly as we heard in the briefing. We can do this!
Osean G Company B増援に感謝します!
We appreciate the support, Sir!
Osean G Company B偵察部隊からの連絡はまだか?
Any word from the recon team yet?
Osean G Company B5時方向に敵戦車、 距離800。
Enemy tank at 5 o'clock, range 800.
Osean G Company B流石は隊長だ。 伊達に歳は取ってないな!
That's our Captain for ya. He ain't old for nothin'!
Osean G Company B隊長の指示通りに動け! そうすれば生き残れるぞ!
If you want to survive, follow the Captain's orders!
Osean G Company B各員周辺警戒を怠るな。
Be aware of your surroundings, everyone.

Osean G Company Bあちこちから撃たれてます!
We're getting shot at from everywhere!
Company B Commander落ち着け。 どこから撃たれてるか確認しろ。
Calm down. Check the direction of the incoming fire.

Osean G Company Bルートの脅威を排除した。
We've eliminated all threats along our route.
Company B Commander了解、戦車を前進させる。
Roger. We're moving the tanks through.

Osean G Company B凄い、ここからなら一気にいけるぞ。
Wow, we can storm the enemy from here.
Osean G Company B隊長には敵の配置が見えるのか?
Can the Captain see the enemy's position?

Company C Commander要塞攻略? そんなの習ってないぞ!
A fortress? I didn't learn anything in training about capturing a fortress!
Company C Commander先任軍曹、君は要塞攻略には 詳しいほうか?
First Sergeant, are you familiar with the tactics of capturing fortresses?
Company C Commander分からないな。 コンラッド、君はどう思う?
I'm not sure about this...Conrad, what do you think?
Company C Commanderそこで待機しろ。 現在検討中だ。
Stay where you are. I'm evaluating our options.
Company C Commanderおかしいぞ、そっちには 敵陣はないはずだ。
That's weird, there shouldn't be any enemy forces there.
Company C Commanderそのトーチカは潰したはずだ。 前進しろ。
I think we've already disabled that pillbox. Keep moving.
Osean G Company C生きて帰れるか 自信がなくなってきたな。
I'm not so sure anymore if I'm gonna live through this.
Osean G Company Cここを迂回すると背後を取られるぞ!
If we take a detour here, they'll nail us from the rear!
Osean G Company C間隔を開けさせてくれ。 まとめてやられるぞ。
Spread out a little, will ya? We'll get our tails shot off bunched up like this.
Osean G Company C指示はどうしたんだよ? 隊長を出してくれ!
Where's our orders? Get the Captain!
Osean G Company C上空の支援が良かったんだ。 隊長は何もしていない。
Thank heavens for our close air support. Our Captain's useless.

Company C Commander命令不服従は軍法会議だぞ!
Insubordination is grounds for a court-martial!
Osean G Company C構わないぞ、あんな奴の 命令が聞けるかよ!
I don't care! I'm not gonna take any more orders from that guy!

Company C Commander教本通りだ、いけるぞ。幸運を!
Yes! This is all according to the textbook. We can do it! Good luck!
Osean G Company Cあいつなりの激励かよ。 泣けてくるな。
Yeah, thanks. That was encouragement? I think I'm gonna cry...

Osean G Company Cまた教本通りか。 敵に読まれるぞ!
He's following the textbooks to a tee. They'll read every move we make!
Osean G Company Cもう我慢ならねぇ。 俺が指揮する!
That's it. I'm taking over command!

Osean G Company Cそのまま待機だ。 独断で動くな!
Stand by. Don't move until you receive orders!
Osean G Company Cくそ、他の中隊に先を越されちまう。
Dammit, the other companies are getting ahead of us.

Osean G Company Cこっちで良いのか? ルートを間違えたんじゃないのか?
Is this it? You sure we're on our correct attack route?
Osean G Company C指示を仰げ! B中隊に、だ!
Request new orders! No, not from our Captain, from Company B!

Osean G Company C隊長との連絡不能。 現場の判断で行動せよ!
We've lost contact with the Captain. Proceed at your own discretion!
Osean G Company C大丈夫だ、最初から当てにしてない!
No problem. I wasn't relying on him anyway!

Osean G Company C何だと!この兵力で 突撃するだと?無茶だ!
What? Break through that line with our current manpower? That's insane!
Osean G Company Cこんな命令で死ねというのか!?
Those are the orders? What, you want me to die?
Osean G Company C新人が!戦争は 図上演習じゃねぇんだぞ!
Stupid newbie! This isn't some textbook war game!

Company D Commanderこれまでの間抜けの汚名を返上しろ!
They're never gonna call us losers again!
Company D Commander行け、行け!マーク、お前もだ!
Go, go! You too, Mark!
Company D Commanderこれで大丈夫だ。進撃を続けろ!
We'll be all right now. Continue the advance!
Company D Commander先鋒が停止しているのは どういうわけだ!?
Why did the vanguard force just stop?!
Company D Commanderやれば出来るじゃないか! その調子だぞ!
I knew you guys had it in you! Keep it up!
Osean G Company D機銃はそこから撃ちまくってくれ!
Automatic weapons, fire away at targets over there!
Osean G Company D後続の部隊が見えない。 進撃し過ぎだ!
I don't see anyone behind us. We've rushed in too far!
Osean G Company D撃たれた!助けてくれ!
I'm hit! Help me!
Osean G Company Dあそこのトーチカまで走るぞ。
We're gonna run all the way to that pillbox.
Osean G Company Dあの突入口は敵の照準内だ!
That passageway's within the enemy field of fire!
Osean G Company Dここで死んだら あの隊長に笑われるぞ!
The Captain's gonna laugh at us if we die here!
Osean G Company D突っ込め!さっさと片付けろ!
Move in! Clean 'em all out!
Osean G Company D他に道は無い、行くしかないんだ!
That's the only way. We have to go!
Osean G Company Dこの野郎!やりやがったな!
Bastards! OK, you wanna play like that, huh?
Osean G Company Dこのまま行くと逆に包囲されるぞ!
We'll get surrounded if we move too far forward!

Company D Commander止まるな!進め、進め!
Don't stop! Keep going, keep going!
Osean G Company D馬鹿隊長が! 弾は前からだけじゃねぇぞ!
Does that idiot Captain realize that bullets don't all come from the front?!

Osean G Company D増援はどうしたんだ?どうぞ!
What happened to our reinforcements? Over!
Osean G Company D増援なんかあるか! お前らが全戦力だ!
What reinforcements?! You guys are the entire force!

Osean G Company Dこんなことなら 転属願を出しとくんだったよ!
I knew I shoulda transferred out of here!
Osean G Company D愚痴は後にしろ!目標はまだ先だ!
Save the whining for later! Our target's still ahead of us!

Osean G Company Dなんて隊長だ、俺たちを殺す気か!
What's wrong with our Captain? Does he want to get us killed?!
Osean G Company Dくそ、くそ、くそ!あの野郎!
Dammit, dammit! That bastard!

Osean Gハッチが故障だ。 舷側から出ろ。
The bow doors are busted. Jump off the side of the ship.
Osean G水深が思ったより浅い。 少し手前から上陸する!
The water's shallower than I thought. We'll land farther away from the shore!
Osean G明かりを消せ! 狙われるぞ!
Kill the lights! They'll spot us!
Osean G撃たれた!スナイパーだ!
We're getting engaged by snipers!
Osean G嫌な天気だ。 最悪の上陸日和だな。
The weather stinks. Worst day for a landing.
Osean G撃ってきた!来るぞ!
They're firing! Here they come!
Osean G俺の隊に優先的に 支援を回してくれ!
I need air support sent to my company first!
Osean G乗客は黙って席についてろ!
Just shut up! All of you. Get back in your seats!
Osean G無謀だ。無謀すぎる。 馬鹿司令部が!
This is insane. Insane! Just another stupid decision by those idiots at HQ!
Osean G十字砲火を受けている! 前進不能!
Pinned down by crossfire! We can't advance!
Osean G畜生、こんなところで死ねるか!
Dammit, I'm not gonna die here!
Osean G敵はどこだ?どこにいる?
Where's the enemy? Where are they?
Osean Gそっちじゃないぞ。 もっと左だ!
No, not there! More to the left!
Osean Gこんなスピードじゃ命中するぞ!
We're too slow! They're gonna get us!
Osean G向こうで何か動いたぞ。
Something moved over there.
Osean Gここが俺達の墓場になっちまうぞ!
Move it, or this place is gonna be our grave!
Osean G人影が見えるぞ!あそこだ!
I see people! Over there!
Osean GA中隊の突破力はもの凄いな!
Man, Company A's just plowing ahead!
Osean GA中隊が敵トーチカを占領!
Company A's captured an enemy pillbox!
Osean GB中隊の支援で 敵の反抗勢力を撃退した!
Enemy counterattack repulsed with Company B's support!

Osean G本部へ、上陸地点への 砲撃を要請する!
HQ, requesting artillery support to the landing point!
Osean G駄目だ。同士討ちをしてしまうぞ!
Negative. The enemy is dangerously close. We'll hit our own soldiers!

Osean G第4班、状況はどうだ?
Negative. The enemy is dangerously close. We'll hit our own soldiers!
Osean Gユークの野郎が 俺達の進路を妨害している。
Those Yuke bastards are blocking our course.

Osean GD中隊が敵陣を破ったぞ!
Company D's broken through the enemy line!
Osean Gどうしちまったんだ、D中隊は?
What's up with Company D?
Osean G本当にあの間抜けなD中隊なんだろうな?
Did those losers at Company D actually pull that off?
Osean G上空の味方機へ支援爆撃要請。
Requesting close air support.
Osean G防御陣地から一斉掃射! 退却せよ!
Barrage of gunfire coming from the bunkers! Retreat!
Osean G退却!一度態勢を立て直す!
Retreat! Realign the forces!
Osean G上空からの爆撃を要請する!
Requesting air bombardment!

Yuke G半島の向こうから信号弾! 何事だ?
Signal flare from the other side of the peninsula! What's happening?
Yuke Gオーシアの奴らを追い払え!
Drive back the Oseans!
Yuke Gオーシアの奴らを海へたたき出せ!
Blow those Osean bastards back into the sea!
Yuke Gこんな悪天候下で上陸する気か?
Are they really storming the beach in this weather?
Yuke G敵の上陸を確認。射撃許可を求む!
Enemy landing confirmed. Request permission to fire!
Yuke Gよし、射撃開始!
All right, commence fire!
Yuke G距離600から射撃を開始する。
Commencing fire from range 600.
Yuke G敵部隊が上陸した模様。
Enemy forces appear to have landed.
Yuke Gとうとう敵が本土に上陸してきたか。
So the enemy's finally made it to our mainland, huh?
Yuke G敵上陸部隊、前進を開始。
Enemy amphibious force has begun advancing.
Yuke G無謀すぎるぞ、一体何を考えているんだ?
This is nuts. What are they thinking?
Yuke G誰も通すんじゃないぞ。
Don't you let anyone past here.
Yuke G畜生、TOWが故障だ!
Dammit, the TOW launcher's busted!
Yuke G恐ろしいほど正確に命中してるぞ。
They're hitting us with frightening precision.
Yuke G伏せろ!敵の奴らも本気だ!
Get down! The enemy's not playing around!
Yuke G敵のパイロットの腕を侮るな!
Don't underestimate those enemy pilots!
Yuke G撃て、撃ちまくれ!
Fire! Shoot anything that moves!
Yuke G迎撃部隊を出せ!奪還するんだ!
Get reinforcements over here! We'll get it back!
Yuke G正確な敵の位置を確認しろ。
Make sure you get an accurate fix on the enemy's position.
Yuke G雨がひどい。視界ゼロ。
This rain's torrential. Visibility zero.
Yuke G被害状況を報告しろ。
Report damage status.
Yuke Gシンファクシを沈めた奴らが 混じってるのか?
Are the pilots who sunk the Scinfaxi mixed in there somewhere?
Yuke G左翼との連絡不能。 恐らく全滅だ!
Lost contact with the left flank. Believed to be overrun!
Yuke G敵は精鋭揃いのはずだ。 警戒しろ!
The enemy's sending in their best. Watch yourselves out there!
Yuke G見えた。クレイモアだ!
I see them. Claymores!
Yuke G注意しろ、何かの罠かも知れん。
Be careful, this might be some kind of trap.
Yuke G迫撃砲、射撃開始!
Fire trench mortars!
Yuke Gくそ、敵の航空攻撃で陣地が潰された!
Dammit, the enemy's destroying our positions with air attacks!
Yuke G外れてるぞ!修正南へ100!
You missed! Adjust sights 100 south!
Yuke G今増援を出す。そこで足止めしろ!
I'm sending reinforcements now. You've got to hold them off!
Yuke G航空攻撃でトーチカが潰されている!
The pillboxes are getting smashed by those air attacks!
Yuke G敵がこの先のブロックに侵入した!
The enemy's entered the block in front of us!
Yuke G俺達だけではもたない。
We can't defend this area just by ourselves.
Yuke G以前とは立場が逆転したな。
The tables have completely turned.
Yuke G下はどうにかなるが、 上はどうにもならん!
We can hold our own against their ground forces, but we're helpless against their air support!
Yuke Gこちら第2班、航空攻撃による損害大!
This is 2nd Squad. We're taking heavy damage from air attacks!
Yuke G視界が悪い。周囲を警戒しろ。
Visibility's low. Stay alert. The attack can come from anywhere.
Yuke G駄目です、ここでは防ぎきれません!
We can't defend this area any longer!
Yuke Gまずいぞ!火力が低下している!
This isn't looking good! Our firepower's deteriorating!
Yuke Gまたやられた! 今度も上からの攻撃だ。
They got us again! They're attacking from the air like last time.
Yuke Gくそ、こっちに来るぞ!
Dammit, they're coming this way!
Yuke G今度はこっちが狙われてる。
Now we're the ones in their crosshairs.
Yuke G戦車撃破!敵の進攻を抑えた!
Tank destroyed! Enemy advance contained!
Yuke G攻撃開始! 誰も通すんじゃないぞ!
Commence counterattack! Don't let anyone get by!
Yuke G立て。まだ始まってすらいないぞ。
Get up! This war hasn't even started.
Yuke G包囲されてるぞ!畜生!
We're getting surrounded! Dammit!

Yuke Gどうした?状況を報告しろ!
What's happening? Report status!
Yuke G敵です!対戦車壕に接近中!
It's the enemy! They're closing in on the bunker!

Yuke G損害甚大、増援を要請する。
Severe losses, requesting
Yuke G無理だ。予備兵力は全て投入し切っている。
Negative. We've already deployed all of our reserve forces.

Yuke Gここは駄目だ。退却していいか?
We can't hold out here any longer. Can we retreat?
Yuke G現状を維持しろ。命令を待て。
Maintain your current positions and wait for further orders.

Yuke G退却命令は出ていないぞ。
We haven't received orders to retreat.
Yuke Gではどうする?このままでは全滅だ。
So what should we do? We'll be wiped out if we stay here.

Yuke Squadron海へ叩き出せ!
Knock 'em back into the ocean!
Yuke Squadron気付かれたぞ、先に撃て。
They found us. Fire before they do.
Yuke Squadron暗視装置でよく見えるぞ。
I can see really well with these night vision goggles.
Yuke Squadron敵がこんなところまで 進出したのか?
The enemy's advanced all the way here?
Yuke Squadron制空部隊はどこへ行ったんだ!?
Where did our air superiority unit go?!
Yuke Squadron地上からの攻撃にも警戒しろ。
Watch out for surface fire as well.
Yuke Squadron目標、10時方向敵戦車。
Target, enemy tank at 10 o'clock.
Yuke Squadron間違っても味方の上には落とすなよ。
Whatever you do, don't shoot them down over our forces.
Yuke Squadron敵が内陸にまで侵入しているぞ。
The enemy's broken through into the inland areas.
Yuke Squadron命中、目標を切り替える。
That's a hit. Switching targets.
Yuke Squadronトーチカが狙われているぞ!
They're going for the pillboxes!

Yuke Squadronくそ、上空に敵戦闘機!
Dammit, enemy fighters above us!
Yuke Squadronヘリでは勝負にならない!
Helicopters are no match for them!
Osean G Company CこちらC中隊、現在敵の防御陣地からの 抵抗勢力に苦しめられている。
Osean G Company C上空からの爆撃を頼む。その間に たっぷりと言い聞かせてやる。
Osean G防御陣地からの攻撃再開! 退却、退却!
Bunkers opening fire again! Retreat, retreat!
Osean G防御陣地への支援爆撃を要請する。
We're requesting close air support against the remaining bunkers.
Osean G Company A防御陣地内の敵を一掃した! 制圧成功!
All enemies inside the bunkers cleared away! Position secured!
Osean G Company B防御陣地の制圧成功、 上空支援に感謝する!
Bunkers captured. Thanks for the air support!
Osean G Company C第2班と第4班が 制圧完了!
2nd and 4th Squads have captured the area!
Osean G Company D報告する。本地点の制圧完了。 制圧完了。
Report. Current position secured. Repeat, position secured.
※SAM、WATCH TOWERと同時に出現。全2基
Osean G Company A上空の味方機へ支援爆撃要請。 現在A中隊が防御陣地と対峙中。
Requesting close air support. Company A currently engaging enemy bunker.
Osean G Company Aさっきよりも守りが堅そうだ。 よろしく頼む!
Their defenses are tougher than the last one. We need your help!

Osean G Company C支援要請、支援要請! あのでかい防御陣地を上から頼む!
Requesting immediate close air support! Attack that large bunker from the air!

Osean G Company D支援要請、支援要請! あのでかい防御陣地を上から頼む!
Requesting immediate close air support! Take out that large bunker from the air!
Osean G Company C, Dここは制圧した。 支援に感謝する!
The area's secured. Thanks for the support!
Chopperへへっ、下に仲間がいるってのも、 悪くないな。
It's kinda nice to have friends down below.
Osean G現在AとB中隊が防御陣地と対峙中。
Company A and B currently engaging enemy bunker.

Osean G支援要請、支援要請!
Requesting immediate close air support!
Osean G爆撃後の隙を見て CとD中隊が突撃する!
Companies C and D will begin their assault after bomb impact from the air strike!
Osean G防御陣地から砲撃、 装甲車を下げろ!
Artillery fire from the bunkers! Move the vehicles back!
Osean G Company A, B本地点を占領! ユーク野郎を追い出しだぞ! ※誤植?
Osean G Company C, D防御陣地内の敵を一掃した! 制圧成功!
All enemies inside the bunkers cleared away! Position secured!
Nagaseすごい。…私はもうブレイズには 及ばないかもしれない。
Amazing...I don't think I'll ever be as good as Blaze.
Osean G上空の味方機へ、 ただいま最後の砦と対峙中。
Allied planes, we're moving into position to attack the last bunker.
Osean G防御陣地への支援爆撃を要請する。 これで終わらせよう!
We're requesting close air support against the remaining bunkers. Let's finish this!
Osean G防御陣地からの攻撃再開! 退却、退却!
Bunkers opening fire again! Retreat, retreat!
Osean G Company DD中隊8班より被害報告、歩兵が4人負傷、装甲車が1台使い物にならなくなった!
Osean G残りの防御陣地は6基。
6 bunkers remaining.
Osean G残りの防御陣地は5基。
5 bunkers remaining.
Osean G残りの防御陣地は4基。
4 bunkers remaining.
Osean G残りの防御陣地は3基。
3 bunkers remaining.
Osean G残りの防御陣地は2基。
2 bunkers remaining.
Nagase敵の防御火力が低下してきた。 あと少し。
Enemy defensive fire decreasing. We're almost there.
Chopperこいつをぶち壊して今日はもう帰りてえ。 惨々な一日だ。
I just wanna blow this thing up and go home. This is the worst day ever.
I'm still okay. I'll give it another shot.
Osean G Company A, B, C, D
(※pattern 1の時はOsean G)
全軍に連絡、全ての防御陣地は沈黙。 要塞内は我々が完全に制圧した!
Attention all forces. All bunkers silenced. We've captured the entire fortress!
Osean G Company A, B, C, D
(※pattern 1の時はOsean G)
聞こえているか、空軍? 君らの支援には本当に感謝する。
Did you copy that, Air Force? We really appreciate all your support.
Osean Scoutこれで一段落だ。で、話ってのは? おいスコット!
All right, things are a bit calmer now. What's on your mind? Hey, Scott!

Osean Scout
(pattern 1)
そう焦るなよ、「パパ」。 おめでとう!
Hey, chill out...Dad. Congratulations!
Osean Scoutまさか…おいおい、冗談だろう!?
What? You're kidding me, right?!
Osean Scout冗談なもんか、立派な男の子だそうだ。 早く連絡してやれ!
Not at all, buddy. You've got a bouncing baby boy. Hurry up and give her a call!

Osean Scout
(pattern 2)
テリー、胸ポケットを見ろ。 お前お守り忘れただろ?
Look in your breast pocket, Terry. You forgot your lucky charm, didn't you?
Osean Scout何てこった!俺のラッキーアイテムが! 何故言わなかった!?
Oh, man! You're right! Why didn't you tell me?!
Osean Scout弱腰になると思ってな。 まぁこれに頼らなくなればお前も一人前さ。
I didn't want you to get all rattled. Besides, it's about time you stopped relying on that thing.

Osean Scout
(pattern 3)
実はこの間の賭けの金を お前のヘソクリで払ってな…すまん!
Well, uh, I kinda took your money to pay off a gambling debt...Sorry!
Osean Scout許せるか!死亡保険を俺の受け取りにして もう一度突撃して来い!
Sorry? Hey, put me down as a beneficiary on your life insurance and go charge the enemy again!

Osean Scout
(pattern 4)
実は転属命令が来てな。 4日後に本国へ帰還なんだ…。
Well, I got a transfer order. I'm heading back home to our country in four days...
Osean Scoutそうか…お前と戦うのも 今日で最後か、寂しくなるよ。 this will be the last time I'll be fighting with you, huh? I'm gonna miss you, man.
Osean Scout俺もだよ、相棒。 今まで楽しかったぜ。
Me too, partner. It's been fun.
After intense fighting, the landing force captured and secured the fortress target. Thanks to the success of "Operation Footprint", we have secured the southeastern coast of Yuktobania. We decided to make the fortress our first forward base on Yuktobania as we expand our combat operations inside the country. After we complete construction of our defensive positions, our ground forces will continue their advance to the final target, the capital city of Cinigrad.