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AC04 / 台詞資料

Mission 02

かいしょー様  mobius1231様  典弘様  Grandmort様  赤9様  黄色の26様  じおぺりあ様
DATE > 1329 / 1005 / 2004
AREA > Rigleu Air Base
リグリー飛行場は敵の前線空軍基地であり、我が軍の喉元に突きつけられた短剣である。 現在エルジア軍の大規模な爆撃機編隊が、この飛行場へ集結している。
The enemy-held Rigley Air Base is located in close proximity to our front lines, making it the proverbial knife at our throat. A large Erusian bomber contingent was deployed to Rigley. Their intentions are clear - a full-scale strike on our forces at North Point is imminent.
Your mission is to catch this bombers on the ground and destroy them. We intend to turn the parking ramp at Rigley into a junkyard.
AWACS リグリー飛行場まで30マイル。送電線にそって北へ飛べ。
30 miles to Rigley air base. Use the power lines to navigate north.
The bomber should be cropped together on the ground. Take them all out!
AWACS メビウス1、変電所上空を通過。
Mobius 1,passing over substation.
AWACS リグリー飛行場は方位010(北)、距離8マイル。
Rigley air base is vector 010,8 miles.
RIGLEY こちらリグリー飛行場。敵機が接近中。スクランブル!
Bogies closing on Rigley AB. Scramble at once!
RIGLEY これは演習ではない。繰り返す。これは演習ではない。ただちに迎撃せよ。
This is not a drill.I repeat.This is not a drill. Intercept immediately.
RIGLEY 白5へ、ランウェイ5へのタキシングを許可する。
White 5,this is Rigley air base. You are cleared to take off runway 5.
RIGLEY 滑走路に入り次第、離陸しろ。
Take off as soon as you enter the runway.
RIGLEY こちらリグリー飛行場、敵の攻撃を受けた!交戦中!
This is Rigley. We've been attacked. We're currently engaging the enemy.
RIGLEY こちらリグリー、被害甚大!
This is Rigley. We've taken serious damage from enemy attacks.
FRIEND 送電線にそって飛べ。
Fly along the power lines.
FRIEND スクランブル機に気をつけろ
Keep an eye out those intercepters.
FRIEND 爆撃機を攻撃する。
Engage the bombers.
FRIEND なんて数の爆撃機だ。
Look at the number of bombers.
FRIEND いいぞ、きれいに並んでやがる。
Look at them all lined up like sitting ducks.
FRIEND でかい的だ。はずすなよ。
It's a big target. Don't miss.
FRIEND 余力があれば変電所も叩け。
Neutralize the substaion if possible.
FRIEND お出迎えが来るぞ。
We've got company.
FRIEND ド真ん中に爆弾落としてやれ!
Drop a bomb right in the center!
Heads up. They've got SAMs.

ENEMY 管制塔。敵の数を確認してくれ。
Control Tower, confirm number of enemy aircraft.
ENEMY もう空港には着陸できん。
The airport's down. Landings are impossible.
ENEMY 押されてるぞ。
We are under fire.
ENEMY はやく追っ払え!
Get rid of them!
ENEMY 飛行場へ近づけるな。
Don't let them get near the air base.
ENEMY 爆撃機を早く逃がさんとやられるぞ。
Won't you lead the bombers to the safe area?
ENEMY 上空が敵だらけだ。離陸できない!
The sky's full of enemy aircraft. We can't take off!
ENEMY 今飛行場を攻撃されたら爆撃機は全滅だ。絶対敵を近づけるな。
If we lose at this time, they'll get all bombers at the base now. Don't let them get close.
ENEMY 敵は寄せ集めだ。落ち着いていけば勝てるぞ。
Stay calm. We can take them out.
ENEMY 虎の子の爆撃機が全滅するぞ!
Our bombers are being decimated!
ENEMY 爆撃機、急いでタキシングを開始しろ。固まっているとやられるぞ。
You bombers are all sitting ducks. Take off immediately.
ENEMY もうリグリーには着陸できん。燃料の少ない者は早めに離脱しろ。
Rigley's no longer operational. Anyone near with a single fuel option, turn back now.
ENEMY 滑走路は無事か?帰るところはあるのか?
Is runway operational? We need a place to land.
ENEMY 爆撃機、はやく移動しろ。上から見るといい的だぞ!
Get the bombers out of here. They are too vulnerable to air attacks!
ENEMY なんてこった。
What a mess.
ENEMY_G 続いて2番機、離陸準備急げ。早くしろ!
Number Two. Run through those takeoff procedures. ASAP!
ENEMY_G あきらめるな。最後まで努力しろ!
Hang in there, don't give up!
ENEMY_G そう簡単に爆撃は受けないはずだ。 爆撃機発進を急げ。
We won't be sitting ducks. Hurry, scramble and intercept!
ENEMY_G 味方の戦闘機はどこだ?
Where are our fighters?
ENEMY_G 対空砲で撃ち落とせ!
Use the AA guns! Shoot it down!
FRIEND 現在目的地点上空!交戦中!
Currently over target area! Engaging the enemy!

RIGLEY 爆撃機を移動させろ!
Move the bombers.
RIGLEY 離陸できる機から離陸しろ!
Get all operational aircraft airborne immediately!
RIGLEY ちがう、移動させろ!
No,move them!
RIGLEY こちらリグリー飛行場、頭の上の敵機を何とかしてくれ!
This is Rigley. Do something about those bandits!
RIGLEY 何てこった!離陸した機も着陸できんぞ!
Oh no! There's no place to land the units that get off the ground!
RIGLEY なんてこった!
Oh, geez!
RIGLEY 火災発生!消火しろ!
Put out the flames.The flames.

ENEMY_G 敵襲!敵襲!
Enemy attack!
ENEMY_G 上空に敵機!対空戦闘用意!
Enemies above us! Engage with the AA weapons!
ENEMY_G 兵器庫から弾薬を運び出せ!
ENEMY_G 退避しろ。建物から出るんだ。
RIGLEY こちらリグリー、爆撃機は全滅!繰り返す、爆撃機は全滅!
This is Rigley. Our bombers are decimated. Repeat. All our bombers are destroyed.
FRIEND スカイアイへ、こちら攻撃部隊。任務完了、帰還する。
Skyeye,this is fighter squadron. Mission complete. We're coming home.
攻撃は成功し、敵は多数の爆撃機を失った。 ノースポイントへの本格的な空爆は阻止された。
The attack was a success. A significant number of enemy bombers were eliminated, and a full-scale air strike on North Point was averted.