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AC04 / 台詞資料

Mission 01

mobius1231様  MatraMagic様  かいしょー様  典弘様  osprey様  Grandmort様  BluePhoenix様  じおぺりあ様  黄色の26様  おらんだ様
DATE > 1405 / 0919 / 2004
AREA > Newfield Is.
先ほど早期警戒レーダーが敵の工作員に破壊され、爆撃機数機が領空に侵入した。 敵は15分後にアレンフォート飛行場上空を通過、それを爆撃したのちノースポイントへ向かうつもりらしい。 我が軍の防空火力は脆弱で、総司令部は張り子の基地も同然だ。
ニューフィールド島を通過する前にすべての爆撃機を撃墜し、爆撃機の侵入を絶対に阻止せよ。 諸君らはノースポイント防衛線の先陣だ。ISAFの延命に全力を尽くしてもらいたい。
Here is the current sitrep and your orders for deployment, effective immediately.
Enemy agents destroyed our early warning radar network, allowing several Bear bombers to penetrate our air space. In fifteen minutes, we expect this bomber formation to strike Allenfort Air Base, and then move on to targets at North Point. Our air defense forces are extremely weak at this point and time. Hence our GHQ is a sitting duck.
It is mission critical that you destroy the bombers and neutralize the threat before they get past Newfield Island. Remember, you are the first line of defense for North Point, and the fate of ISAF lies in your hands.
ISAF Aircraft Carrier - Controller's Order
Mobius One, you are cleared for take off.

Mobius One, take off immediately to clear the runway!

AWACS こちら管制機スカイアイ、聞こえるか?
AWACS here call sign Skyeye, do you read?
Your call sign is Mobius 1. We'll refer to you by this name at all times.
You are now under my command.
6 bombers on vector 3-6-0 confirmed. Continue north to intercept.
Today is my birthday. The victory sure would be nice!
AWACS メビウス1、市街地上空を通過。
Mobius 1,currently over city air space.
AWACS メビウス1、アンダーソンクレーター上空を通過。
Mobius 1,passing over Anderson crater.
AWACS メビウス1、まもなくアレンフォート飛行場上空。
Mobius 1,Alenfort airbase is on the nose.
AWACS ターゲットは市街地を爆撃中。
Target is bombing the city.
BOMBER 目標まで8マイル。
8 miles to the target.
BOMBER 目標まで5マイル。爆撃航程に入る。爆弾倉開け。
5 miles out from first target. Line up. Open bomb bay doors.
BOMBER 2マイル。
2 miles.
BOMBER 目標に接近。
Traget on the nose.
BOMBER 目標上空!投下!投下!
Over target! Bombs away! Bombs away!
FRIEND 逃がすなよ。戦争が今日終わっちまうぞ!
Don't let 'em escape or this is game over!
FRIEND こんなところまで敵の戦闘機が来るのか。
Strange seeing fighters out this far.
FRIEND このまま交戦エリアに向かう。
Head on to combat area.
FRIEND 護衛機の接近を見逃すな。
Keep an eye on those escort fighters.
FRIEND 無理に戦闘機を相手にするな。爆撃機を優先しろ。
Don't bother with the fighters, concentrate on the bombers.
FRIEND 護衛機で精一杯だ。誰か爆撃機を頼む!
Someone handle the bombers! I'll take care of the escorts.
FRIEND 護衛機はこっちで引き受ける!
I'll take the escorts!
FRIEND 爆撃機をおとせ!いけるぞ!
Shoot it!
FRIEND なかなか爆撃機に近づけない!
Can't get close to the bombers!
FRIEND やつら、行きがけの駄賃にアレンフォートを爆撃するつもりだ。
Alenfort is only a secondary target because it was along the flight path.
FRIEND アレンフォートは間に合わんかもしれんな。
It may be too late for Alenfort.
FRIEND 爆撃機はベアだ!
The bombers are bear!
FRIEND 爆撃機すぐそこ!
The bombers right there!
FRIEND この島を越えさせるなよ。
Don't let them get past the island.
FRIEND 撃て撃て!
Shoot them, shoot them!
FRIEND 逃がすな!
Don't let them get away!

ENEMY 進路を変えるな!
Don't change course!
ENEMY 爆撃機をやらせるな!
Protect the bombers!

BOMBER 進路を保て。
Maintain your course.
BOMBER 各機、コースを維持しろ。
All aircraft maintain your course.
BOMBER 地上からの攻撃は軽微。
Not much surface fire.
BOMBER 総司令部に落とす爆弾を残しておけよ。
Save your bombs for the GHQ.
BOMBER 護衛機にまかせろ!
Leave it to the escorts!
BOMBER メイデイメイデイ!
BOMBER まわりは気にするな!下だけ見てろ!
Don't worry about the ear bustle! Keep your eyes on the target!
BOMBER 下だけ見てろ!
Concentrate on the ground!
BOMBER 行けるぞ。
We'll make it.
BOMBER コースそのまま!
Maintain your course!
BOMBER コース変えるな。
Hold steady.
BOMBER 進路そのまま。
Keep your heading.
BOMBER 編隊を立て直せ!
Rejoin the formation!
BOMBER こちら、グレイ5。敵の攻撃を受けている!
This is gray 5. I'm taking enemy fire!
BOMBER 大陸とは違うぞ、落ちたらサメに注意しろ。
This ain't the mainland. Watch out for sharks if you go down feet wet.
Our bomber's been hit.
BOMBER 敵の歓迎委員会だ。
There's our welcoming party.
BOMBER 味方の護衛機にやらせろ。
Let your escorts handle them.
BOMBER 護衛機、何やってる!
Where are the escort fighters!
BOMBER だめだ!全員脱出しろ!
We're going down! Everyone abandon the bomber!
BOMBER こちら1番機!くそう、まだ爆弾を抱いてるのに!
This is Gray-1! Dammit, we still have a payload to deliver.
BOMBER こちら3番機、やられた、高度がたもてない!脱出する!
Mayday! Mayday! This is gray 3! We're hit! Can't maintain altitude! Eject! Eject!
AWACS ベアを撃墜。
Mobius 1 shot down a bear.
AWACS ターゲット、残り4。
4 targets remaining.
AWACS ターゲット、残り3。
3 targets remaining.
AWACS ターゲット、残り2。
2 targets remaining.
AWACS ターゲット、残り1。
One target remaining.

ENEMY 爆撃機がやられたぞ!
A bomber's been hit!
ENEMY 2番機がやられたぞ。脱出しろ!
Gray 2's been hit! Hurry! Eject!
ENEMY 爆撃機を守れ!
Shield the bomber!
ENEMY ベアを守れ。
Cover the bear.
ENEMY 敵機、爆撃機に接近!
Enemy closing in on bomber!
ALLENFT こちらアレンフォート。爆撃だ!滑走路に被害!
This is Alenfort. We're under attack! The runway and facilities are hit!
ALLENFT スカイアイへ、こちらアレンフォート。爆撃機の撃墜を確認。
Skyeye, this is Allenfort. Got visual on the downed bombers.
Whose kill was that? Make sure to thank him.
FRIEND よし、お仕事はおしまいだ。お家に帰ろう!
That's a round up. Let's go on home!
諸君らの活躍により、爆撃機の進入は阻止された。 この勝利を無駄にしないためには、次の行動が必要である。
Thanks to your efforts, the enemy bomber strike was averted. However, our victory will be meaningless should you fail the next mission.