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Acecombat BBS / AC5台詞


1 みぃとろ 2004/11/23 Tue 01:52:34
MISSION 02の台詞情報をこのスレッドで募集いたします。
2 XMAA 2004/11/26 Fri 05:49:55
2010/09/27 1030HRS SAND ISLAND
04゚30'02"N 156゚02'07"E        [GYRE]
3 SwordGuest 2004/12/23 Thu 16:12:04
このサンド島沿岸に、国籍不明の不審船が接近するのを レーダーが捉えた。
また、当該船舶から無人偵察機とみられる物体が射出された ことも確認されている。
偵察活動を終えた無人偵察機は、回収されるために 不審船へ戻るものと予測される。
回収される前に無人偵察機を補足、破壊し、その偵察活動を 阻止せよ。なお、船舶への攻撃は許可あるまで禁ずる。
AWACS Thunderhead サンダーヘッドよりウォードッグ。情報収集船に戻る無人偵察機あり。 Wardog, this is Thunderhead. Unmanned recon drones returning to spy vessel.
AWACS Thunderhead 回収を許すな。空中で撃ち落とせ。 Shoot them down before they get back to the ship.
問: Bartlett あいよ。聞いたな、野郎ども。 Sure thing. You got that, gang?
はい Bartlett よし、いくぞ。 All right, let's go.
いいえ Bartlett ターゲットは無人偵察機だ。全部落とすぞ。 The targets are unmanned recon planes. We're gonna shoot them all down.
無視 Nagase エッジ、了解。 Edge, Roger.
問: Bartlett 船には発砲するなとのお達しだ。いいな。 Our orders are to not fire on the ship. Understood?
はい Bartlett そうだ。無人偵察機だけを狙え。 Good. Aim only for the recon planes.
いいえ Chopper ブービー、落ち着け。 Booby, calm down.
いいえ Bartlett まったく、世話が焼ける野郎だ。 Man, do I have to do everything for you?
いいえ Chopper 将来有望ってことさ、隊長。 It just means I'm high-ranking officer material, Captain.
無視 Bartlett ブービー、分かったのか?ブービー? Booby, do you understand? Booby?
Bartlett ブービー!お前のお手並みを 拝見させてもらうぞ! Show me what you've got, Booby!
問: Bartlett ブービー、どうだ。この位なら楽勝だろう? How you doing, Booby? Pretty easy, huh?
はい Bartlett さっさと片付けるぞ。 Okay, let's hurry up and finish this.
いいえ Bartlett こんなチョロい機動に てこずってるんじゃねぇ。 You'd better not be having trouble with maneuvering like that.
無視 Nagase ブレイズ、肩の力を抜いて。 Blaze, relax.
連続A Nagase 恐らく本土にも偵察の手が。 Other recon crafts have probably reached the mainland, too.
連続A Bartlett そうじゃねえことを祈りたいがな。 I sure hope not.
Bartlett あの船に回収される前に撃墜しろ。 Shoot 'em down before that ship picks them up.
Bartlett 目標は小さい。仕損じるな。 The targets are small, so aim carefully.
Bartlett 無人機だからって 手を抜いたら承知しねぇぞ! You better not get sloppy just because they're unmanned drones!
Chopper ブービー、俺の獲物まで 横取りするなよ! Hey Booby, leave some enemies for me, okay?
Bartlett こんな奴らとの空戦は願い下げだ。 I'd hate to be in a dogfight with these guys.
Bartlett 俺が警戒する。お前たちは あの玩具と遊んできな。 I'll keep watch out here. You guys go play with those toys.
Nagase 無人機は無線操縦なの? Are those drones remote-controlled?
Chopper 撃墜スコアを競うってのも ありかな? Guess this is a good time to have a little competition of kill scores!
Chopper あそこの船、ドローンはあれに向かってるのか? That ship. Is that where these drones are headed?
Chopper 標的射撃でもしてるみたいだ。 This feels like target practice.
Chopper 偵察機の次は無人機ってわけか。 First a spy plane, then drones, huh?
4 SwordGuest 2004/12/23 Thu 16:12:14
問: Chopper 人が乗っていないのが救いだな。 I'm glad there aren't any live people in these things. Aren't you?
はい Chopper ああ、気兼ねなく墜とせるからな。 So we can just shoot 'em down and not worry about it.
いいえ Chopper そうか?俺はこっちの方が楽だ。 Really? I'd much rather deal with drones like these, myself.
無視 Chopper これなら嫌な気分に ならなくてすみそうだ。 It means we can take 'em out and not feel guilty about it.
Chopper 妙な避け方しやがる。 They sure use some funky evasive maneuvers.
AWACS Thunderhead 警告!国籍不明機多数の接近を探知。 Warning! Multiple bogeys inbound, closing fast.
Bartlett このあいだと同じ方位か? Same attack axis as before?
AWACS Thunderhead 方位280、同じだ! 280. Same vector as last time!
Bartlett 向こうはどれだけの数を国境に揃えてんだ。こっちはこの4機っきりだぜ。 Geez, how many planes they got lined up at the border?
Bartlett そら、避退しろ。こっちだ。 We've only got four on our side...we'd better abort. This way.
問: Bartlett 俺のケツについて来れるか? Think you can stick to my tail?
はい Bartlett よし、いい子だ。 Good boy.
いいえ Bartlett お前、ユーモアのセンスが もうひとつだな。 I think your sense of humor needs some extra training.
無視 Bartlett どうしたブービー。聞こえてるか? What's wrong, Booby? Can you hear me?
Chopper 間に合わねえよ、追いつかれる。 I can't make it. They're running me down!
Bartlett 今日のどん尻はお前か、ロックンローラー。待ってろ。助けてやる。 Oh, you're takin' the trail position today, Rock 'n' Roller?
Bartlett Hold on, I'll clear your 6 o'clock for you,
Chopper 今日はくじ引きで負けたんだあぁあ! Dammit, why'd I have to draw the short straw today?!
問: Bartlett お前らも見てねえで、降りかかる火の粉はさっさと払え。 Everyone else, quit gawkin' and start shootin'!
はい Bartlett 心配するな。いつもの 訓練どおりやればいい。 Don't worry. Just remember your training.
いいえ Chopper ブービー、しっかりしろ。つべこべ言わず、やるんだ。 Pull yourself together, Booby. Quit whining and do it.
無視 (無反応) (n/a)
AWACS Thunderhead バートレット大尉! Captain Bartlett!
Nagase 攻撃確認、反撃します。 Enemy fire confirmed, turning to engage.
Nagase エッジ、交戦。 Edge, engaging.
Bartlett ハートブレイク・ワン、交戦。 Heartbreak One, engaging.
Chopper チョッパー、交戦! Chopper, engaging!
AWACS Thunderhead ウォードッグ、交戦許可はまだ出していない! Wardog, you are not cleared to engage at this time!
Bartlett ブービー、全部落とすぞ! We're gonna shoot them all down, Booby.
5 SwordGuest 2004/12/23 Thu 16:12:30
AWACS Thunderhead 交戦許可無しで撃墜だと?何を考えているんだウォードッグ! You splashed an enemy without permission to engage? What are you thinking, Wardog?!
連続A Nagase 隊長の後ろに一機、撃墜します。 Break right, bandit on the Captain's tail. I'm on it.
連続A Bartlett ほいよ。やるじゃねえか。 All right. Not bad.
Enemy Squadron 敵部隊、反撃を開始。 Enemy squadron has commenced counterattack.
Enemy Squadron 帰投したのはこれだけなのか? Are these the only ones that made it back?
Nagase 国籍は…やはり分からない。 I still can't figure out where they're from.
Nagase また以前の戦闘機なの? Are those the same fighters from before?
Enemy Squadron 敵増援無し、早急に駆逐せよ。 The enemy has no reinforcements. Hurry up and eliminate them.
Enemy Squadron 機体4。2日前と同部隊と推測。 Fight of four fighters inbound. Believed to be the same squadron front two days ago.
Enemy Squadron Do not pursue the enemy across the border into Osean territory.
Chopper さっきのドローンの仕返しってわけか? Are they here to get back at us for those drones, or what?
Chopper どこから来たんだ?こないだの奴らの仲間か? Where'd they come from? Are they with that other group we ran into?
Bartlett また来たな。今度はしっかりやれよ。 Back again, huh? Hope you're ready to fight this time.
連続A Spy Vessel 低空に誘い込め。こちらでも引き受け可能だ。 Lure them down to low altitude. Then they'll be in range of our anti-aircraft weapons.
連続A Enemy Squadron 了解。 Roger.
連続B Chopper よっぽど俺たちの国のことが 知りたいらしいな。 They sure are eager to snoop around our country.
連続B Bartlett チョッパー、見物料を頂いて来い。 Chopper, go collect some admission fees.
連続C Chopper くそっ、あたらねぇぞ! Dammit, I can't hit 'em!
連続C Bartlett 繊細さが足りねぇんだよ、ナガセを見習え。 You just don't have that subtle touch. Watch Nagase.
Chopper 燃料切れまで逃げ切ってやる! You're not gonna catch me as long as I got fuel in my plane!
Chopper あいつ俺の正面をかすめたぞ! He just flew right across my nose!
Nagase やはり無人機とは挙動が違う。 They certainly move better than those drones.
Chopper 撒いたか?仕切りなおしだ。 Did I lose him? Okay, time to regroup.
Chopper 畜生、あいつ俺より腕が立つ。 Damn, that guy might be better than me.
条件不明 Bartlett I almost have him!
Chopper 脳みそが片寄りそうなくらい旋回してる。 This turn's smashing my brain into the side of my head!
Bartlett 喚く元気があるなら敵を落とせ! If you got enough energy left to shoot your mouth off, use it to shoot an enemy instead!
Chopper なかなか後ろが取れねぇ…。 I can't get around to his tail...
連続A Nagase チョッパー、応答して。 Chopper, come in.
連続A Chopper 取り込み中だ、後にしてくれ! Not now, I'm a little busy here!
Bartlett ブービー、もっと気合入れて飛べ! Yo Booby, c'mon, look sharp!
Chopper 無人だったらそれほど 気もとがめねえが…。 Well, if they're unmanned, then I don't feel so bad about splashing 'em...
Bartlett あんまり深追いするなよ、どんな罠があるかわからん。 Don't get strung out chasing them. Who knows what kinda trap they've set for us.
Bartlett 息ついてる場合か、まだあるぞ! No time for a breather, you still got more to shoot down!
Nagase 敵機追い詰めています。 I'm on the enemy's tail and closing in.
Nagase 一体何が目的で…? What are they doing here?...
共通? Nagase ブレイズ、あまり 深追いはしないで。
6 SwordGuest 2004/12/23 Thu 16:12:39
AWACS Thunderhead その船の撃沈許可は出していない!ブリーフィングを聞いていなかったのか? You did not have permission to sink that ship! Didn't you hear the briefing?
AWACS Thunderhead 全ての戦闘機の撃墜を確認。 Picture clear. All hostile aircraft are destroyed.
警報が解除にならない Warning still in effect.
引き続き対空警戒を怠るな Keep your heads on a swivel.
気をつけろナガセ!敵は下にもいるぞ! Watch out, Nagase! They're down below us, too!
隊長! Captain!
ばかっ 涙声なんか出すんじゃねえ Hey! Save the waterworks.
ちょっくらベイルアウトするだけだ I'm just gonna bail out here.
機体なんざ消耗品 搭乗員が生還すりゃ大勝利だ We can replace these things,
it's gettin' the crew back alive that counts.
救難ヘリと俺の予備機の 整備の手配 Make a call to scramble the search and rescue copter
頼んだぜ and my reserve plane, okay?
警報!警報! Warning! Warning!
ウォードッグ全機 至急基地に帰還! Wardog Squadron, return to base immediately!
救助ヘリの到着がまだです But the rescue helicopter isn't here yet.
救助隊に任せろ! Leave that to the rescue team!
基地で燃料弾薬を補給して再発進! Refuel and rearm at the base.
and get back in the air immediately!
敵は宣戦布告した! The enemy has declared war on us!
作戦中に撃墜されたバートレット大尉の捜索は、周辺海域の 安全の確認を行い次第開始する。
なお、ユークトバニア連邦共和国は、我がオーシア連邦に 対する宣戦布告を行った。
7 SwordGuest 2004/12/23 Thu 16:17:53
『Bartlett I almost have him!』
『Nagase ブレイズ、あまり 深追いはしないで。』
8 黄色の26 2005/05/01 Sun 20:37:11

A ship of unknown origin has been detected approaching the Sand island coast line. We've confirmed that this ship has launched numerous unmanned aerial vehicles probably used for reconnaissance. The UAV will likely return to the launch ship for retrieval after completing their spy operations. You are to halt this operation by intercepting and destroying these recon drones before they can be recovered by the ship. However, do not attack the ship until further orders are transmitted.
9 黄色の26 2005/05/01 Sun 20:39:26

The reconnaissance UAV and the unidentified fighter aircraft that's bounced us during the mission have been shot down. The country of origin of the ship is still unknown, but it has ceased operation in our militant defense zone and has departed the area. Once we sanitize our coastal waters, we will conduct a search and rescue mission to find Captain Bertlett, who was shot down.
Furthermore, the Union of Yuktobanian Republics has officially declared war on the Osean Federation.
10 黄色の26 2005/05/01 Sun 21:01:38
fighter aircraft that's bounced us → fighter aircrafts that bounced us
11 黄色の26 2005/06/13 Mon 01:25:05

The reconnaissance UAV and the unidentified fighter aircraft that bounced us during the mission have been shot down. The country of origin of the ship is still unknown, but it has ceased operation in our maritime defense zone and has departed the area. Once we sanitize our coastal waters, we will conduct a search and rescue mission to find Captain Bertlett, who was shot down. Furthermore, the Union of Yuktobanian Republics has officially declared war on the Osean Federation.
12 jiase 2005/09/11 Sun 14:07:17

Enemy Squadron:Are these the only ones that made it back?
Enemy Squadron:落伍した一機に攻撃を集中しろ。 Concentrate your attack on the one straggling aircraft.
Chopper:くそっ、ブービー! 早く助けやがれ! Dammit, Booby! Hurry up and help me out here!
Bartlett:ブービー、ロック野郎を 助けてやりな。Booby, go help out Mr. Rock'n'Roll there.