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MISSION 10 見えざる姿

1 みぃとろ 2004/11/23 Tue 01:51:09
MISSION 10の台詞情報をこのスレッドで募集いたします。
2 じおぺりあ 2004/11/25 Thu 01:03:30
(MISSION 10A/B開始前ムービー)

『ユークトバニア派遣 オーシア軍総司令官ハウエル将軍も
『敵国の浜辺に上陸し そこに総司令部を備えた
『ユークにおける全権を 大統領から 委任されたと公言するハウエル将軍は
『ユークトバニア首都を 陥落させるまで
General Howell,
Supreme Commander of the Osean armies deployed to Yuktobania,
successfully stormed the enemy beach
and established a command center on the spot.
The General,
who claims to have been given full operational authority
by the President, then made the following declaration;
“We will march forward
and we will not lay down our arms until the Yuktobanian capital has fallen.”

[首都オーレッド 11月4日 08時50分]
Oured 0850hrs. Nov 4, 2010

『オーシア首都 オーレッド
『ここにはまだ 戦いの空気は及んでおらず
Oured, the Osean capital.
The winds of war have yet to reach here.
The air still smells of peace.

「われわれが駆けつけたときには すでに…
…But that wasn’t us.
By the time we get there, they had already…

「無線で聞こえたところでは 第8492飛行隊という部隊が…
That’s right.
We heard them over the radio.
They called themselves the 8492nd Squadron…

「8492 8492
「わが軍には そんな部隊番号をもつ 飛行隊は存在しないのだよ
8492, 8492, is that all you people have to say?
There is no squadron in our military with that number.

Dammit! What the hell’s goin’ on here?
3 XMAA 2004/11/26 Fri 05:54:42
2010/11/02 0600HRS DRESDENE
02゚39'14"N 117゚31'59"E        [HAMMERBLOW]
4 じおぺりあ 2004/11/26 Fri 19:36:10

誤『敵国の浜辺に上陸し そこに総司令部を備えた
正『敵国の浜辺へ上陸し そこに総司令部を備えた
5 小沢 公成 2005/03/09 Wed 04:15:53

6 特殊兵装 2005/04/09 Sat 16:30:51
7 黄色の26 2005/05/11 Wed 19:50:05


The Yuktobanian force that defended the Bastoc Peninsula is staging a large scale withdrawal from the area. After analyzing the situation, we have determined that they are pulling back the force to regroup their defense network and strengthen their capital defenses. Yuktobania's southern armies
sustained heavy damage during our landing operation and their defensive war power has weakened considerably. Their withdrawal is currently proceeding under the curtain of a set of electronic jamming signals. The enemy's air forces consist primarily of transport plane. Pursue these planes, destroy them, and halt their retreat.
8 黄色の26 2005/05/11 Wed 19:50:30


We have succeeded in halting the Yuktobanian amy's airborne withdrawal from the Bastoc Peninsula. However, a Yuktobanian civilian complex, an engineering university, has been attacked. This attack occurred in an area within operating range of the Sand Island squadron. Sand Island air crews will
report to Central Command headquarters in the Osean capital city of Oured immediately.
9 みぃとろ 2005/05/21 Sat 09:29:27

10 MAGNUM 2005/05/29 Sun 18:22:43


誤:「...But that wasn't us.」→正:「...but that wasn't us.」
誤:「By the time we get there,」→正:「By the time we got there,」

That's right.
We heard them over the radio.
They called themselves the 8492nd Squadron...

誤:「8492, 8492, is that all you people have to say?」→正:「8492, 8492. Is that all you people have to say?」

誤:「ユークトバニア本土侵攻に手を割いているため稼動機が足りない」→正:「ユークトバニア本国進攻に手を割いて(改行)いるため 可動機が足りない」
誤:「いたしかなく、君らにも出撃してもらうしかないんだがね」→正:「いたしかたなく 君らにも(改行)出動してもらうしかないんだがね」
誤:「そう、首都を襲った事態は一つではないんだ」→正:「そう 首都を襲った事態は(改行)ひとつではないんだ」

We've got an emergency here.
Our armies are bogged down with the Yuktobania invasion, so we're short on operational aircraft.
Unfortunately, as a result, we're going to have to request that you flying aces take off for us.
...So, which mission would you like to take on?
That's right, the capital's got more than one attack to deal with right now.
How about we use this to decide?
11 MAGNUM 2005/05/31 Tue 16:07:13
Ask→Chopper: おいおいおいおい、ブービー。 そういや、あの曲聴いたか? Hey, hey, Booby. Did you take a listen to that song?
Yes→Chopper: いいよな、あの 『フェイス・オブ・ザ・コイン』って曲。 Yeah, that “Face of the Coin” is a great tune, huh?
No→Chopper: 聴いてないのかよ。 『バック・オブ・ザ・コイン』は名曲だぞ。 You didn't listen to it? “Back of the Coin” is a masterpiece!
Mute→ブービー、ロックは嫌いだったか? I forgot, do you even like rock music, Booby?

Nagase: エッジ、交戦。 Edge, engaging.
Grimm: アーチャー、交戦! Archer, engaging!
AWACS Thunderhead: ブレイズ、交戦。 Blaze, engage.
Chopper: おっと!チョッパー、交戦! Whoops! Chopper, engaging!

Howell: 我々はゆえあってユークトバニア本土へ 武器を手に足を踏み入れるが… Due to current circumstances, we have been forced to set foot on Yuktobania with weapons in hand.
Howell: …我々の真の敵は今回の非道なる戦争を はじめたユーク軍部であって… However, our true enemy here is the Yuktobanian military who started this unjust war.

Yuke Transport Plane: 輸送部隊は順調に飛行中。 Transport squadron undetected. No problems yet.
Yuke Squadron: 了解。現進路を維持せよ。 Roger. Maintain current heading.
Yuke Squadron: 誰も置き去りにするなよ。 No stragglers. Don't leave anybody behind.

Nagase: 何て数なの! Unbelievable!
Chopper: これ、全機墜とすのか? We gotta bag all these planes?
Grimm: このエリアの敵機が、すべて 飛び立ったんでしょうか? You think every enemy plane in the area is up and flying?
Chopper: 敵さんのドアをノックして聞いてみるか? 何機いますか?…泣けてきた。 Well, let's ask 'em. Hey, how many planes you got there?...Man, this is makin' me cry.

Yuke Squadron: ビエールイより報告。 レーダーに反応あり。 Report from Bjely. Picking up something on radar.

Ask→Chopper: レーダー上の反応が多すぎる。 ブービー、ナガセそっちはどうだ? There's way too many signatures on radar. Booby, Nagase, how about you guys?
Yes→Nagase: こっちも反応がおかしい。 何かが起きている。 My radar is showing strange results as well. Something's going on.
No→Nagase: いえ、ブレイズ。 この反応は多すぎる。 No, Blaze, there's too many signatures showing up.
Grimm: ねえ、これ、 ひょっとすると…。 Hey, uh, you don't think...
Yuke Squadron: 敵は気づいたのか? Does the enemy have a tally-ho on us yet?
Grimm: ははーん。なんか読めてきたぞ。 Aha...I think I've figured it out.
Chopper: 何だか知らねえが、 冴えてらっしゃるようじゃないか?どうした? Well, do share your keen insights, will you please? What's up?
Grimm: チョッパー中尉、電子戦機です。 First Lieutenant Chopper, Jammer aircraft.
Chopper: トリック…か。これは。 So it's...a trick?
Yuke Transport Plane: まさか、こっちの新型ジャミング装置は 完璧のはずだ。 How could this be? Our new jamming devices are supposed to be perfect,
Chopper: おし、冷静になった。 原理がわかれば幽霊だって恐ろしかない。 Okay, I feel better now. Ghosts aren't so bad once you figure out the trick behind 'em.
Nagase: 電子戦機はどれだ? この空域のどこかにいる。まずそれを墜とす。 Where are the jammers? They've got to be somewhere close. Let's take care of them first.
AWACS Thunderhead: ジャミングに惑わされるな。 繰り返す。敵のジャミングに惑わされるな。 Don't let the jamming confuse you. Repeat, don't let the enemy's jamming confuse you.
12 MAGNUM 2005/05/31 Tue 16:18:55
AWACS Thunderhead: 敵の電子戦機の撃墜を優先せよ。 輸送機を丸裸にしてやれ。 Concentrate on shooting down the enemy jammer aircraft. The transport can wait.

Howell: …ユークトバニア一般市民とはともに手を 携えあうべき融和の対象と考えている。 We wish to work hand-in-hand, harmoniously, with the citizens of Yuktobania for this operation.
Howell: …そのことは我が軍兵士の間にも 徹底させている。 I've instructed our soldiers to follow this wish to the letter.

Howell: どうかユークトバニア一般市民の みなさんは我々を恐れず、我々とともに… Therefore, I ask you, citizens of Yuktobania: Do not fear us, but rather join us in...
Ask→Chopper: そんなうまくいくもんなのかよ、なあ。 Hey, you think it's gonna be that easy?
Yes→Chopper: 楽観的な意見だな。 You're pretty optimistic.
No→Chopper: やっぱり隊長もそう思うかい。 I don't think so either.
Nagase: ……………。 ...............

AWACS Thunderhead: ……敵の… …ジャミング電波が…… ...enemy...jamming waves...interference...
8492 Leader: こちら8492リーダー。 8492各機、予定の行動に移る。 This is the 8492nd leader. All 8492nd units, proceed as planned.
Chopper: ちくしょう……無線まで良く… …えねえ…… Dammit...even our radio's...can't...
Yuke G: 上だ!…………機! Heads up!!
Ask→Chopper: ブービー、この……… …………だ………な? Hey, Booby, the Air...?
Yes→Chopper: やっぱ…ナ…………な!………。 Yeah, I agr..... ..........tely Na.....Heh.......
No→Chopper: 何て……こと……… …失礼………ぞ! Ho.....can y.......say th.....That's ju........rude, man!
Grimm: ジャミン…………妨害で…! It's......jam...!
AWACS Thunderhead: ECCM!通信を回復しろ! ECCM! Restore communication link!
Yuke G: オーシア軍機が市民の集まった学校に向け 機銃掃射している!工科大学だ。 The Osean planes are firing on a school packed with civilians! They're at the engineering college!
AWACS Thunderhead: 命令違反の機は至急やめよ! Whoever's violating orders, cease fire immediately!
Chopper: どこの阿呆がやりやがったんだ。 What idiot's doing that?
AWACS Thunderhead: セクター・チャーリー・オメガで作戦中の機! 市街地攻撃は禁じる。 Attention, units operating in sector Charlie Omega! Attacks on civilians are forbidden!
Grimm: この近くだ。 That's right near us.
Chopper: というより俺らの作戦空域じゃねえか。 やった奴の馬鹿面は見えるか? Hell, that's where we're supposed to be operating. You see those idiots anywhere?
Grimm: 見えません。どこにもいない。 レーダーもこのとおりだったし。 I'm no joy. I don't see a thing and my radar's clean, too.
Nagase: こちら、エッジ。こっちでもそんな機は 捕捉していない。確かなの? This is Edge. I'm not showing any aircraft like that either. Are you sure?
Yuke G: 負傷者多数! 早く救急車を寄こしてくれ! Multiple casualties! Get an ambulance over here fast!
Yuke G: 畜生!オーシアの野郎 ふざけやがって!! Dammit! The Osean bastards!
Ask→AWACS Thunderhead: こちらサンダーヘッド。ウォードッグ、 民間施設への攻撃を実行したのか? This is Thunderhead. Wardog, did you engage in an attack on a civilian facility?
Yes→AWACS Thunderhead: それは確かか? Do you realize what you're saying?
No→AWACS Thunderhead: 了解。確かに実行していないのだな。 Roger. So you're sure you didn't do this.
Mute→Nagase: いえ、我々はそのような任務に 就いてはいません。 No, Sir, we haven't been assigned to such a mission.
Chopper: 何で俺たちがそんなことするんだ。 上から見てなかったのか? Why would we do that? Weren't you watching from up there?
Yuke Squadron: 編隊を崩すな。 輸送機の護衛を優先する。 Don't break formation. Your primary mission is to escort the transports.
Yuke Squadron: くそ!このまま見殺しにするのか!? So we're just gonna watch them die?!
Chopper: 戦争の汚い面だ! 誰がやっても結局こうなるんだ! That's what I hate about war! No matter who starts it, it always comes to this!
13 MAGNUM 2005/05/31 Tue 16:40:23
Yuke Squadron: ブラン隊、敵機の迎撃に向かえ。 Buran Squadron, split and engage the enemy fighters.
Yuke Squadron: モルニヤ隊は直掩を続けろ。 Molniya Squadron, stay close and continue your escort mission.
Yuke Squadron: 大丈夫だ。少し仕事が増えただけだ。 Don't worry. It's just one more thing we have to take care of, is all.
※上記のYuke Squadronの台詞は民間施設攻撃後に発生することが多いですが、稀に攻撃前に発生する場合があります。

Yuke G: くそっ、駄目だ! 手がつけられない! Dammit, there's nothing we can do!
Yuke Squadron: まさか奴らの目的はそっちなのか? You mean that was their real target?
Nagase: 民間人に被害が出たの? There's been civilian casualties?

Yuke Transport Plane: おい、本当にこの機は基地まで 辿り着けるんだろうな? Hey, are you sure our planes are gonna make it to the base?

Nagase: 敵機影が消えた。 同時に複数。 The enemy radar blips disappeared. Several of them at once.
Yuke Squadron: くそ!化けの皮が剥がれちまった! Dammit! Our cover's blown!

Yuke Squadron: レーダーが元に戻っちまった! Their radar's back online!
Yuke Transport Plane: 何だと!? 丸見えじゃないか! What?! We're totally exposed flying like this!
Yuke Squadron: 落ち着け。条件が対等になっただけだ。 Calm down. It just means now we're on equal footing.

Yuke Squadron: 電子戦機が全て撃ち落とされた! All our jammers were shot down!
Yuke Squadron: くそ、化けの皮が丸剥がれだ! Damn, our cover's totally blown!

AWACS Thunderhead: 最後の一機の撃墜を確認。 Last plane confirmed shot down.
AWACS Thunderhead: この空域の輸送機と 電子戦機は一掃された。 All enemy transports and jammers in the local airspace have been eliminated.

14 MAGNUM 2005/06/18 Sat 10:26:22
15 まばろはーれい 2005/12/28 Wed 17:28:15

They're all retreating together like one big happy family. Damn, this is the biggest withdrawal in history.

Yuke Squadron:識別信号受信せず。敵機接近中!No friendly IFF squawk. Confirmed enemy aircraft approaching!
Yuke Squadron:下は山脈だ。脱出しても命はないぞ。 That's a mountain range down below us. Even if you eject, you won't survive.
Yuke Squadron:ここは我が軍の空だ。好きにさせるな!This is our sky. Don't let 'em barge in here!
Yuke Squadron:こんな内陸にまで侵攻を許したのか? We let them get this far inland?

Yuke Squadron:早く逃げろ!何してる! Get out of there! What are you doing?!
Yuke Transport Plane エンジンが焼ける。これ以上は無理だ。 We're gonna burn up the engines. This is as fast as it gets.

Yuke Squadron:これでは守りきれないぞ!We can't hold them off for long!
Yuke Squadron:慌てるな。まだいけるぞ。Don't panic. We're still okay.

Awacs Thunderhead:敵機が戦域を離脱。 : Enemy planes have escaped our engagement zone.
16 nimu 2006/02/28 Tue 21:07:08

