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MISSION 12A 緑海の火薬庫

1 みぃとろ 2004/11/23 Tue 01:50:48
MISSION 12Aの台詞情報をこのスレッドで募集いたします。
2 XMAA 2004/11/26 Fri 05:58:25
2010/11/07 0639HRS DUGA
02゚05'07"S 108゚15'16"E        [SNAKE PIT]
3 黄色の26 2005/05/09 Mon 23:48:20



I will now brief the details of your mission orders. That's all I have to say to you right now, people. If you all are really innocent, I suggest your proving out there on the battlefield.


We have discovered a position of a secret facility in Yuktobania, used to store ammunition. According to our infomation, the base is located deep in the jungles north of Lake Doma. The facility is massive and contains enough ammunition to supply a Yuktobanian ground division for a week of combat operations. Destroy the stockpile and cut off their front line ammunition supply.Note that we've been getting a lot of attacks from solidiers hiding in the dense jungles with shoulder-mounted SAMs. They are very hard to detect from the air, so stay heads up for sudden attacks from these missiles when flying at low altitude.
4 黄色の26 2005/05/09 Mon 23:48:58


The targeted ammunition stockpile facility was destroyed. With this operation, we have cut off one of the lifelines of the Yuktobanian army. Their ability to conduct operations will be reduced across the entire nation.
5 黄色の26 2005/05/09 Mon 23:53:29




I will now brief the details of your mission orders. That's all I have to say to you right now, people. If you all are really innocent, then I suggest your proving out there on the battlefield.
6 黄色の26 2005/05/19 Thu 09:30:46

then I suggest your proving → and I suggest you prove it
7 MAGNUM 2005/05/27 Fri 17:06:12

AWACS Thunderhead: 全ての備蓄施設の破壊に成功。 作戦を終了する。帰還せよ。 All armories destroyed. Mission complete. Return to base.
Chopper: …終わったぜ。 Well, it's over.
Nagase: 作戦終了。帰りましょう。 Mission complete. Let's go home.
Chopper: ナガセ。 Nagase.
Nagase: え? Hmm?
Chopper: もう少し気合の入った声で言うべき台詞だぜ、 それは。帰れるんだろ、今日も。 You gotta say that with a little more feeling. At least we get to go home again today, right?
Nagase: ええ。 Yeah.
Chopper: だったら、もっと元気出せ。 So cheer up a little, huh?
Nagase: チョッパーも You too, Chopper.
Chopper: …まあな。 Yeah...I know.
8 MAGNUM 2005/06/15 Wed 10:50:12

Chopper: ちっくしょう、 戦場にトンボ帰りとはマジかよ。 Geez, now they got us turning right back into another battle.
Chopper: しかもなんだ、 ロックンロールに似合わねえ風景だよう。 And this scenery definitely clashes with my Rock 'n' Roll.
Grimm: よかったです。報復のそのまた報復のために 市街地攻撃なんか命令されなくて。 I'm just glad they're not ordering us to attack a city in retaliation for their retaliation.
Chopper: よかったさがしと来やがったか。 ちぇっ! You're a real optimist, you know that? Sheesh!
AWACS Thunderhead: こちらサンダーヘッド。 私語は慎め。 This is Thunderhead. Cut the chatter.
Chopper: こいつの声のない世界に行きてぇ。 Oh, I just wish I could fly somewhere where I didn't have to listen to that voice.
Grimm: 昨日までいたんすけどね。 You did 'til yesterday.

AWACS Thunderhead: まもなく目標へ達する。 You'll be arriving at your target area shortly.
Chopper: 首都の査問委員会も勘弁だよう! Well, I don't wanna listen to that interrogation committee at the capital, either!

AWACS Thunderhead: 武器備蓄施設は 地下シェルター内にある。 The actual armory is located in an underground shelter.
AWACS Thunderhead: トンネルにミサイルを撃ち込んで、 内部より破壊せよ。 Fire missiles into the tunnel and destroy it from the inside.

Ask→Chopper: ブービー!真正面からじゃないとミサイルが 中まで届かねぇ。分かるか? Booby! It has to be straight on, or your missiles won't make it inside. Understand?
Yes→Chopper: その通りだ。進入角がかなりシビアだ。 間違えて突っ込むなよ。 Good. The approach slope will be very severe, so don't get it wrong and slam into the thing.
No→Chopper: そうか、要するにだな…あの穴ぐらは かなり深いってことだ。 Okay, well, basically, that hole is really deep, okay?
Mute→Chopper: とにかく、真正面だ。 進入方向を間違えるなよ。 Anyway, straight on. Don't screw up your approach, now.

Armory Control Tower: レーダーに機影確認。 空襲警報! Planes detected on radar. Sound the air-raid sirens!
Armory Control Tower: 目標は“サミズダート”と予想される。 Their intended target is believed to be the “Samizdat.”
Armory Control Tower: バリヤグ各隊、対空戦闘用意! All Varyag teams, prepare to engage aircraft!

Nagase: 気をつけて!ミサイルが。 Break right! Missiles!
Chopper: 携帯ミサイルだ! ジャングルに敵兵がいる。 They're shoulder-launched SAMs! Enemy soldiers in the jungle!
Grimm: レーダーに映りません。 They aren't showing up on my radar.
AWACS Thunderhead: こちらサンダーヘッド。こちらの レーダー索敵ではランチャーを確認できない! This is Thunderhead. Our search radar is clean. We can't see the launchers!
Chopper: まったく、非力な野郎だぜ。 Man, you're useless.
9 MAGNUM 2005/06/15 Wed 10:57:03

Yuke Armory Personnel: 誘爆が起きてる! It's setting off explosions elsewhere!
Yuke Armory Personnel: 室温更に上昇! 火薬が自然発火するぞ! Room temperature rising! The ammo's gonna start going off by itself!
Yuke Armory Personnel: もう駄目だ! 総員を退避させてくれ! It's over! Evacuate all personnel!
Nagase: 爆発の衝撃波が! Shockwave from the explosion!
AWACS Thunderhead: この区域の武器備蓄施設は 壊滅した。 The armories in this area have been destroyed.

Yuke Armory Personnel: 砲弾が炸裂している!近づけない! The shells are all exploding! We can't get near them!
Yuke Armory Personnel: 火が回りすぎてる! 手の打ちようがない The fire's spread too far! It's out of control!
Yuke Armory Personnel: 焼き殺されるぞ、早く出ろ! Get out of there! You're gonna get fried!
Grimm: 衝撃波が。 …兵器庫が誘爆したんだ! Here comes a shockwave. The ammo dump's blown up!
Chopper: 月面みたいに大穴あいたんじゃねえか? Wow, I bet that left a crater as big as those ones on the moon.
AWACS Thunderhead: この区域の武器備蓄施設の 沈黙を確認。 The armories in this area have been shut down.

Yuke Armory Personnel: 敵のミサイル命中! 命中した!! Enemy missile! Direct hit! Direct hit!!
Yuke Armory Personnel: 消火班は全滅だ。 誰か他の奴を出せ! The fire crew's all been wiped out. Send out somebody else!
Yuke Armory Personnel: 何もかも残らず吹っ飛んじまう! This whole place is gonna be blown away!
Grimm: 火山噴火みたいだ! Wow, it's like a volcanic eruption!
Chopper: なあ…俺ぁ、あんなに派手に 誘爆するとは思わなかったんだが。 Hey...I didn't think it would blow up like that.
Chopper: 中は相当ひどいだろうな… とか考えてねえか、そっちも。 Must be pretty bad in there...You thinkin' the same thing?
Nagase: ………。 ......

AWACS Thunderhead: 破壊した敵施設内で何かのパーツを発見。 あとで地上部隊に回収させる。 Mechanical parts discovered in destroyed enemy facility. We'll have the ground forces retrieve them later.

10 小沢 公成 2005/10/02 Sun 15:59:54
Yuke G:やつら、まるでこちらの位置がわかってるみたいだ!



11 MAGNUM 2005/12/24 Sat 00:24:09
Nagase: 対空ミサイルに警戒して! Watch out for surface-to-air missiles!
Nagase: 対空ミサイルの発射ポイントは複数。 繰り返す、対空ミサイルの発射ポイントは複数。 Surface-to-air missiles fired from several positions on the ground. Repeat, missiles being fired from multiple locations.
Nagase: こちらエッジ。ターゲットを捕捉。 This is Edge. Target acquired.
Nagase: 敵は広範囲に分散している。 繰り返す、敵は広範囲に分散している。 The enemy is spread out over a wide area. Repeat, the enemy is spread out over a wide area.
Nagase: グリム。反応をもっと速めて。 Grimm, you've got to respond quicker.
Nagase: まだ敵は沈黙しない? Have we silenced the enemy yet?

Chopper: まったく、あくびが漏れる状況だぜい。 Man, this is enough to make me yawn.
Chopper: さっきから警報が鳴りっぱなしだ! My warning lights have been going crazy!
Chopper: まだ来るぞ! しつこい野郎どもだ。 Here they come again! Stubborn little bastards.
Chopper: たいした物資の集積だぜ。生半可じゃない 戦争準備でかかってやがったんだ。 That's some stockpile of supplies they got there. They were serious about preparing for this war.
Chopper: はやくこのハーネスはずして風呂に漬かりてえ。 シートのすわり心地にはうんざりしてきた。 I just wanna get this harness off and jump into a hot tub. I'm tired of sitting on this ejection seat.
Chopper: 可燃物ゴロゴロだぜ。 よく燃えやがる。 This whole place is a tinderbox. Look how well it burns.
Chopper: 空気がベタついてる感じがする。 The air just feels thick all around me.
Chopper: どんな任務でも文句なんかいいません。 今いってるのは文句なんかじゃねえからな! I never complain about my missions, okay? What I'm doing now is not complaining!
Chopper: ヘッドセットのサイレンサーがいかれた。 エンジン音で耳がおかしくなりそうだ。 The noise blanker in my headset is all messed up. The engine noise is killing my ears.
Chopper: 俺は敵機とやり合うのとどっちが好きかな、 こういうの?…いや、どっちがより嫌いか、だな。 I don't know what I like more; this, or dogfighting? Or maybe the question is which one I HATE more...
Chopper: こういうとき、ジャングルを根こそぎ燃やせば、 と考える奴がいる。真性の馬鹿だ。 In situations like this, a true idiot would propose to burn down the entire jungle.
Chopper: まだ道中半分だぜ。帰り道の心配を、 俺は今からしたい。 We're still only halfway there, but I'd like to start worrying about how we're gonna get back.
Chopper: ちくしょう、ジャングルを歩いて帰ることを 思い浮かべちまった。 Oh, man, I just pictured myself walking back home through the jungle.
Chopper: 退避の練習からは、そろそろ 上がらせてもらえないだろうか。 This defensive fighter maneuver training is nice and all, but I'd like to move on, if you don't mind.
Chopper: ナガセ、ナガセ、いつもどおり行け。 なんかが違うぞ。 Nagase, Nagase, just fly like you always do. There's something weird about you today.

Grimm: 熱帯雨林気候、って、 やっぱり暑いんでしょうね。 Tropical rain forest, huh? Must be hot.
Grimm: 体が動かない。 時差ぼけが響いてるんです! I can't move. The jet lag's getting to me.
Grimm: 敵が見えない。 どこにいる? I can't see the enemy. Where are they?
Grimm: これでは、きりがない。 We'll never get to all of them like this.
Grimm: 敵の混乱が見えます! 続けて叩いた方がいい。 The enemy's confused! We should keep hitting them.
Grimm: ミサイルアラート!後方からです! Missile alert! Behind us!

┌Nagase: …この弾幕の厚さは ただごとじゃないわね。 This is the thickest barrage I've ever seen...
└Chopper: まあな、敵も必死で守るさ。 重要戦略拠点だものな。 Well, no wonder the enemy's serious about protecting this place. It's a key strategic point.
┌Chopper: こっちからは無理だ! そっちはどうだ、ブービー? I can't take them from here! What about you, Booby?
└Grimm: こっちの横穴から攻撃を仕掛けます! I'll launch an attack through the side tunnel over here!
12 MAGNUM 2005/12/24 Sat 00:34:50
Yuke Armory Personnel: 地響きだ。どこかで爆発が起きてるぞ。 Feel that tremor? There's been an explosion somewhere.
Yuke Armory Personnel: 貯蔵施設の半数以上が壊滅状態だ。 Over half the storage facility has been destroyed.
Yuke Armory Personnel: どうにも立場が悪すぎる。 The situation is not looking good here.
Yuke Armory Personnel: 敵が武器庫に向かっていく! Enemy approaching the ammo dump!
Yuke Armory Personnel: 早く出ろ!ここも吹っ飛ぶぞ!! Get out of here! The whole place is gonna blow!
Yuke Armory Personnel: 何があったんだ?凄い爆発だぞ! What was that? That was a huge explosion!
Yuke Armory Personnel: 回線が焼けた、 管制室との連絡不能! Our cables are getting burned. Lost contact with control room!
Yuke Armory Personnel: 仕方が無い、 そこの隔壁を閉鎖しろ! We have to seal it off. Close the partitions!
Yuke Armory Personnel: なんとか守りきれ! この基地もそうやわではないぞ! Keep the defenses up! This base isn't all that vulnerable!
Yuke Armory Personnel: 我々の働きいかんによって 戦局が左右されるんだぞ! Our actions here could turn the tide of this war!
Yuke Armory Personnel: 排煙装置が何故作動しない!? Why isn't the smoke filtration system working?!
Yuke Armory Personnel: 酷い有様だ。このままでは負けるぞ。 This is pathetic. We'll lose for sure if this keeps up.
Yuke Armory Personnel: こっちの火がなかなか 消し止められない! We can't put out this fire!
Yuke Armory Personnel: 輸送船沈没!戦車もろとも水没だ! Transport ship sunk! It's taking the tanks with it!
Yuke Armory Personnel: 周辺部隊への通報はしたのか? Did you notify all nearby units?
Yuke Armory Personnel: 守りきれそうにないぞ! We won't be able to defend this place!
Yuke Armory Personnel: ああ、武器庫までやられたのか! Oh, no, the ammo dump's gone, too?!
┌Yuke Armory Personnel: 送電停止! 各フロアのモニター不能!
└Yuke Armory Personnel: くそ、真っ暗だ。明かりを…
13 MAGNUM 2005/12/24 Sat 00:36:01
Yuke Commando: この密林だ。敵は見えてないぞ。 We're in a jungle. They can't see us.
Yuke Commando: 隠れるには絶好の場所だな。 This is a perfect hiding place.
Yuke Commando: そっちにいったぞ、撃て! They're over there. Fire!
Yuke Commando: くそ、役立たずのレーダー部隊が! Dammit, the radar team is useless!
Yuke Commando: もっと驚かせてやれ! Give 'em another surprise!
Yuke Commando: 泥濘地だ。到着が遅れる。 This area's too muddy. It's going to delay our advance.
Yuke Commando: こちらバリヤグ2、 A-9ボックスへ移動する! This is Varyag 2. Moving to box A-9!
Yuke Commando: ここでは狙える場所も限られてくる。 Our targeting range is limited from here.
Yuke Commando: 湿気で回路が壊れたのか? The humidity must've got to its circuitry.
Yuke Commando: バックブラストには注意しろよ。 Watch the backblast.
Yuke Commando: そっちは河だ、別のルートを進め。 There's a river over there. Go the other way.
Yuke Commando: 畜生!早く撃ち落してくれ! Dammit! Shoot them down, quick!
Yuke Commando: もっと引き付けろ!まだだぞ! Bring them in closer! Closer!
Yuke Commando: 見つかった!発射地点を変更する! They spotted us! Moving to another firing position!
Yuke Commando: こっちだ、こっちに来いよ…! Come on. Keep coming...
Yuke Commando: バリヤグ1と合流する。 We're joining up with Varyag 1.
Yuke Commando: どうした、何故当たらない! What's going on? Why can't I hit anything?
Yuke Commando: よし、こっちへ来たぞ。 All right, here they come.
Yuke Commando: バリヤグ5、同時に狙うぞ! Varyag 5, let's fire on them at the same time!
Yuke Commando: ここは駄目だ、退避! This place is finished. Evacuate!
Yuke Commando: 次弾発射まで時間が必要だ! I need more time before the next volley!
Yuke Commando: 徒歩ではこのスピードが限界だ。 We can't go any faster on foot.
Yuke Commando: 撃つな!ここから撃っても 当たらんぞ! Hold your fire! You're not going to hit anything from here!
Yuke Commando: 渡河完了。これより攻撃に入る。 We've crossed the river. Proceeding with attack.
Yuke Commando: 輸送船は積み込み作業中だ! The transport ship's still loading supplies right now!
┌Yuke Commando: ここは火薬庫なんだ、 分かるか?火気厳禁なんだぞ! Listen to me! This is the ammo dump! We can't have any fire in here!
└Yuke Commando: 爆発したら地形が変わるぞ。 If this place blows up, this whole area will just be one big crater.

Yuke G: 狙われてるぞ! 携帯ミサイルを放棄して撤退せよ! They're coming after us! Leave the Stingers and retreat!
Yuke G: No response from Varyag 9. Is he down?

Yuke Squadron: くそ、もう燃料がないぞ。 Dammit, I'm out of fuel.
Yuke Squadron: 離陸時の静止状態に注意。 Be careful while you are taxiing for takeoff.
Yuke Squadron: 深追いは危険だぞ。 Don't get strung out chasing them too far.
Yuke Squadron: 支援は当てにならない。俺たちだけでやる。 You can't rely on support here. We have to do this ourselves.
14 MAGNUM 2006/01/29 Sun 16:51:28
Ask→Chopper: 対空ミサイルだ!…どこから撃たれた? 分かるか? It's an AA missile! Can you tell where it was fired from?
Yes→Chopper: 了解。ただ、無理に狙おうとしない方が良い。 気をつけろ。 Roger. But we'd better not take any risks trying to shoot them down. Be careful.
No→Chopper: そうか、こっちからも分からん。 低空では気をつけろ。 Neither can I. Be careful at low altitude.
Mute→Chopper: YESかNOかどっちなんだ。 はっきりしてくれ、ブービー。 Yes or no, which is it? I need an answer here, Booby.

Ask→Chopper: たまんねぇな。 もう終わりにしたいな。 I can't stand this. I want to go home already. How about you?
Yes→Chopper: ブービー、お前もか。 とにかく早く片付けよう。 You too, huh, Booby? Let's hurry up and get this over with.
Yes→Grimm: 隊長の本心が出ましたね。 That's what you're really thinking, right, Captain?
No→Chopper: さすが隊長。 俺とは出来が違う。 That's our captain. You're built a lot tougher than I am.
No→Grimm: 当然ですよ。 Of course.
Mute→Grimm: 終わりにするには まだ早いですよ。 It's too early to be going home, Sir.
Mute→Chopper: 冗談だよ。 I'm kidding.

Chopper: さすがに…あー、なんだな。…あれ? 俺は何か軽口飛ばそうとしてたんだっけか。 Yep, I guess you could say...uh, you know...Hmm. Sorry, I thought I had a joke coming.
Nagase: チョッパー、少しうるさい。 任務に集中しなさい。 Chopper, you're getting a little annoying. Concentrate on your mission.
Chopper: 冷静な声でいらついてるんじゃないよ、 お姉ちゃん。 Hey, I know you're stressed, lady, but don't be takin' it out on me.
15 まばろはーれい 2006/02/14 Tue 23:32:54
SAMを1破壊        Yuke G:狙われてるぞ! 携帯ミサイルを放棄して撤退せよ!
SAMを2破壊        Yuke G:バリヤグ9から応答がない。やられたか?        No response from Varyag 9. Is he down?
SAMを3破壊 Yuke G:やつら、まるでこちらの位置がわかってるみたいだ!         It's almost as if they know our position!
SAMを6破壊 Nagase:ジャングルの敵兵ばかり相手にしても戦果が上がらない。
We can't just keep dealing with individual enemy soldiers lurking in the jungle.Let's focus our attacks on more effective targets.
SAMを7破壊 Chopper:どっか別を狙ったほうがいいんじゃねえか?        Shouldn't we be shooting at something else?
SAMを8破壊 Grim:携帯ミサイルばかり相手にしてもいられない。目標を変えたほうが作戦効率が高まるかもしれない。…あ、すみません。
We can't just be fighting off Stinger missiles all day.I think the mission would be more effective if you switch to another target. Oh,um...sorry, Sir.

地上ターゲット群に接近後 ランダム
  ASK Nagase:トンネル内部へ正確に撃ち込まないと効果がないわ。ブレイズ、いける?If we don't fire directly into the tunnel , it not going to have any effect. Can you do it, Blaze?
Yes Nagase:了解。無駄弾は使わないで…あなたなら問題ないわ。        Roger. Don't waste you ammunition... I know it won't be a problem for you.
No Nagase:謙遜のつもり?あなたらしいわね。        You're just trying to be humble, right?
Mute Nagase:聞くだけ無駄だった?任せたわよ。        Okay, I suppose I didn't even need to ask that. I know you can do it.

     Yuke Armory Personnel:電停止! 各フロアのモニター不能!         The power's out! Monitors inactive on all floors!
     Yuke Armory Personnel:くそ、真っ暗だ。明かりを…         Dammit, it's pitch black. I need some light.