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MISSION 21 孤空からの眼差し

1 みぃとろ 2004/11/23 Tue 01:48:25
MISSION 21の台詞情報をこのスレッドで募集いたします。
2 XMAA 2004/11/26 Fri 06:06:38
2010/12/10 1830HRS MT. SCHIRUM
30゚16'54"N 222゚04'57"E        [SILVEREYE]

3 Garmy 2004/12/12 Sun 00:20:51
4 スナイパー 2004/12/15 Wed 22:25:06


5 MAGNUM 2005/05/12 Thu 12:29:49

6 MAGNUM 2005/05/12 Thu 19:25:18

7 小沢 公成 2005/05/14 Sat 20:38:36

これでは…遠すぎて何が写っているのか良く分からないな。もう一枚行こう。(参考:ソフトバンクパブリッシング:エースコンバット5 パーフェクトガイド)






Snow お疲れさん
Grimm 迎えに来ましたよ
Nagase 無事だと信じてたわ

kestrel(Pops) 彼らは引き上げていく。これで今回の作戦は成功だ。

8 黄色の26 2005/05/15 Sun 21:15:47

Analysis of the surveillance photos taken on the previous mission reveals tactical nuclear weapons of the same type used by Belka in the war 15 years ago. These weapos hidden in the mine are about to be retrieved and deployed to the two agressor squadrons in Osean and Yuktobania. The President has made his decision. Destroy the entrance to the mine before the next nuclear weapon is removed from the shaft and bury those weapons of evil inside for good. This mission will be carried out with the usual four ship formation. The only powerful and numerous weapons on target would destroy the rock face above the entrance.
9 黄色の26 2005/05/15 Sun 21:16:25

Mission accomplished. Thanks to that rock avalanche, the mine entrance is now sealed off and the tactical nukes have been removed as a threat to the world. Intel has lost track of the nukes they already removed, but it is certain that the weapon sealed in the mine shaft will never be deployed.
10 黄色の26 2005/05/15 Sun 21:20:34
8&9ミスった○| ̄|_


We're carrying out a reconnaissance mission in order to obtain photographs of the enemy complex. After deciphering the code we received earlier, we've learned that the mining facility in the forest area northwest of Belka is active. An early warning radar network has been spread across the entire forest. To reduce the probability of enemy detection, this mission will be carried out by a single aircraft. Try to approach the target under complete electronic silence , evading radar and passive search techniques. Flying at low altitude is an effective method of delaying or denying enemy detection. You will receive instructions on your recon target from the Command Information Center upon arriving in the mission area. The CIC will monitor you from the support camera. Concentrate on slipping through the enemy radar net first. Your plane in this mission will be completely stripped of weaponry. Instead, it will be equipped with a necessary visual reconnaissance equipment. There is a chance you may encounter the enemy, but your recon mission always takes top priority. Once you take the photos, egress from the target area and return through the enemy defenses as directed.


The recon mission in the mining facility was a success. The images taken clearly show aircrafts from the Yuktobanian agressor squadron park next to planes from the mysterious 8492nd squadron. We will continue to analyze the photographs you took.
11 MAGNUM 2005/07/09 Sat 00:05:43
Kestrel (Pops): ブレイズ、今の気持ちはどうかね? Blaze, how you feelin'?
Kestrel (Pops): 単独飛行は孤独だ。 …だが、飛ぶというのは本来そういうことだ。 Solo flights can be real lonely...but that's what flying is all about, really.

Kestrel (Pops): 索敵レーダーに目を落としてくれ。 敵のレーダー監視範囲が円状に表示されている。 Take a look at your search radar. The enemy's radar range is marked out by those circles.
Kestrel (Pops): この円内に入らぬよう、注意深く 東へ向かって飛行したまえ。 Make sure you don't enter any of those circles, and fly to the east.

Ask→Kestrel (Pops): 低空では敵のレーダーの監視範囲が 小さくなる。高度を下げて確認してみるといい。 The enemy radar's coverage area is smaller at low altitude. You want to see for yourself?
Yes→Kestrel (Pops): 高度を低くとって、レーダーの 隙をついて入り込もう。 Keep your altitude low and slip past the radar to go in.
No/Mute→Kestrel (Pops): とにかく、索敵レーダーに表示されている 敵の監視範囲から目を離さんようにな。 Anyway, the enemy's radar coverage areas will be displayed on your search radar, so keep your eyes on it.

Kestrel (Pops): 偵察任務の君は非武装だ。 This is strictly a recon mission, so you will be unarmed.
Kestrel (Pops): 敵のレーダーの破壊はかなわない。 残念だね。 So unfortunately, you won't be able to destroy the enemy radar. Sorry.

Ask→Kestrel (Pops): 無線封止は目的地到着まで維持。撮影対象と 方法に関してはその後に伝える。いいね? Maintain radio silence until you reach the destination. I'll then explain the target and how to photograph it. Got it?
Yes→Kestrel (Pops): 決して敵の監視範囲には 引っかからないように。頼んだよ。 Make sure you don't get caught within coverage area of the enemy radar. Good luck.
No→Kestrel (Pops): いや、今は敵に察知されることなく目的地に 到達することだけに集中してほしい。頼むよ。 Please Blaze, we really need you to concentrate on reaching the target without being detected.
Mute→Kestrel (Pops): 辿り着くまでの辛抱だ。頼んだよ。 Don't worry, we'll talk again once you're there. I'm counting on you.

Kestrel (Pops): 間もなく無線封止に入る。 次の交信まで元気でな。 We'll go into radio silence in a moment. Hang in there until the next transmission.

Kestrel (Pops): そうだ、目的地上空に到着したんだ。 無線封止もおしまいだ。 All right, you've arrived over the target area. Cancel radio silence.

Kestrel (Pops): 低解像度カメラでそちらの様子が モニターできている。 I'm monitoring your status with a low-resolution camera.
Kestrel (Pops): 鉱山の入り口から輸送機に向けて 運ばれる何かがある。 Something's being moved from the mine entrance to that transport plane.

Kestrel (Pops): よし、鉱山入り口と輸送機を 同時にフレームに入れて撮影しよう。 Okay, let's get a photo with the mine entrance and the transport plane in the frame.
Kestrel (Pops): カメラはミサイル発射ボタンと連動している。 発射ボタンを押せば、撮影だ。 The camera's triggered by the missile launch button. Press it to take a picture.
12 MAGNUM 2005/07/09 Sat 00:14:26
Kestrel (Pops): 写真を受け取った。 Photo received.

Kestrel (Pops): 証拠が必要なんだよ。 もう一枚行こう。 Remember, we need to get a clear picture for evidence. Let's take another one.

Kestrel (Pops): だが、鉱山の入り口と輸送機の両方を ワンフレームに収めて証拠にしたいんだ。 But I want the mine entrance and the transport plane in the same frame for evidence.
Kestrel (Pops): もう一枚頼むよ。 Let's try again.

Kestrel (Pops): これでは…遠すぎて何が写っているか 良く分からないな。もう一枚行こう。 Hmm. This is too far away...I can't tell what it's supposed to be. Let's try again.

Kestrel (Pops): 例の8492飛行隊の連中と、それから ユーク空軍のマークをつけたのがいる。 I see some 8492nd Squadron members, and some planes with the Yuktobanian Air Force mark on them.
Kestrel (Pops): ベルカ人は、ユークにも味方するふりをして アグレッサーを送り込んでいたんだ。 The Belkans are sending aggressors posing as allies over to Yuktobania as well.
Kestrel (Pops): よし、両国の国籍マークが並んでいる ところを撮って証拠にしよう。 All right, let's get a shot of both countries' emblems next to each other for evidence.

Ask→Kestrel (Pops): 次は、2機が離陸する前に、両方を ひとつの画面に収めるんだ。いいね? Now, before the two planes take off, capture both of them in one shot. Got it?
Yes→Kestrel (Pops): よし。シャッターチャンスは少ないからね。 慎重にやるんだ。 Okay. You won't have many chances to take this photo, so concentrate.
No→Kestrel (Pops): なに、君ならできるさ。 さあ、急ごう。 Nonsense. I know you can do it. Now, hurry.
Mute→Kestrel (Pops): ブレイズ、もう無線封止は解除したよ。 応答しても問題ないのだよ。 Blaze, we're not under radio silence anymore. You can respond.

Belkan G: グラーバクの連中が離陸する。 The Grabacr guys are taking off.

Grabacr Squadron: 敵に攻撃する暇はない。 オヴニル4、60秒だ。 The enemy won't have time to attack. Ofnir 4, go up in 60 seconds.
Ofnir Squadron: 了解グラーバク3、60秒だな。 Roger, Grabacr 3. 60 seconds.

Belkan G: あんたらの勝手だ、 離陸を許可する。 Well, it's your choice. Permission to take off granted.

Kestrel (Pops): やつら滑走路先端に到達してしまった。 間もなく離陸だ、撮影を急いでくれ。 They're at the edge of the runway. You gotta hurry and take a picture before they take off.

Kestrel (Pops): 写真を受け取った。 Photo received.

Kestrel (Pops): 証拠が必要なんだよ。 もう一枚行こう。 Remember, we need to get a clear picture for evidence. Let's take another one.

Kestrel (Pops): 2機、両方の機体が並んでいるところが 欲しい。もう一枚頼む。 I want to get a shot of both planes together. Try again.

Kestrel (Pops): これでは…遠すぎて何が写っているか 良く分からないな。もう一枚行こう。 Hmm. This is too far away...I can't tell what it's supposed to be. Let's try again.

Kestrel (Pops): 立派な証拠になるぞ。よくやった。 This is just the evidence we need. Nice work.
13 MAGNUM 2005/07/09 Sat 00:31:59
Kestrel (Pops): 彼らが空に上がってきている。 追撃を振り切って帰投しよう。 They're coming up after you. Shake them off and return home.
Kestrel (Pops): 帰投は「帰還ライン」から行うこと。 いいね? Make sure you come back through the return line, all right?

Grabacr Squadron: 離陸完了、これより迎撃する。 Takeoff complete. Engaging the enemy.

Ask→Kestrel (Pops): ブレイズへ。帰投にあたって敵のレーダー監視網は もう気にしなくていい。分かっているね? By the way Blaze, on the way back, you don't have to worry about the enemy radar network. You know that, right?
Yes→Kestrel (Pops): 寄り道せずに家に帰ってくるんだ。 丸腰であることを忘れないようにね。 Head straight home and don't wander off. Don't forget that you're unarmed.
No→Kestrel (Pops): 敵の監視網はもう関係ない。 敵の追撃が迫っている。一直線に戻るんだ。 It doesn't matter if they pick you up now. The enemy is in pursuit anyway. Just head straight home.
Mute→Kestrel (Pops): とにかく、真っ直ぐ 帰っておいで。待っているよ。 At any rate, just come on home. We'll be waitin' for ya.

Belkan G: 見たか今の? 何て上がりかたなんだ! Did you see that? I've never seen anyone climb like that!
Belkan G: ああ、やっぱりあいつら凄いな。 Yeah...those guys are something else.

Kestrel (Pops): 逃げ切ることだけを頭に。 他は何も気にしなくていい。 Just keep your mind focused on shaking them off. Don't worry about anything else.
Kestrel (Pops): 困難な状況だが… やり遂げられると信じてるぞ。 I know it's tough out there...but I believe in you. You can do it.
Kestrel (Pops): スピードを上げて、少しでも引き離すんだ。 Push it up. Put as much distance as you can between you and the enemy.
Kestrel (Pops): 戦う時は今ではない。 良く理解してくれ。 This isn't the time to fight. Do you understand me?
Kestrel (Pops): 彼らは、この短時間で離陸してきたか。 変わらない腕前だ。 They got in the air that quickly? They haven't lost it, I see.
Kestrel (Pops): 君さえ生きて帰れば、 この後も作戦が続けられる。 Just get back home alive, and we can keep this operation going.
Kestrel (Pops): 今日の君は偵察機だ。 空戦は君の任務ではない。 You're in a reconnaissance aircraft. This isn't a dogfight mission.

Ofnir Squadron: 敵機視認。ボディは黒、尾翼は赤か。 Enemy plane visually confirmed. Black body, red tail.
Ofnir Squadron: 攻撃はグラーバク3、お前に任せる。 He's all yours, Grabacr 3.
Ofnir Squadron: 敵が離脱する、追うぞグラーバク3。 Enemy disengaging. Grabacr 3 we're going after him.
※Grabacr 3の後にコンマなし。誤植?

Grabacr Squadron: 機体にマークがある。 見たこともないやつだ。 There's an emblem on the body. I've never seen that one before.
Grabacr Squadron: オヴニル4、攻撃位置につけ。 Ofnir 4, attack formation.
Grabacr Squadron: それなりに腕は立つようだな。 Looks like the pilot can hold his own.

Belkan G: こちらでも視認、一機だけだ。 Visual confirmation. I only see one plane.
Belkan G: 気を引き締めろ、訓練じゃない。 Stay alert. This isn't a drill.
Belkan G: 早く落とせ、グラーバクに 笑われるぞ。 Hurry up and shoot it down. The Grabacr's gonna laugh at us.
Belkan G: 攻撃してくる様子はない。偵察か? It doesn't look like it's going to attack. Is it a recon?
Belkan G: 何のためのレーダーだ、くそっ! Dammit, our radar is useless!
Belkan G: まさかここまで来るヤツがいるとは…。 I'm amazed anyone would actually fly all the way out here...
Belkan G: 味方の連絡機か何かの 間違いではないのか? You sure it's not an allied transport or something?
Belkan G: この怠慢は必ず報告してやる、覚悟しろ! I swear, I'm gonna report you for your negligence!
14 MAGNUM 2005/07/09 Sat 00:37:49
Kestrel (Pops): いやいや、それでは方向が違うぞ。 No, no, that's the wrong way.
Kestrel (Pops): レーダーマップの白い破線を越えて、 我々の元へ帰還するんだ。 Cross the white dotted line on your radar map to come back to us.

Snow: お疲れさん。 Good work.
Grimm: 迎えに来ましたよ。 Need a lift home, Sir?
Nagase: 無事だと信じてたわ。 I knew you'd get back in one piece.

Ofnir Squadron: 前方に敵機3確認、新手だ。 Three enemy planes dead ahead. Fresh ones.
Grabacr Squadron: これ以上の追跡は無意味だ。 引き上げるぞ。 There's no point in chasing them any further. Let's pull out.

Kestrel (Pops): 彼らは引き上げていく。 これで今回の作戦は成功だ。 The enemy is withdrawing. Our mission is a success.

Kestrel (Pops): 敵に捕捉されてしまったな。 引き上げよう。追っ手が来る前に。 You've been acquired by the enemy. Let's turn back before you get bounced.

Kestrel (Pops): ああ、離陸されてしまった。 よし、今回はあきらめて出直そう。 Ahh, they took off on us. All right, let's come back here later.

Kestrel (Pops): だめだ…。今回はあきらめて出直そう。 This isn't gonna work. Let's come back here later.

15 MAGNUM 2005/08/31 Wed 18:52:11

Kestrel (Pops): よし、鉱山入り口と輸送機を 同時にフレームに入れて撮影しよう。 Okay, let's get a photo with the mine entrance and the transport plane in the frame.

Kestrel (Pops): よし。シャッターチャンスは少ないからね。 慎重にやるんだ。 Okay. You won't have many chances to take this photo, so concentrate.



Grabacr Squadron: 離陸完了、これより迎撃する。 Takeoff complete. Engaging the enemy.