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MISSION 23 ラーズグリーズの亡霊

1 みぃとろ 2004/11/23 Tue 01:47:30
MISSION 23の台詞情報をこのスレッドで募集いたします。
2 XMAA 2004/11/26 Fri 06:09:29
29゚08'18"N 095゚08'45"E        [RIVERBED]
3 MAGNUM 2005/05/12 Thu 11:29:17


4 黄色の26 2005/05/15 Sun 23:21:39


We've intercepted another mysterious radio transmission. This time it specifies a location within Yuktobania. It's probably...well, this is just a hunch on my thought, but I bet that's with the nuclear weapons sent into Yuktobania as located. There's another set of numbers. This time it's a radio frequency.

Your next mission is a reconnaissance flight above the canyon in the northern highlands of Yuktobania, the place described in the unidentified radio transmission. The highlands are completely covered by the Yuktobania air-defense system, so the only safe place to fly is within the canyon itself. Fly
down the canyon and reach the target area. Once you are there, set your radio channel to the directed frequency and begin gathering information. You may be engaged by local Yuktobanian forces and, depending on the contents of the transmission, you may also find yourself engaging in other combat as well. You are permitted to fight the enemy as necessary, but you must try to keep your altitude below the rim of the canyon.



We received contact from an apparent resistance group that seized and captured one of Yuktobania's nuclear weapons. Intelligence believes that it's one of the nukes taken from the mine before we sealed it off on the 12th. Furthermore, our radar has detected numerous enemy fighters entering the canyon and flying toward the local airspace. The force includes Yuktobanian fighters and armed helicopters. Their mission is most likely to destroy the resistance's hideout. The enemy fighters are spread out throughout the canyon, so we believe that the Yuktobanians still don't have the exact location of the hideout. Destroy the enemy forces before they can find and wipe out the resistance. As mentioned previously, the local space is blanketted by Yuktobania's air-defense system. Watch your altitude and whatever you do, don't fly above the rim of the canyon.



Mission accomplished. The information we obtained as well as the physical damage we caused dealt a significant blow to the enemy. Judging by our analysis of the information, there appears to be highly organized resistance force acting against the Yuktobanian military regime. It is likely the nuclear
weapon which Yuktobania acquired was safely dismantled by the resistance.
5 黄色の26 2005/05/18 Wed 00:32:31

the local space is blanketted → the local space is blanketed
6 MAGNUM 2005/05/24 Tue 22:56:12
Alyosha: やっぱりだ。来てくれた。 戦闘機だ。 Oh wow, it's true. They've come! Fighter jets!
Alyosha: こっちは敵の警戒通信も傍受しているので わかります。聞こえますか? I can tell because I'm intercepting enemy alert signals as well. Can you hear this?
Nagase: 誰なの? Who are you? Identify yourself.
Alyosha: 軍事政権化したユーク政府に対して、大勢の 知識人や学生たちがレジスタンス活動をしています。 A great number of students and intellectuals are staging a resistance against the military government of Yuktobania.
Alyosha: 僕のことはアリョーシャと。 もちろん本名ではありませんが。 You can call me Alyosha...that's not my real name, of course.
Alyosha: ああ、でも、本当に来てくれた。 あの人のいったとおりだ。 I'm so glad you actually's just like he said.
Nagase: あの人? He?
Alyosha: 時間がありません。 状況を説明します。 We have no time. Let me explain the situation.

Ofnir Squadron:
This is Ofnir 2.
You sure it's them?
Ofnir Squadron:
そうらしい といっている
This is Ofnir 1.
I said, that's what I heard.
The ghosts of the “Demons of Razgriz.”
Ofnir Squadron:
You're kidding me.
They all sunk to the bottom of the ocean.
Didn't the guys from Grabacr tell you that?
Ofnir Squadron:
We'll find out if they're ghosts or not...when we take them on in combat.

Nagase: オヴニル全機撃墜。 敵残存部隊も撤退したようです。 All Ofnir fighters shot down. Looks like the other enemy forces bugged out on us, too.
Alyosha: よし。解体が終わったぞ。 敵の軍隊はすべて撃退してもらえたんですか。 Okay, we've dismantled the bomb. Did you fend off the enemy forces for us?
Nagase: 今のところは。 For now.
Alyosha: 僕らは海に出て、こいつを 一部品ずつバラバラに捨てる。 We're going into the ocean to discard the bomb, piece by piece.
Alyosha: それでもう誰も絶対に 核兵器を使えない。 Nobody will ever be able to use it as a weapon again.
Alyosha: 出来たら、海に出るまで 僕らを守ってください。 If you can, please protect us until we make it into the ocean.
Nagase: ええ。それより…。 We will. But what about...
Alyosha: びっくりしないで下さいね。 僕らの船は…潜水艦なんです。 Don't be surprised, but our's a submarine.
Alyosha: 僕らに手に入れられないものはない。 大勢の味方たちだって。 There's nothing we can't get our hands on. I told you, we have a lot of allies.
Nagase: ええ!それで、あなたたちに、 私たちがきっと来ると伝えたのは誰なの? All right! But who told you that we'd definitely be coming for you?
Alyosha: 名前は知りません。 I don't know his name...
Alyosha: でも、彼からあなた方の隊長さん宛て にメッセージがあります。読みます。 but he left a message for your Captain. I'll read it. It says,
Alyosha: 「ブービー、いい隊長ぶりだって いうじゃねえか」… “Hey Booby, I hear you're a helluva Squad Captain now...”
Alyosha: わかりましたか? Do you get it?
Nagase: ええ!はっきりと! Yes! Perfectly!
7 MAGNUM 2005/06/14 Tue 09:52:17

Alyosha: 今、核爆弾を 再起動不可能なように解体中です。 A physics graduate student from Yuktobania Central University is currently dismantling the nuclear bomb so that it can never be detonated again.
Alyosha: ユーク首都中央大学の物理学の 大学院生がそれを行っています。
Alyosha: 解体が終わるまで、敵の侵入を 食い止めていただきたいのです。 We need you to hold off the Yuktobanian forces from entering the ravine until he finishes the task.

Ask→Grimm: 崖が迫ってくるようだ…。何て 飛びにくい場所なんだ。そう思いませんか? It feels like the cliff is closing in on us. Flying here is nearly impossible. Don't you think so?
Yes→Grimm: ええ、その上、上空は 抑えられているときている。 And on top of that, the airspace above us is under their control.
No→Grimm: そりゃ隊長は大丈夫かもしれませんが…。 Well, sure, maybe YOU'RE all right, but...
Mute→Nagase: ここは各自の判断で やるのが良さそうね。 It looks like each of us will need to proceed on our own discretion here.

Grimm: ヘリが相手なら戦えるぞ。 If all they have are helicopters, then we can take them on.

Alyosha: 今、核爆弾を解体中。 ちっぽけな爆弾だ。これは戦術核? We're now dismantling the nuclear bomb. This is a pretty tiny bomb. Maybe it's a tactical nuke.
Alyosha: 本当にこんなもので 街がひとつ消し飛ぶのだろうか…。 Hard to believe something like this can wipe out an entire city...

Yuke G: こちらバリヤグ4、 降下地点の掃討は完了した。 This is Varyag 4. We've sanitized the drop point.

Snow: 飛行技術が試されるな、 全力を尽くそう。 This is gonna be a real test of our flying ability. Let's do our best.

Snow: ヘリを渓谷内に接近させるな。 Don't let the helicopters approach the canyon.

Yuke G: この洞窟から始めるぞ、合図で突入だ。 Let's start with that cave. Go in on my signal.
Yuke G: 罠に誘い込まれてるような気分だ。 I feel like we're being lured into a trap.

Nagase: 「あの人」…? 私たちのことを知っている「あの人」? “He?” Someone who knows us? Could it be?...

Yuke G: 誰も見当たらないぞ。 もう逃げ出したのか? I don't see anyone here. Have they already escaped?
Yuke G: 早く見つけろ。 何をしでかすか分からんぞ。 Hurry up and find them. We have no idea what they're up to.

Yuke G: 本部より掃討部隊、 状況を報告せよ。 HQ to Special Forces. Report your status.
Yuke G: こちら掃討部隊、 どこももぬけのカラだ。 This is Special Forces. There's no one here.

Yuke G: 真っ暗だ、暗視装置をよこしてくれ。 It's pitch black. Give me a night scope.

Yuke G: 奴らが誤爆させないことを心から祈るよ。 I'm just praying they don't blow up that thing by accident.

Resistance: 軍の攻撃で誘爆ってことはないのか? This thing won't be set off by an enemy attack, will it?
Alyosha: この中に踏み込まれたら 一巻の終わりだ! If they raid this room, it's all over for us!

Yuke G: こちらバリヤグ2、 部隊が各所で寸断されています! This is Varyag 2. Our squads are being cut off from each other!
8 MAGNUM 2005/06/14 Tue 09:59:18

Yuke G: 本部よりバリヤグ各隊へ。 状況を報告せよ。 HQ to all Varyag squads. Report.
Yuke G: ダメだ、どこももぬけのカラだ! Nothing yet. Every place we've searched was empty!

Yuke Helicopter: 地の利はこちらにある。 焦るんじゃない! We have the terrain advantage. Don't rush!

Yuke G: いたぞ!撃ちながら奥へ逃げていく! There they are! They're shooting and running inside!
Yuke G: くそっ、俺たち共々爆発に巻き込む気か? Are they trying to take us all out in the explosion?

Ask→Alyosha: また爆音が…外の敵は 阻止出来ているのですか? I just heard another jet engine...Are you managing to keep the enemy outside at bay?
Yes→Alyosha: すごい…我々も しっかりやり遂げましょう! That's great...we better do our best, too!
No→Alyosha: この作戦は失敗するわけには いかないんです。お願い! We can't let this operation fail. Please!
Mute→Alyosha: …だめだ応答がない。 彼らを信じるしかない。 It's no good, there's no response. There's nothing we can do but trust them.

Yuke G: 天井が崩れた!通路を封鎖された! The ceiling just collapsed! The passageway is blocked!

Resistance: 点火プラグの配線を切断する。 離れてくれ。 I'm cutting the wires to the spark plugs. Stand back.
Resistance: 全部で32本だ…長くなるぞ。 There's 32 wires...this'll take a while.
Resistance: 手元の工具はこれだけだ。 これだけしかない。 These are all the tools I have. They're all we've got.

Yuke G: 後ろから敵だぞ。 あっちは制圧したんじゃないのか!? The enemy's behind us. Didn't you secure the area back there?!
Yuke G: 身を隠すような場所がない、どうする!? There's no place to hide. Now what?!

Nagase: 爆発物解体の経験は? Do you have any experience handling explosives?
Resistance: ふふふっ、火炎瓶を作ったのが 関の山の僕らですよ。 The best we've ever managed was making Molotov cocktails.
Nagase: 大丈夫? Are you sure you're okay?
Alyosha: まあね。理論研究なら パーフェクトなんだけど…。 Sure. I'll have it all figured out. In theory, anyway...

Resistance: な、なんだ? 起爆回路に通電しはじめた!'s powering up the trigger circuit!
Grimm: それ!まさかそんな…! What?! You mean it's gonna...
Alyosha: …あ、いや、大丈夫。 カットオフしました。 ...Oh, no, never mind, it's fine. We shut it off.
Grimm: そう…良かった… Oh...Okay...Whew.

Alyosha: 今は何よりも成功したい…しなくては…。 We've got to do it. We can't afford not to...
Nagase: 気を落ち着けて、必ず成功する。 Stay calm. You can do it.
9 MAGNUM 2005/06/14 Tue 10:01:25

Yuke G: 本部より掃討部隊、 状況を報告せよ。 HQ to Special Forces. Report your status.
Yuke G: 洞窟内でレジスタンスが残したらしき ゴミを発見。最近のものだ。 We found some garbage inside the cave. Believed to be left behind by the resistance. They were here recently.

Yuke Helicopter: こんな場所を飛ぶなんて正気の沙汰じゃない。 落とされるぞ! They'd have to be insane to fly here. They'll be shot down for sure!

Alyosha: 被膜が破れてる、短絡に注意しろ。 The protective film's been torn off. Watch out for short circuits.
Alyosha: 慎重に切断しろよ。 …切るのは本当にその線か? Be careful what you cut. Are you sure that's the correct wire?

Yuke G: ここは…缶詰やら瓶が散乱している。 What is this place? There's cans and bottles strewn all over.
Yuke G: 物には触れるな。 トラップが仕掛けられている可能性がある。 Don't touch anything. This stuff might be booby-trapped.

Yuke G: 連絡を密にせよ、連携を怠るな! Stay in contact. Be sure to move as a unit!

Yuke G: 相手はアマチュアだが油断するな。 We're dealing with amateurs here, but don't let down your guard.
Yuke G: 追い込まれたら何をするか 分からん連中だ。 They can be dangerously unpredictable if they're cornered.

Alyosha: 敵はどのくらいまで? How close are the enemy forces?
Snow: 我々が食い止めてるさ。 構わずに作業を続けてくれ。 We're holding them off. You just stay focused on your task.

Alyosha: これが爆縮レンズ…。 実際に見るのは初めてだ。 So this is an implosion lens...I've never seen the real thing before.

Resistance: 危ない!手が滑った!落ちるぞ! Watch out! My hand's slipping! It's gonna drop!
Snow: おい、どうしたんだ?応答しろ! Hey, what's going on? Answer me!
Resistance: いや…ギリギリで受け止めました。 ふう…。 Uh...we're okay. We caught it just in time. Whew...
Snow: …頼むぞ、これっきりにしてくれ。 Look, stop scaring us like that, okay?
10 MAGNUM 2005/06/14 Tue 10:09:47

Yuke G: 本部より掃討部隊、 状況を報告せよ。 HQ to Special Forces. Report your status.
Yuke G: 穴倉の奥へ順調に追い込んでる。 確保はもう直ぐだ。 Good, we're pushing them towards the tunnel's end. We'll catch them soon.

Yuke G: 狭いぞ、一人がやっと通れるスペースだ。 This space is narrow. We can only squeeze one man through at a time.
Yuke G: ライトと拳銃をくれ、俺が先行する。 Give me a gun and a flashlight. I'll go in first.
Yuke G: 嫌な予感がする、くれぐれも慎重にな。 I got a bad feeling about this. Be careful, all right?

Resistance: 核をこんな場所で解体するなんて 正気の沙汰じゃない! Man we gotta be nuts to be taking apart a nuclear bomb in a place like this!
Grimm: 敵が彼らの所に辿り着く前に、早く! Hurry up, before the enemy gets to them!

Grimm: ここを飛び続けるしかないのか? So all we can do is keep flying around here?

Grimm: 解体にはまだ時間が? How much longer until you dismantle that nuke?
Alyosha: 待って!慎重にやってるんです。 Hold on! We need to be really careful here.

Yuke G: これは狩猟用の銃弾だぞ。 国際法違反だ! Those are bullets for a hunter's rifle! That's against international law!

Alyosha: そいつを引き出してくれ、ゆっくりだ。 Pull that thing out slowly.
Resistance: 取り出したぞ、コンクリートを流し込め。 Okay, it's out. Pour the concrete inside there.

Alyosha: 論理と実践の差が大きすぎるぞ…。 There's a big difference between theory and practice, you know...

11 MAGNUM 2005/06/14 Tue 12:29:03
Grimm: 敵機です。 この前の偵察写真の奴だ。 Enemy aircraft. The guys from the surveillance photo.
Nagase: 気をつけて。おやじさんがいっていた、 ベルカ人のエースよ。 Be careful. Remember what Pops said...these guys are Belkan aces.
Ask→Grimm: オヴニル戦闘機隊… ユークのアグレッサーか! Ofnir fighters...So they're the Yuke aggressors?!
Yes→Grimm: くそ、こんな場所で… 狩の獲物になった気分です。 Dammit, of all the places...I feel like they're hunting us like animals.
No→Grimm: いえ隊長、確かにあれは偵察写真に 写っていた機です。接近してきます! No, Captain, those are definitely the planes in the recon photo. They're closing in!
Yuke Helicopter: オヴニル隊へ。 この渓谷の飛行は危険だ。 Ofnir Squadron, flying through this ravine is extremely dangerous.
Ofnir Squadron: オヴニル1より全機へ、 飛行に支障無し。 Ofnir 1 to all planes. No obstacles to our flight observed.
Yuke Helicopter: おい…聞こえてないのか? 引き返せ! Hey...didn't you hear me? Turn back!
Ask→Ofnir Squadron: 貴様らがラーズグリーズの 悪魔なのか? You're the Demons of Razgriz?
Yes→Ofnir Squadron: ここを悪魔の墓場とする。 Then we're going to turn this place into a demon's graveyard.
No→Ofnir Squadron: いずれにしても、死んでもらう。 No matter, it's time for you to die.
Snow: 悪いな。ウチの隊長はな、強いんだ。 Sorry guys. Our captain's really good.
12 MAGNUM 2005/06/14 Tue 12:29:59
Yuke Helicopter: 黒い戦闘機だなんて、 気味悪い奴らだ。 Black fighter, that's just creepy.

Snow: 敵機だけでなく地形にも注意しろ。 Keep an eye on your surroundings, not just the enemy planes.

Yuke Helicopter: ヘリでもここを飛ぶのは危険だ。 It's dangerous flying here, even for a helicopter.
Yuke Helicopter: あんなスピードで飛んだら ぶつかるぞ! You're gonna crash into each other flying that fast!

Yuke Helicopter: オーシア軍機でもない。 マークが違うぞ。 They aren't Osean military planes. The emblem's different.
Yuke Helicopter: この渓谷を飛べる敵だ、 只者じゃないのは確かだ。 Well whoever they are, they aren't your typical pilots, that's for sure.

Grimm: ユークに混じった ベルカ人部隊ですね! This is the Belkan force that's mixed in with the Yukes!
Snow: 敵はベテラン中のベテランだぞ! These guys are seasoned veterans!

Nagase: 敵は美しいまでに 整然と飛んでいる。 The enemy's flying so's almost beautiful.

Snow: 相手の罠に誘い込まれるな! Don't fall for the enemy's tricks!

Snow: 凄いな!全機整った同じ動きだ。 Amazing! Each plane moves just as well as the other!

Yuke Helicopter: くそ、まともな奴らじゃない! These guys are just plain crazy!
Yuke Helicopter: 奴らには地形なんか 関係ないんだ! The terrain doesn't matter to those guys!

Grimm: 数が減ってもまだ食い下がってくる! They've lost so many planes, and they still keep coming!

Yuke Helicopter: こいつらが敵でなくて 良かったな。 I'm sure glad these guys are on our side.
Yuke Helicopter: 乗ってるのは 人間じゃないって噂だぞ。 Rumor has it those pilots aren't even human.

Nagase: すぐ後方よ!油断しないで。 They're right behind you! Don't let your guard down.

Alyosha: カウンターが危険数値を示してる。 The counter's in the danger zone.
Resistance: ある程度の被爆は覚悟の上だ。 We'll just have to deal with a little radiation exposure.

Resistance: 明かりだ、明かりをもっと! More light. I need more light!

Grimm: 谷に激突しそうだ! We're this close to crashing into the valley!

Snow: 上には出るな、狙われるぞ。 Don't go above the canyon. You'll be an easy target.

Grimm: 僕たちを真っ直ぐ狙ってくる! They're coming head-on, right for us!

Snow: あんな機動では空中分解するぞ! They keep flying like that, and they'll break apart in mid-air!

Nagase: これがベルカの飛び方? Is this how Belkan pilots fly?
Grimm: こんな戦闘機動、見たことないぞ! I've never seen air combat maneuvers like these before!

Yuke Helicopter: 空中サーカスでも 見てるみたいだ。 It's like I'm watching an air show.
Yuke Helicopter: 見とれてないで任務に集中しろ。 Quit gawking at them and focus on your mission.
13 MAGNUM 2005/06/14 Tue 12:50:03
Yuke Helicopter: いつもの彼ららしくない。 何を手間取ってる? This isn't like those guys. What's keeping them?
Yuke Helicopter: オヴニルが苦戦するような 相手がいたのか。 So there really is someone out there that can give Ofnir a hard time, eh?

Yuke Helicopter: 見ろ、敵の奴らオヴニルを 追い詰めている! Look, the enemy's running down Ofnir!
Yuke Helicopter: オヴニルを落とせる奴といったら…。 There's only one squadron I know that could shoot down Ofnir...
Yuke Helicopter: 俺も考えてた…ラーズグリーズ…。 I was just thinking the same thing...Razgriz...

Yuke Helicopter: ヴィーチャ、 こいつが信じられるか? Hey Vicya, can you believe these guys?
Yuke Helicopter: あんな操縦は 真似したくないもんだ。 I wouldn't want to follow them through those maneuvers.

▼(Ofnir Squadronの台詞)
Ofnir Squadron: 背後に回れ。 Get around behind them.
Ofnir Squadron: 敵の先頭を狙うぞ。 I'm going after the enemy lead plane.
Ofnir Squadron: そちらの敵は任せる。 I'll let you deal with that one.
Ofnir Squadron: 後方から援護しろ。 Cover us from the rear.
Ofnir Squadron: 撃墜しろ。 Take them down.
Ofnir Squadron: くそ!しつこい! Dammit! He's still there!
Ofnir Squadron: 大丈夫、振り切る。 I'll shake him off!
Ofnir Squadron: 急旋回する! Hard left!
Ofnir Squadron: 旋回して回避しろ。 Break hard and evade.

Nagase: ブレイズ、ミサイルが飛んでくる。 高度を落として谷に入って。 Blaze, you're going to have missiles flying at you. Reduce your altitude and descend into the canyon.
Snow: ブレイズ、高度に気をつけろ! ミサイルが飛んでくるぞ! Blaze, watch your altitude! You'll have missiles all over you!
Grimm: 隊長、高度を上げすぎては ミサイルに狙われます! Captain, if you climb too high, you'll be an easy target for missiles!

Nagase: 今はこのまま行きましょう。 Let's just keep flying for now.
Snow: ネガティブ。地形上の 制約が大きく難しい。 Negative. We're restricted by the terrain here.
Grimm: それどころじゃないです! Please, not now!

14 MAGNUM 2005/07/19 Tue 18:19:15
15 小沢 公成 2005/09/25 Sun 15:58:50
16 黄色の26 2006/03/19 Sun 20:37:51

a hunch on my thought → a hunch on my part